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A. Based on the information provided about the trait approach in Tables 2.1
and 2.2, if you were Sandra, whom would you select?
= To determine whom Sandra should select based on the trait approach, let's consider
the relevant traits from Tables 2.1 and 2.2:
i. Alexa Smith:
• Strong credentials, creative, insightful.
• Persistent and sees projects through to completion.
ii. Kelsey Metts:
• Bright, top MBA graduate.
• Highly sociable and skilled in human relations.
iii. Thomas Santiago:
• Honest, has integrity.
• Respected, trusted, promotes company values.
Alexa Smith appears to have a strong track record of creativity and persistence, having
successfully developed four new product lines. Sandra should choose Alexa Smith
according to the trait approach.

B. In what ways is the trait approach helpful in this type of selection?

= The trait approach can be helpful in this type of selection for several reasons:
a. Objective Evaluation: Traits are relatively objective and can be measured and
assessed more easily than other factors like skills or experience. This can make
the selection process more systematic and fairer.

b. Comparative Analysis: It allows for a structured comparison of candidates

based on specific traits. This can make it easier for Sandra to assess which
candidate possesses the traits most aligned with the role's requirements.
C. In what ways are the weaknesses of the trait approach highlighted in this
While the trait approach has its merits, there are also weaknesses highlighted in this
a. Subjectivity: Assessing traits can still involve subjective judgment, and different
assessors may have varying interpretations of a candidate's traits.

b. Inadequate for Leadership Roles: Leadership positions often require a

combination of traits, skills, and experience. The trait approach alone may not
adequately address the complexities of leadership roles, where interpersonal skills,
decision-making abilities, and strategic thinking are crucial.

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