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Why were some American entrepreneurs able to become enormously wealthy during the late
19th century?
a. Make a list of possible reasons.
Access to Natural Resources: The Western frontier was rich in natural resources, including
minerals, timber, and fertile land. Entrepreneurs could exploit and extract these resources, so
they had the potential to build vast fortunes.
Mining Boom: The discovery of valuable minerals, such as gold and silver in Western states,
triggered mining booms. Entrepreneurs who invested in mining operations or established
mining-related businesses were able to become enormously wealthy.
Railroad Development: The expansion of railroads played a critical role in connecting the East
to the West. Entrepreneurs involved in the railroad industry, from building and financing to
operating, were able to capitalize on the transportation needs of settlers, miners, and businesses
expanding into the Western territories.
Agricultural Expansion: The availability of fertile land in the West attracted farmers and
agricultural entrepreneurs. The Homestead Act of 1862, which provided land to settlers for a
small fee if they improved it, encouraged agricultural expansion. Entrepreneurs who invested in
farming operations or provided essential services to farmers profited from this expansion.
Government Policies: Various government policies, including the Homestead Act, land grants
to railroads, and subsidies, provided incentives and support for entrepreneurs engaging in
Western expansion. Government policies often facilitated the acquisition of land and resources.

b. In pairs, compare lists and then re-arrange them into an order of significance – what you
consider to be the most important reason at the top, and the least important at the bottom
1. Government policies
2. Railroad development
3. Access to Natural Resources
4. Agricultural Expansion
5. Mining boom

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