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The United States Interest in the carribean up to 1870

Understanding US ideologies and foreign policies

• The US has different ideologies and foreign policies
• We discussed various ideologies such as Manifest Destiny, Roosevelt Corollary, and Dollar Diplomacy
• Section C is the most challenging for students as it covers US history in depth

Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny was an ideology that drove the US expansion in the 19th century

It was based on the belief that the US was destined to spread its values and institutions across the continent
Roosevelt Corollary
The Roosevelt Corollary was a foreign policy doctrine announced by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904

It stated that the US would intervene in the affairs of Western Hemisphere nations if they were unable to maintain
order and pay their debts

Dollar Diplomacy
Dollar Diplomacy was a foreign policy pursued by President William Howard Taft
It aimed to promote US economic interests abroad by providing loans to foreign governments and encouraging US
investment in foreign countries
1776 The United States Declaration of independence
1783 British Recognition of US independence
1822 West indian trade act
Reasons for the united states interest
Trade and Investment
Ideology ( manifest destiny in 1801 and Monroe Doctrine in 1823)

The united states industrialization

Between 1776 and 1870 , the united states industry and manufacturing sector grew significantly

Reasons for industrialization

Expansion in their geographical space

Produced almost 30% of the world manufactured goods

Abundance of natural resources

1. Coals (Used to generate energy)
I. Iron
I. Lead
Iv. Copper
V. Petroleum fields

Tachological innovation (cash register, electric telegraph, typewiter, adding

The US becoming more wealthier than Britain

Trade and investment

1. They wanted a market to sell thier manufactured goods like:

-steal and iron

2.they wanted a place to invest thier money in

3.they wanted a monopoly

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