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Assignment 1

Cloud Computing

Question: Explain about IAM user.

Answer: IAM (Identity and Access Management) users are entities in AWS that represent an
individual or system, allowing them to interact with AWS resources securely. IAM users are
used to grant specific permissions for accessing AWS services and resources. Each IAM user
has a unique set of security credentials (username and password, or access keys) and
permissions, allowing them to perform specific actions.

Question: What are widgets? Explain any 3 types of widgets.

Answer: In the context of AWS, widgets are components of the AWS Management Console
dashboard that provide a visual representation of various metrics and information. They help
users monitor and manage their resources more effectively. Here are three types of widgets:
1. Metric Widgets:
o These widgets display key performance indicators (KPIs) as graphs or charts.
o Example: A metric widget might show the CPU utilization of an Amazon EC2 instance
over time.
2. Text Widgets:
o Text widgets allow users to add textual information or annotations to the dashboard.
o Example: A text widget could include a description or explanation of the metrics being
displayed on the dashboard.
3. Control Widgets:
o Control widgets provide interactive elements, allowing users to control or customize
the displayed information.
o Example: A control widget might include a drop-down menu for selecting a specific
AWS region to view metrics for.

Question: Mention at least 10 AWS services with their description.

Answer: Here are 10 AWS services with brief descriptions:
1. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service):
o Object storage service for scalable and secure storage of data.
2. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud):
o Virtual servers in the cloud, providing scalable compute capacity.
3. AWS Lambda:
o Serverless compute service allowing the execution of code in response to events.
4. Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service):
o Managed relational database service, supporting multiple database engines.
5. Amazon DynamoDB:
o Fully managed NoSQL database service for high-performance applications.
6. Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service):
o Fully managed messaging service for distributing messages and notifications.
7. Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service):
o Managed message queuing service for decoupling components of cloud applications.
8. Amazon Route 53:
o Scalable and highly available domain name system (DNS) web service.
9. Amazon CloudFront:
o Content delivery network (CDN) service for secure and low-latency content delivery.
10. Amazon Kinesis:
o Real-time streaming data service for processing and analysing large volumes of data.

Question: What are the different AWS Payment model?

Answer: AWS offers various payment models, including:
1 On-Demand:
o Pay-as-you-go pricing with no upfront costs or long-term commitments.
2 Reserved Instances:
o Reserved capacity with significant cost savings compared to on-demand
pricing, suitable for predictable workloads.
3 Spot Instances:
o Bid for unused EC2 capacity at potentially lower prices, suitable for flexible
workloads and cost optimization.
Question: Name and explain any 3 services in compute and storage of AWS
Answer: Compute and Storage Services in AWS:
1 Amazon EC2 (Compute):
o Provides scalable virtual servers in the cloud.
2 AWS Lambda (Compute):
o Serverless compute service, allowing event-triggered execution of code.
3 Amazon S3 (Storage):
o Object storage service for scalable and durable storage of data.

Question: Explain the following diagram

Answer: The diagram you've provided appears to depict the infrastructure and networking
components of an AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud computing environment. Here's an
explanation of the elements shown in the diagram:

1. Internet: This is the global system of interconnected computer networks that AWS services
connect to. It's represented as a cloud symbol which is a standard iconography to denote the
broader internet in network diagrams.
2. Region: AWS has the concept of a "Region," which is a physical location around the world
where they cluster data centers. Each AWS Region consists of multiple, isolated, and
physically separate Availability Zones within a geographic area.

3. Availability Zones (AZs): These are isolated locations within data center regions from which
public cloud services originate and operate. They are designed to be isolated from failures in
other AZs and provide inexpensive, low-latency network connectivity to other zones in the
same region. In this diagram, there are three such zones, indicating that this particular AWS
Region is composed of three separate Availability Zones. This is a common configuration that
provides a good balance between high availability and geographical redundancy.

4. Transit Centers: While not a standard AWS term, this likely refers to a transit gateway or a
similar network hub that allows different parts of the network (in this case, the different
Availability Zones) to communicate with one another. A transit gateway acts as a network
transit hub, to interconnect your virtual private clouds (VPC) and on-premises networks.

5. Data Centers: These are the actual physical facilities that host cloud resources such as
servers, storage systems, and networking hardware. In the context of this diagram, each
Availability Zone would have one or more data centers. The diagram outside of the region
illustrates that multiple data centers can exist within a single Availability Zone.

This infrastructure design allows AWS to provide high availability and fault tolerance to
applications and databases that operate within their cloud. By distributing resources across
multiple, discrete data centers and connecting them through high-speed networking, AWS
can ensure that even if one Availability Zone were to experience an outage, the others could
pick up the slack, thereby minimizing the impact on the end-users.

Question: Explain the following terms

1. EC2
2. RDS
3. VPC
Answer: Here are the following explanations:
1 EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud):
o Definition: Amazon EC2, or Elastic Compute Cloud, is a web service provided by AWS
that allows users to rent virtual servers in the cloud. These virtual servers, known as
instances, can be configured with different computing capacities, memory, and
storage based on the user's requirements.

o Key Features:
1. Scalability: Easily scale computing capacity up or down based on demand.
2. Variety of Instances: Choose from various instance types optimized for different
3. Customizable: Users have full control over the virtual machines, including the
operating system, applications, and network configurations.
o Use Cases:
1. Hosting applications.
2. Running batch processing jobs.
3. Hosting websites.
4. Running machine learning models.

2 RDS (Relational Database Service):

o Definition: Amazon RDS, or Relational Database Service, is a managed database
service provided by AWS that simplifies the setup, operation, and scaling of relational
databases. RDS supports several popular database engines, including MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MariaDB.

o Key Features:
1. Automated Backups: RDS automatically performs regular backups, allowing point-in-
time recovery.
2. Scalability: Easily scale database resources up or down based on demand.
3. High Availability: Provides options for multi-AZ deployments for enhanced availability.

o Use Cases:
1. Storing and retrieving structured data.
2. Running applications that require relational databases.
3. Managing databases without the need for manual administrative tasks.

3 VPC (Virtual Private Cloud):

o Definition: Amazon VPC, or Virtual Private Cloud, is a logically isolated section of the
AWS Cloud where users can launch AWS resources in a virtual network. It allows users
to define their own network environment, including IP address ranges, subnets, and
routing tables, within the AWS infrastructure.

o Key Features:
1. Isolation: Provides network isolation, allowing users to create a private, controlled
2. Customizable: Users have control over the IP address ranges, subnets, and routing
3. Connectivity Options: Allows connection to on-premises data centres and other AWS

o Use Cases:
1. Hosting applications in a private network.
2. Creating a secure and controlled environment for resources.
3. Connecting to on-premises data centres through VPN or Direct Connect.

These services, EC2, RDS, and VPC, are fundamental components in building and deploying
applications on the AWS cloud, offering compute resources, managed databases, and
network isolation, respectively.

By: Akagra Gupta

Roll Number: 2K21/EE/30
Electrical Engineering

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