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The idea of going to the University of Oxford feels like a dream that's too good to be true.

As a high school senior about to step into the world of college the thought of diving into a PhD
program in zoology and linguistics at Oxford sounds like the perfect mix of excitement and
challenge. Oxford's has a legendary status and for someone like me who's eager to explore the
worlds of science, language, it's a beacon calling my name.
I imagine getting to uncover the secrets of the animal kingdom in the cool-sounding
Department of Zoology. The whole idea is thrilling. Surrounded by books and experts trying to
figure out the mysteries of the natural world. It's not just about the classes it's about being
guided by these super accomplished professors who have accomplished many things in their
And then there's linguistics. Oxford's language game is strong and the libraries are like a
treasure trove of ancient manuscripts. The thought of blending zoology and linguistics together
sounds like a puzzle waiting to be solved and I'm all in for the challenge. It's not just about
growing smarter it's about connecting the dots between two things that could potentially change
the course of science as we know it.
Horses. Oxford isn't just about hitting the books it's got these beautiful meadows and
historic spots that are perfect for riding. Trotting around the sound of hooves on cobblestone
streets making a symphony of academics and horses. There is a Oxford University Equestrian
Club where I can meet fellow riders.
I'm into many languages and Oxford's international vibe is like a dream for someone like
me who loves diving into different cultures through their languages. It's not just about classes it's
about this melting pot of voices, each telling a unique story.
Going to Oxford isn't just about getting a degree. It's an amazing journey where my love
for animals, languages, and horses all dance together. Oxford has timeless charm, academic
prowess, and a community that feels like a family. It's like stepping into a place where history's
whispering, knowledge is shouting, and my dreams are ready to take flight.

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