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AWS Core Technologies

Cloud Computing overview

AWS core technologies
Breadth and depth of AWS services and offerings

Cloud provides service to resource through internet

Cloud computing is on demand delivery of compute power , database, storage, application

and other IT resources via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.

Trade capital expense for variable expense
Benefit from massive economies of scale
Stop guessing capacity
Increase speed and agility
Stop spending money running and maintaining data centers
Go global in minutes

Global infrastructure:
Region < Availability Zones < Edge Locations

AWS Core Technologies:

Compute, Storage, Database, Security, Management, Networking

Compute Services:
Develop, deploy, run and scale workloads in the AWS Cloud
Amazon EC2 - Resize compute capacity
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling - Increase or decrease number of instances
Elastic Load Balancing Distribute incoming traffic
AWS Lambda Run code in response to events
Amazon Elastic Container Service Run applications on a managed cluster

Benefits of Amazon EC2:

AMI - Amazon Machine Images refer to initial software configuration of instance

AWS Scaling:
Launch new instances in advance of peak periods
Use Monitoring to programmatically scale out
Automatically scale in
Pay for the resources needed when needed

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Automatically add or remove instances to adapt to demand
Monitor the health of running instances
Replace impaired instances automatically
Balance capacity across availability zones
Dynamic and predictive scaling

Amazon Elastic Load Balancing

Automatically distribute traffic across multiple EC2 instances
Increate availability and fault tolerance
Configure health checks
Offload encryption and description
Application Load Balancer
Network Load Balancer
Classic Load Balancer

Storage Services:
Amazon Elastic Block Store - Persistent block-level storage
Amazon S3 - Durable, scalable object storage
Amazon S3 Glacier - Data Archiving and backup
AWS Storage Gateway - Seamless and secure integration
Amazon Elastic File System -File Storage for Amazon EC2 instance

Database Services:

Amazon RDS
Amazon DynamoDB no sql database fast and predictable performance
Amazon ElastiCache - fast managed information retrieval

Amazon VPC virtual network in the cloud

Security Groups Control access to instances
Network Access Control Lists Control Access to subnets
Amazon Route 53 Route users to internet applications

AWS IAM (Identity Access Management), Shared Responsibility Model, Cloud compliance
AWS IAM Securely manage access to AWS services and resources
From service to Solution

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