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2 Measurement of Competition and

Competition Effects in Pastures

N.R. Sackville Hamilton

Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Plas Gogerddan, Aberystwyth,
Ceredigion, UK

Introduction common to fail to match experiment with objec-

tives, to misuse competition experiments, to analyse
Competition is one of the most important concepts data incorrectly and to interpret results incorrectly
in ecology and the subject of a large literature and (Cousens, 2000). This chapter therefore also seeks
numerous reviews (e.g. Trenbath, 1978; Goldberg to clarify the concept and highlight some of the
and Barton, 1992; Goldberg and Scheiner, 1993; major pitfalls in the study of competition.
Gibson et al., 1999; Jolliffe, 2000). Yet it continues
to cause confusion. Problems are manifold. Terms
such as competitive ability, competition intensity Competition: the Concept
and even competition are used in diverse, often con-
flicting or misleading senses (Harper, 1982; Sackville Competition is ‘an interaction between individuals,
Hamilton, 1994). Many experiments have been brought about by a shared requirement for a resource
poorly designed, analysed or interpreted (Cousens, in limited supply, and leading to a reduction in the
1991, 2000). The optimum design of experiments is survivorship, growth and/or reproduction of at least
debatable (Snaydon, 1991, 1994; Sackville some of the competing individuals concerned’ (Begon
Hamilton, 1994; Gibson et al., 1999). It is suggested et al., 1996). Plants can affect each other’s survivor-
that the debate has become dogmatic and emotion- ship, growth and reproduction in many ways, includ-
ally charged (Cousens, 1996; Jolliffe, 2000). ing ways that, ecological purists argue, do not
The debate still continues, but has generated two constitute competition (Harper, 1982). Supposedly
important generic conclusions. First, many different non-competitive interactions include allelopathy
questions can be asked about competition and dif- (Inderjit et al., 1999), hemiparasitism (Matthies,
ferent experimental approaches are required to 1996), the quasi-parasitic direct transfer of nutrients
answer them (Sackville Hamilton, 1994; Cousens, from one plant to another through mycorrhizal con-
1996). Consequently, there is a need for rigour in nections between root systems (Martins and Read,
defining the objectives of any experiment on com- 1996; Simard et al., 1997a, b) and the release of nutri-
petition and in matching experimental design and ents from living or decaying roots and shoots. In addi-
methodology to objectives. In this chapter we con- tion, the effect on survivorship, growth and/or
sider the kind of questions that can be asked and the reproduction depends not only on the competitive
approaches that can be used to answer them, based acquisition of limited resources, but on subsequent
on a consideration of competition theory. internal processes, such as developmental and allomet-
Secondly, it appears to be easy to misunderstand ric control of resource allocation, growth habit and
the concept of competition. Consequently it is patterns of dispersal. Moreover, the final outcome, in

© CAB International 2001. Competition and Succession in Pastures

(eds P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby) 15
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16 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

terms of changes in the composition of communities, Population dynamics of pure stands

depends not only on the effect of competition on
reproduction and survival but also on other factors, Before considering competition between species, we
such as the intrinsic maximum reproductive rate and need first to consider competition between the
the effects of pathogens and herbivores. individuals of one species growing in a monocul-
A variety of terms, such as ‘crowding for biolog- ture. Classical competition theory is based on the
ical space’ (de Wit, 1960) and ‘interference’ logistic curve of population growth:
(Harper, 1977), have been proposed in attempts to
= Nr (1 − qN )
improve the conceptual rigour of studies on compe- dN
tition, although such terms have not gained wide dt
acceptance. Indeed, ‘interference’, intended by
plant ecologists as a more general term than compe- This equation describes how population density, N,
tition, is used by animal ecologists as a narrower changes with time; r is the maximum relative
term, referring to one specific type of competition growth rate achieved in the absence of competition,
(Human and Gordon, 1996). and q is a competition coefficient, quantifying the
Most of the literature on competition among effect of competition on population growth rate.
plants is concerned with quantifying the overall
The key concept underlying this equation is that
effect of one plant or population of plants on the
increasing density increases the intensity of compe-
survivorship, growth and/or reproduction of neigh-
tition and so decreases relative growth rate. Growth
bouring plants and vice versa. Relatively little litera-
rate is zero when N = 1/q and negative (i.e. popula-
ture is concerned with: (i) identifying the resource
tion density decreases) when N > 1/q. This means
in limited supply; (ii) demonstrating the role of a
shared requirement for limited resources in the that N = 1/q is the point of ‘stable equilibrium’:
process of competition, as opposed to other mecha- population density always changes towards this
nisms of interaction (such as allelopathy); or (iii) value, regardless of its initial density. Following any
separating the process of interaction between indi- temporary impact that moves the population den-
viduals from its subsequent impacts. As such, most sity away from this equilibrium value, the popula-
literature fails to identify the mechanism of compe- tion will always tend to return to equilibrium.
tition or to distinguish competition sensu stricto
from other types of interaction. Of necessity, there-
fore, most literature implicitly accepts the most Population dynamics of two-species1
general possible definition of competition between mixtures
plants, as any effect of one plant on another. Even
positive effects, such as the increase in grass growth Describing the dynamics of two-species mixtures
following the transfer of fixed nitrogen (N) from appears more complicated because we need a sepa-
clover, cannot be separated from negative ones if all rate equation for each species and some way of dis-
we measure is the overall combination of all posi- tinguishing the two species. We shall call the two
tive and negative effects. The implicit broad defini- species i and j and use subscripts i and j to distin-
tion of competition is adopted in this book, guish corresponding terms in equations. For ex-
although one of our objectives is to improve the ample, in Equation 2.1 for species i we write Ni, ri
ability to separate the different influences. and qi instead of N, r and q.
However, the real increase in complexity is
small, with just one new parameter p, similar to q
Competition: Population Theory but describing the effect of inter- rather than
intraspecific competition. This gives the classical
This section provides the minimum theoretical basis
Lotka–Volterra equations (Volterra, 1926; Lotka,
required for subsequent evaluation and understand-
ing of the different approaches and indices used in
the study of competition. Equations are presented
only for the simplest mathematical forms of compet-
= Ni ri 1 − qi Ni − pij N j) (2.2)
itive interactions. It is often necessary to use more
( )
complicated equations, but the mathematical details dNj
= Nj rj 1 − q j Nj − pji Ni
of such complications do not affect the principles. dt
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 17

The equilibrium conditions are less simple than for ulation density of species i is zero at any point
the pure stand. We still have the pure stand situa- along this line. As in the case of pure stands, it is a
tion, that growth rate of species i is zero when Ni = line of stable equilibrium for species i, since the
1/qi and Nj = 0. However, from Equations 2.2 population density of species i always changes
the condition for zero population growth rate of towards the line. If the initial joint density is below
species i is no longer just 1 = qiNi; it is now 1 = the line, (qiNi + pijNj) < 1, population growth rate
(qiNi + pijNj). Thus, in terms of their effect on pop- of i is positive and population density increases
ulation growth of i, qi plants of species j are equiva- (solid arrows pointing to the right in Fig. 2.1). If
lent to pij plants of species i, and we can also get the initial joint density is above the line, (qiNi +
zero growth rate for species i by replacing any num- pijNj) > 1, population growth rate of i is negative
ber of plants of i with the equivalent number of and population density decreases (solid arrows
plants of j. On a graph with the densities of species pointing to the left in Fig. 2.1).
i and j on the axes (Fig. 2.1), this represents a However, it does not usually represent a line of
straight line (a ‘zero isocline’) from Ni = 1/qi at Nj = stable equilibrium for the whole mixture, because
0 to Nj = 1/pij at Ni = 0. The rate of change in pop- the zero isoclines for species i and j will not usually

Density of species j


1/qi 1/pji

Density of species i
Fig. 2.1. Graphical depiction of the outcome of competition between two species i and j under the
Lotka–Volterra equations. The solid and dashed lines are the ‘zero isoclines’ of species i and j respectively,
i.e. the joint densities of i and j at which dNi /dt = 0 and dNj /dt = 0. The solid and dashed arrows show the
direction of change in population densities of i and j, respectively; qi, qj, pij and pji are the coefficients for
intra- and interspecific competition in Equations 2.2. The graph illustrates the situation for stable
coexistence of the two species in mixture: regardless of the initial combination of densities, the joint
densities of the two species tend towards the point at which the two isoclines cross over, which point thus
represents the point of stable coexistence. Other cases are discussed in the text.
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18 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

be coincident. That is, when the mixture is on the Limitations of the Lotka–Volterra equations
zero isocline for species i, the mixture will tend to
move off that isocline because of changes in the The equations presented above suffer a number of
density of j. The dashed arrows in Fig. 2.1 show limitations restricting their value for the study of
corresponding changes in density of j. competition. They do not always adequately
The relative positions of the two zero isoclines describe the relationship between population
determine the outcome of competition between the growth rate and density. They provide population-
two species. If the two lines do not cross over, one level descriptions of the outcome of competition,
species always outcompetes the other, leading ulti- and yet competition is a process involving individu-
mately to competitive exclusion and a monoculture als, which makes the equations unsuitable for eluci-
of the superior competitor. Species i is the superior dating the mechanisms of competition. They
competitor if (1/pij) > (1/qj) and (1/pji) < (1/qi), i.e. if ignore the theory of competition for multiple
the effects of competition from i and from j are both resources (Tilman 1982, 1990). As population-level
less on i than on j. Conversely, species j is the supe- descriptions, they necessarily ignore stage-, age- and
rior competitor if (1/pij) < (1/qj) and (1/pji) > (1/qi). size-dependent effects.
If the two lines cross over with (1/pij) > (1/qj) They also ignore the effects of spatiotemporal
and (1/pji) > (1/qi) – the case illustrated in Fig. 2.1 heterogeneity of the environment. The immediate
effect of an environmental change is to alter the
– any mixture will always tend to change towards
values of parameters in the competition equations.
the point of intersection between the two lines.
Spatial heterogeneity therefore tends to produce a
This is easily envisaged by choosing any starting-
structured community, and temporal heterogeneity
point in Fig. 2.1 and following simultaneous
tends to change the equilibrium state so that a pop-
changes in population densities of i, as indicated by
ulation may move away from, as well as towards,
the solid arrows, and of j, as indicated by the equilibrium. These effects, combined with spatially
dashed arrows. Any starting-point above both lines limited dispersal of individuals, the resulting spatial
leads to a reduction in density of both species. Any constraints on population dynamics and the time
starting-point below both lines leads to an increase delay between imposition of a particular environ-
in density of both species. Any starting-point ment and the population response to that environ-
between the two lines leads to a reduction in den- ment, can generate complex responses to
sity of one species and an increase in the density of environmental heterogeneity.
the second, towards the point of intersection. Thus, In addition, the conditions for coexistence out-
regardless of the starting-point, repeated changes in lined above, i.e. that intraspecific competition must
population density lead gradually but invariably be stronger than interspecific competition, have not
towards the point at which the two lines cross. The been successful in explaining coexistence of plant
point of intersection thus represents a point of sta- species. Many reviews (e.g. Trenbath, 1974;
ble equilibrium, or stable coexistence of the two Goldberg and Barton, 1992; Goldberg, 1996) con-
species in mixture. This represents the situation clude that, with the notable exception of
where, for both species, the competitive effect of legume/non-legume mixtures where the legume
each species on its own growth is greater than its fixes N, competition within species is not usually
competitive effect on growth of the other species, stronger than competition between species of plant.
i.e. where intraspecific competition is more severe This suggests that other issues are more important
than interspecific competition. and that the limitations of the equations may be
This conclusion highlights a key feature of com- particularly severe for plants. Much of the difficulty
petition that may not be intuitively obvious. The with plants can be attributed to their relative immo-
outcome of competition between species depends bility, which has numerous consequences, e.g.:
not just on the competition between them but on • Each plant interacts with few neighbours, so
their relative population responses to intra- and that the effective ecological population size (i.e.
interspecific competition. Studies that fail to mea- the number of individuals that interact with
sure intraspecific competition, or at least the rela- each other) is small.
tionship between intra- and interspecific • Larger units develop small-scale spatial patterns,
competition, provide no information on the out- comprising patches or subcommunities that do
come of interspecific competition. not compete with each other, and whose
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 19

dynamics are controlled by other processes, such 2.2c). In Equation 2.3, 1/a is the yield per individ-
as the chance dispersal of seed or vegetative ual extrapolated to zero density, i.e. without com-
propagules. petition (Fig. 2.2b). To interpret the meaning of b,
• The magnitude of interaction with each neigh- note that Equation 2.3 also describes a hyperbolic
bour depends heavily on the extent of overlap of relationship between plot yield and density, Y =
their zones of influence, which in turn depends N/(a + bN); 1/b is then the maximum yield per
mainly on the distance between and sizes of plot achieved at high density (Fig. 2.2d).
neighbouring plant pairs. Population-level sum- The decrease in mean plant size with increasing
maries ignore this major factor. density (Fig. 2.2b) is attributed to the increase in
• Plants respond to environmental heterogeneity intensity of competition associated with increasing
mainly through their high phenotypic plasticity. density;  = b/a is a key coefficient (the ‘crowding
It may therefore be expected that the effects of coefficient’ (de Wit, 1960)) that quantifies this effect
spatiotemporal heterogeneity of the environ- of competition on plant size, in units of (area per
ment on the dynamics of competition are par- individual), the inverse of density. Understanding
ticularly important for plants. the biological significance of  is fundamental to
• Plant species differ in growth habit and mobil- understanding many competition indices derived
ity, ranging from plants with a highly compact from yield–density relationships. It has numerous
tufted growth form, which makes them immo- equivalent interpretations, all essentially describing
bile, to plants with structures such as stolons the ability of plants to fill the available area, by
and rhizomes, which make them relatively increasing in size as density is decreased. It equals
mobile. The dynamics of mixtures of plants yield per isolated individual divided by asymptotic
depends heavily on the growth forms of the yield per unit area at high density, which at first
species present. sight may seem a rather strange ratio. An alternative
way of thinking of it is as the size of plants grown
Thus, the Lotka–Volterra equations should not be without competition relative to their size at very
viewed as providing a comprehensive theory of com- high density, but standardized by dividing by that
petition. Rather, they provide a baseline for under- high density – a necessary standardization since
standing and developing the concept of competition. plant size depends on the density used.
In graphical terms,  measures the convexity of
the curves in Fig. 2.2(b and d), describing how
Yield–density relationships rapidly yield per plant decreases and yield per plot
increases as density increases. It is the spacing
Yield is experimentally more tractable than popula- (1/density) at which plants are half the maximum
tion dynamics. Measuring the effect of density on size they attain without competition (Fig. 2.2b) and
yield has therefore been a more popular approach at which the yield per plot is half its maximum
to analysis of competition in plants. This section value (Fig. 2.2d). It is the slope at zero density of
presents the corresponding theory of yield–density the curves in Fig. 2.2(b and d), standardized respec-
relationships. tively for maximum plant yield and maximum plot
De Wit (1960) demonstrated that, if experi- yield. In other words, if in Fig. 2.2(b and d) yield
mental populations of a species are grown in pure per plant and yield per plot are expressed as propor-
stands at a range of densities, Equation 2.1 gener- tions of their maximum values, such that a = b = 1,
ates an inverse-linear relationship between mean  is the slope at zero density.
yield per plant w and density N: Like the extension of Equation 2.1 to 2.2,
Equation 2.3 may be extended for two-species mix-
1 tures simply by the inclusion of a coefficient, , to
w =
a + bN quantify interspecific competition in the same way
1 (2.3) as  quantifies intraspecific competition:
a(1 + βN ) 1
wi =
ai (1 + βi Ni + γ ij Nj )
It is common to convert this to a linear relationship
1 (2.4)
by using 1/w, rather than w (Fig. 2.2a), or by using wj =
the inverse of total yield per plot, Y = wN (Fig. a j (1 + β j N j + γ ji Ni )
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20 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

(a) (b)

1/(Mean yield per plant)

slope = –a

Mean yield per plant


slope = b = a


Density of plants Density of plants

(c) (d)

1/(Yield per plot)

Yield per plot


slope = /b
slope = a = b/

1/(Density of plants) Density of plants

Fig. 2.2. Four equivalent graphical representations of yield–density relationships in pure stands described
by Equation 2.3, highlighting the meanings of the parameters a, b and . See text for further explanation.

In the same way as  describes the ability of plants 1969; Harper, 1977). Generalized versions of the
to increase in size to fill the available space as their equations have been developed to handle more
density is decreased, ij describes the ability of complex relationships: see, for example, Holliday
plants of i to increase in size as the density of (1960) and Jolliffe (1988) for a generalized version
species j is reduced. of Equation 2.3, and Firbank and Watkinson
De Wit (1960) proved that Equations 2.4 are (1985), Law and Watkinson (1987), Menchaca and
mathematically identical to the Lotka–Volterra Connolly (1990) and Freckleton and Watkinson
Equations 2.2, at least when, in his terms, the (2000) for generalized Equations 2.4.
species ‘crowd for the same biological space’. Like Nevertheless, again like the Lotka–Volterra
the logistic and Lotka–Volterra equations, these equations, Equations 2.4 provide an appropriate
equations do not always accurately describe baseline for understanding and developing the con-
yield–density relationships. Equation 2.3 often cept of competition and for assessing the relative
accurately describes total biomass of plants in pure merits of the various approaches to the study of
stands, but not components of biomass, such as competition.
yield of seed or potato tubers (Willey and Heath,
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 21

On the Choice and Interpretation The effect and outcome of competition

of Competition Indices
Gibson et al. (1999) emphasize the need to distin-
The previous section presented equations describ- guish the effect of competition on the yield of
ing the simplest form of competition. However, it plants (Equations 2.4) from the outcome of compe-
is usually not sufficient, and indeed often not possi- tition in terms of changes in the composition of
ble, to fit these equations to experimental data. It is mixtures (Equations 2.2). Both are valid topics for
necessary to devise competition indices that sum- study. For example, in agricultural research, yield is
marize competitive interactions in an appropriate often the primary target of study, and studies
way. Many such indices have been published (e.g. should focus on the effects of competition on yield.
Trenbath, 1978; Mead and Riley, 1981; Connolly, In studies on population ecology, the primary focus
1986, 1987; Goldberg, 1996; Goldberg et al., should be the outcome.
1999; Jolliffe, 2000). This section discusses the fac- They are, however, distinct topics, requiring dif-
tors that affect the optimal choice of index. ferent units of measurement – yield per plant for
Competition studies may address a range of dif- the effect of competition, and density of plants for
ferent questions. For example, they may focus on the outcome. The difference was explored in con-
the values of parameters in Equations 2.2 or 2.4, or siderable mathematical and conceptual detail by de
on the importance of competition in the field. Wit (1960), who used the term ‘crowding’ to
There are several potential pitfalls to be aware of describe effects on yield per plant, and ‘relative
when choosing competition indices. For example, reproductive rate’ for changes in mixture composi-
indices may vary with density or frequency for sev- tion. He developed different graphical representa-
eral reasons, or may incorporate a size bias. Terms tions for the two phenomena – the replacement
such as ‘competitive ability’ are used with many dif- diagram for crowding effects, and the ratio diagram
ferent meanings. Before embarking on any experi- for changes in mixture composition – and pre-
ment on competition, it is essential to clarify sented equations formalizing the relationship
objectives and to determine the relevance of these between the two (e.g. de Wit, 1960, equations 3.7
issues, and hence to determine their influence on and 9.4). He also demonstrated that, where two
design and analysis. species are competitively neutral in terms of their
effects on each other’s yields (i.e. where i = j = ij
= ji in Equations 2.4), they may not be competi-
tively neutral in terms of outcome. The ‘winner’ in
The biology and ecology of competition such cases is the species with the higher reproduc-
tive rate (de Wit, 1960, p. 5) in the absence of
Equations 2.2 and 2.4 provide information on the competition.
biology of competition in a given environment, in Since they are distinct topics, studies on the
the sense that their parameters describe how the effect of competition cannot always be used to
severity (Snaydon and Satorre, 1989) or intensity deduce the outcome. Yet most studies focus on the
(Grace, 1995; Goldberg et al., 1999) of competi- effect, and few address the outcome. This criticism
tion changes with density in that environment. should be considered particularly important for the
However, it is often desirable to determine the study of competition in permanent pastures. The
importance of interactions for ecosystem function long-term persistence and sustainability of the pas-
by quantifying their strength (Laska and Wootton, ture depend on plant population dynamics.
1998; Kokkoris et al., 1999). For example, how Improving our understanding of the outcome of
important is competition relative to herbivory in competition is vital for understanding and improv-
pastures (Reader, 1992; Rachich and Reader, ing pasture persistence and sustainability.
1999)? How does the importance of competition
vary along productivity gradients (Goldberg et al.,
Size bias?
1999)? In such cases, measurements of the inten-
sity of competition per se provide the required Indices describing effects on yield per plant can
information, with no underlying requirement to suggest an intrinsic competitive advantage of large
formalize how competition intensity varies with plants that is not reflected in the outcome of com-
density. petition between large and small plants (de Wit,
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22 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

1960; Connolly, 1986; Gibson et al., 1999). The both species regardless of their relative densities.
nature of this phenomenon may be conceptualized In situations where density is so low that there is
using the ‘thought experiment’ of Connolly (1986). no competition, yield per plant does not vary with
Imagine two species, L and S, identical except that density, i.e. in Equations 2.2 and 2.4, p = q =  = 
we count two individuals of S as one of L, so that L = 0. As density increases and competition starts to
‘plants’ are twice the size of S plants. Clearly the occur, the values of these parameters change.
composition of any mixture will not change with Experiments that include such low densities must
time: the ratio of numbers of L/S individuals pro- be analysed using more complex equations.
duced will always equal their initial ratio. In this However, the additional coefficients required to
respect, L and S are competitively neutral. describe this apparent density dependence are bet-
However, by definition one plant of L has the ter interpreted as parameters describing the onset of
same effect on its neighbours’ yields as two plants competition as density increases, not as true density
of S. Consider also the meaning of the crowding dependence.
coefficient  (Equation 2.3): it is the yield per iso-
lated individual divided by the yield per plot at
Spurious density and frequency dependence
high density. Counting two individuals as one dou-
bles the size of isolated individuals but, by defini- Most competition indices in common use are not
tion, does not change asymptotic yield per plot at based on the parameters in Equations 2.2 or 2.4.
high density. Therefore, by definition, it also dou- They therefore show spurious frequency and den-
bles the value of , i.e. doubles the ability of plants sity dependence, i.e. their values depend on the
to expand to fill available space at low density. It densities used for the experiment even when there
also accurately reflects the fact that the ratio of L/S is no real frequency or density dependence.
biomass produced in a mixture will always be dou- Spurious frequency and density dependence
ble their initial ratio of densities. may be demonstrated by expressing an index in
Thus, indices describing the effect of competi- terms of Equations 2.2 or 2.4 and noting whether
tion on yield correctly reflect the large competitive the formula includes one or more density terms in
effect of large plants on the size of their neighbours. addition to the parameter values (Connolly, 1986;
On the other hand, in relation to studies on the Sackville Hamilton, 1994). The problem is most
outcome of competition, the same indices incorpo- common with the simpler experimental designs
rate a size bias that invalidates their use for such that do not allow estimation of the parameter val-
studies. This simply means that studies on the out- ues or pure functions of them. It can also occur
come of competition should use indices designed to with the more comprehensive designs if the experi-
address the outcome, while studies on the effect menter chooses inappropriate indices.
should use indices designed to address the effect. The usefulness of such indices is strictly limited
Such a conclusion may seem almost trite. to the densities used in the experiment. If possible
However, there is also a deeper, more philosophical they should be avoided in experiments where the
issue here. Is it sensible to compare the effects of choice of density is arbitrary. On the other hand,
one plant of L with those of one plant of S if doing their use can be entirely acceptable if the densities
so gives answers that are misleading in terms of the have broader relevance – for example, in studies on
outcome of competition? Answering this question natural communities or on crop mixtures where
is beyond the scope of this chapter. densities and management are defined by agro-
nomic practice.

Density and frequency dependence Outcome of competition

Deviations from Equations 2.2 and 2.4 may be The direction of change in composition of a mix-
interpreted in terms of frequency- and density- ture may depend on the initial frequency or density
dependent competition (Freckleton and Watkinson, of the species in mixture even when there is no fre-
2000). Competition is frequency-dependent if the quency or density dependence in their underlying
values of the parameters in these equations vary with competitive interactions. As described above, Fig.
the relative densities of the two species, and density- 2.1 illustrates a form of such a frequency-depen-
dependent if they vary with the combined density of dent outcome, in which the species that increases in
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 23

relative frequency is the one that was initially pre- on competitors (competitive effect), or a combina-
sent at lower frequency. If the two lines in Fig. 2.1 tion of both. For example, ‘A is more competitive
were swapped (i.e. the line shown for species i was than B’ may mean ‘A has a greater effect than B on
for species j and vice versa), then a different form of C’ or ‘A responds less than B to C’.
frequency-dependent outcome would occur, in In the second case, several further options are
which competition would always result in a pure possible. Competitive ability may be based on com-
stand of whichever species was initially most com- paring the effect of and response to interspecific
mon. Such frequency-dependent outcomes of com- competition. ‘A is more competitive than B’ would
petition should not be confused with true density- then mean ‘A has a greater effect on B than B has
or frequency-dependent competition. on A’.
Alternatively, it may be based on some compari-
son of the effects of inter- and intraspecific compe-
Intensity of competition
tition. ‘A has a greater effect on B than on itself ’, ‘B
Competition intensity varies with density. That is, has a greater effect on itself than on A’, ‘A has a
it is intrinsically frequency- and density-dependent. greater effect than B on B’, or ‘A has a greater effect
It follows that measurements of competition inten- than B on A’ could all contribute to the statement
sity are useful per se only when the density used has ‘A is more competitive than B’. However, it is
broader relevance (as in field studies on existing unsatisfactory to use any one of these four senses on
communities) and is not just an arbitrarily chosen its own as a measure of competitive ability, since ‘A
experimental state. Neither true nor spurious fre- is more competitive than B’ would then not neces-
quency and density dependence is an important sarily imply ‘B is less competitive than A’. For
issue for indices of competition intensity in such example, A could have a greater effect on B than on
situations. itself, while at the same time B could have a greater
effect on A than on itself. It is therefore necessary to
combine the different senses in some way to form a
The meanings of competitive ability satisfactory coefficient of competitive ability.
In experiments on three or more species, there is
Even under the simplest form of competition considerable choice over the reference species.
(Equations 2.2 and 2.4), six parameters are required Competitive abilities of each pair of species against
to describe the competitive relationships between each other may still be defined in terms of the rela-
two species in a mixture, providing considerable tive effects of inter- and intraspecific competition
scope for defining competitive ability in different within and between those two species.
ways. There is no single most acceptable definition. Alternatively, C may be a single reference species
Comparing the competitive abilities of two (which may be useful when comparing the abilities
species implicitly requires definition of a reference of several varieties of clover to compete with one
point – ability to compete against what? Each variety of grass) or an average of several or all of the
other, or one or more other species? For example, species under study. In the last case, competitive
the statement ‘A is more competitive than B’ may ability may be defined purely on the basis of the
mean ‘A performs relatively better than B in mix- interspecific competition coefficients (pij or ij), or
tures with C’ or ‘A performs relatively better than B it may also include the intraspecific competition
in a mixture of A and B’. Within each of these coefficients.
meanings, the phrase ‘performs relatively better’ is As shown above, the outcome of competition
also ambiguous. Performance can be defined in depends on the relative effects of inter- and
terms of the size of individuals (Equations 2.4) or intraspecific competition. The main advantage of
of the dynamics of the population (Equations 2.2). basing the measure of competitive ability on the
As discussed above in the section on size bias, these relative effects of inter- and intraspecific competi-
two performance indicators have qualitatively dif- tion is therefore the relevance of the measure to
ferent relationships with initial plant size. competition theory. A disadvantage is that, because
In the first case, competitive ability may be the reference species is different for each pair of
defined in terms of response to competition (com- species, competitive hierarchies are not necessarily
petitive response (Goldberg and Landa, 1991; transitive; i.e. if A is more competitive than B and
Goldberg and Barton, 1992)) or in terms of effect B more competitive than C, A is not necessarily
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24 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

more competitive than C (Keddy et al., 1994). In severity of competition’ (they regard ‘severity’ as
contrast, the competitive hierarchy must be transi- synonymous with, but preferable to, ‘intensity’) to
tive if the same reference species (or set of reference describe the reduction in plant size relative to
species) is used for all species comparisons, plants grown without neighbours:
although the rank order of species may change with
different references and their rank orders for com- I0 = log10(w0 /wn) (2.5)
petitive response and competitive effect may differ.
where w0 = size of plants grown without neighbours
When species compete for the same pool of
and wn = size of plants grown with neighbours. In
resources and each species has the same effect on all
practice, as Snaydon (1991) observed, few studies
competitors regardless of their identity (see the sec-
on competition include treatments where plants are
tion below on resource complementarity), all these
grown without neighbours and so it is rarely possi-
different meanings of competitive ability become
ble to measure this index. Most studies have some
equivalent. For example, competitive response is
competition occurring in all treatments, and so at
then the inverse of competitive effect. Conversely,
best can only measure the additional intensity of
the selected definition of competitive ability becomes
competition occurring in treatments with addi-
important when these conditions are not met.
tional neighbours:

Iij = log10(wii/wij ) (2.6)

where wii = size of plants of species i grown without
This section has discussed the importance of distin- species j and wij = size of plants of i grown with j.
guishing between the intensity, effect and outcome The term wii may refer to the size of i in a mono-
of competition. It has also demonstrated the need culture of i or to the size of i in a multispecies mix-
to consider the relevance of frequency dependence, ture containing all the species of a community
density dependence, size bias and the various possi- except j: all that matters is that only the density of j
ble meanings of competitive ability. differs between wii and wij.
Once an experimenter has determined the Snaydon and Satorre (1989) and Snaydon
objectives and relevant issues for an experiment, it (1991) describe this index as the ‘relative severity of
is then possible to decide which indices of competi- competition’. However, to avoid confusion with
tion should be used: this is the subject of the next other indices, especially those describing the rela-
section. tive severity of inter- and intraspecific competition,
it is preferable to describe the index as the ‘addi-
tional intensity of competition’. Besides avoiding
Indices of Competition the ambiguity of ‘relative’, this correctly describes
what the index measures – the additional intensity
This section presents some of the many indices that of competition caused by the presence of species j
have been devised to summarize competitive inter- at a particular density, on top of the lower intensity
actions in terms of the intensity, effect and out- of competition experienced in its absence.
come of competition. The number of published The index is identical to the log response ratio
indices is too great to review them all here. Rather, used in many field studies (e.g. Goldberg et al.,
a few key indices have been chosen, which may be 1999), except that the latter uses natural loga-
regarded as ideal for some purposes and which may rithms. Goldberg et al. (1999) found that it was
be used to assess the merits of other indices. more effective in detecting significant differences
than the conceptually similar ‘relative competition
intensity’ recommended by Grace (1995).
Intensity of competition

The intensity of competition is the reduction in Effect of competition

plant performance caused by competition. Several
indices have been used, albeit with ambiguity over The greatest number of competition indices is
the qualifiers ‘absolute’ and ‘relative’. Snaydon and found in studies on the effect of competition on
Satorre (1989) and Snaydon (1991) use ‘absolute the growth, reproduction or survival of plants. This
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 25

section presents some indices that are ‘ideal’ for mixtures. In either case, Equations 2.4 must be
measuring the effect of competition, in the sense extended. In the case of a series of two-species mix-
that they are based on the parameters of Equations tures, there must be one equivalent pair of equa-
2.4. As such, they can be readily interpreted in tions for each pair of species grown in a mixture. In
terms of competition theory, and they provide the case of a multispecies mixture, there must be
required summaries about competitive relationships one equation for the yield of each species, but now
with no spurious frequency or density dependence. each equation includes a separate  for each other
species in the mixture. In both cases, if we have n
species in total, we have (n2 − n) different ij, one
Types of index
for every combination of i and j where i  j.
There are three general approaches to deriving The average interspecific competitive response
competition indices. The first two involve estimat- of each species i (i = 1 to n) to all other species j (j =
ing coefficients independently for each species – at 1 to n, j  i) is then the average of ij over all
least independently in a mathematical sense, values of j. Similarly, the average interspecific com-
although the estimates are not usually statistically petitive effect of each species i on all other species j
or biologically independent. The first focuses on is the average of ji over all values of j.
interspecific competition: for each species, esti- The advantage of this approach is that it enables
mates are obtained for its interspecific competitive comparison of interspecific competitive interactions
response to other species and for its interspecific directly, without the additional complexities intro-
competitive effect on other species. The second duced by comparing intra- and interspecific effects
approach focuses on the relationship between inter- of species pairs. In particular, it simplifies the iden-
and intraspecific interactions, as the relative tification and interpretation of competitive hierar-
response of each species to intraspecific and inter- chies in natural ecosystems. As such, it is
specific competition (relative competitive response) particularly common in field experiments (e.g.
or the competitive effect of each species on other Goldberg and Barton, 1992; Goldberg, 1996).
species relative to their intraspecific effect (relative
competitive effect).
Relative competitive response and effect
The third approach summarizes the two-way
interaction between pairs of species rather than the The substitution rates (Connolly, 1987), Sij and Sji,
contribution of each species to the interaction, of species j for species i and of species i for species j
using two indices. Resource complementarity (a are:
term introduced by Snaydon and Satorre (1989),
but with two distinct meanings, as discussed later) Sij = ij /i
measures the extent to which competing species (2.7)
Sji = ji /j
differ in their resource requirements. Competitive
ability measures the ability of one species to com- where  and  are coefficients from Equations
pete with another in a two-species mixture. 2.4, respectively quantifying the effects of intra-
and interspecific competition; Sij is thus the num-
ber of plants of species i that have the same effect
Interspecific competitive response and effect
as one plant of species j on the mean yield per
The ij of Equations 2.4 is the interspecific com- plant of species i. For example, when Sij = 1, one
petitive response of species i to species j. It is also plant of j has the same effect as one plant of i on
the interspecific competitive effect of j on i. In the yield per plant of i; and, when Sij = 2, one
practice, it is more common to measure interspe- plant of j has the same effect as two plants of i on
cific competitive response and effect using density- the yield per plant of i. As such it is also a measure
and frequency-dependent functions of . Since the of relative competitive response, i.e. the response
same coefficient may be regarded as an effect or as a of species i to competition from species j relative
response, it is meaningful to distinguish response to that from itself. The null hypothesis addressed
and effect only in experiments involving many by the substitution rate is that each species
species, and an average response or effect of each responds to interspecific competition in the same
species is estimated. Such experiments may involve way as it responds to intraspecific competition, i.e.
multispecies mixtures or as a series of two-species that Sij = Sji = 1.
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26 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

Although it is rarely done, it is also possible to Conversely, mutual exclusion occurs if on aver-
derive a corresponding pair of coefficients for rela- age intra- and interspecific competition have the
tive competitive effect: same effects (no resource complementarity). An
alternative way to express the same condition is that
Eij = ij /j the relative effects of i and j on i should be the
(2.8) same as their relative effects on j, i.e. that the ratio
Eji = ji /i
i/ij is the same as the ratio ji/j. This condition
of no resource complementarity is represented by
Here, Eij is the effect of species j on i relative to the the situation Rij = 1 in the following equation,
effect of species j on itself. The null hypothesis which defines the recommended coefficient of
addressed by these coefficients, Eij = Eji = 1, is that resource complementarity:
each species has the same competitive effect on its
own yield as it has on the yield of other competing βi β j 1 1
Rij = = = (2.9)
species. γ ij γ ji Sij S ji E ij E ji
De Wit (1960) argued that the tendency of a
plant to acquire resources is a characteristic of the The situation Rij = 1 was described by de Wit
plant. As such, it might be expected that each (1960) as ‘crowding for the same biological space’,
species would have the same competitive effect on where the species are competing for the same pool
itself as on other species. For example, if the of resources. In this situation, the effects of compe-
intraspecific effect i of species i is greater than the tition are particularly simple, with Sij = 1/Sji and Eij
intraspecific effect j of species j, then the interspe- = 1/Eji. That is, the relative competitive effect and
cific effect ji of species i should be correspondingly relative competitive response of j are the inverse of
greater than the interspecific effect ij of species j. those of i.
The null hypothesis Eij = Eji = 1 may therefore be The possibility of Rij > 1 introduces a conse-
biologically more appropriate than the null hypoth- quence of additional agricultural interest, that a
esis Sij = Sji = 1. De Wit (1960) demonstrated that mixture of the two species will obtain more
this was true in the case of an experiment on com- resources, and so give a higher relative yield, than
petition between peas and oats, but few other stud- the same plants grown over the same area but
ies have examined the hypothesis. divided into two pure stands. De Wit and van den
The possibility that Eij = Eji = 1 is of consider-
Bergh (1965) introduced the concept of relative
able interest, since in this case interspecific interac-
yield total (RYT) to quantify this effect, and
tions can be deduced purely from a knowledge of
described the conditions under which the absolute
intraspecific competition (replacing ji with i and
yield of a mixture would exceed the pure stands.
ij with j). Moreover, deviations from Eij = Eji = 1
It has become popular to use RYT as a measure
would require interpretation purely in terms of
of resource complementarity, although for this pur-
interspecific competition, as opposed to a general
pose it has undesirable properties (Snaydon, 1991;
effect on neighbours. It is therefore unfortunate
Sackville Hamilton, 1994). De Wit (1960, pp.
that so little literature measures E.
74–80) had earlier introduced a more appropriate
measure that does not suffer the drawbacks of RYT,
Resource complementarity namely the product of the two relative crowding
Of particular interest, both ecologically and agricul- coefficients. At high density this product equals Rij
turally, is the overall relationship between intraspe- (Sackville Hamilton, 1994). In choosing between
cific and interspecific competition. As shown above RYT and Rij, it is necessary to determine whether
from the Lotka–Volterra equations, stable coexis- the hypotheses being addressed relate to yield
tence of two species in an intimate mixture in a advantages of mixtures (if so, use RYT) or to
uniform environment requires that on average biological resource complementarity of the species
intraspecific competition must be stronger than (if so, use Rij).
interspecific competition. This situation implies a Snaydon and Satorre (1989) introduced a sec-
degree of niche separation between the species, ond distinct concept of resource complementarity
such that individuals from different species are not based on additive mixtures, in which each species
competing for exactly the same set of resources is sown in pure stand at the same density as in the
(hence the term ‘resource complementarity’). mixture. This coefficient is affected by the physical
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 27

proximity of plants: the coefficient indicates com- Other indices

plete ‘complementarity’ when plants are so far
The competition indices presented above are only a
apart that they do not interact. That is, it mea-
few of many published indices. Additional indices
sures the tendency of each plant to acquire mole-
are needed where Equations 2.4 do not accurately
cules or photons of resource that are physically
describe competitive relationships. In such cases,
beyond the reach of any other plant. In contrast,
competitive interactions depend on density or fre-
Rij measures the tendency of species to compete
quency of the species in the mixture, and the addi-
for the same type of resource, such that, regardless
tional indices are needed to describe these effects.
of the physical proximity of their plants, species
Some competition indices are simple transforma-
with identical resource requirements will always
tions of those presented above. For example, Snaydon
have Rij = 1, and Rij  1 only if the species are
and Satorre (1989) note that transformation of the
biologically different. To distinguish between these
indices to logarithms would facilitate interpretation
two different concepts, Sackville Hamilton (1994)
by making values additive and symmetrical about
suggested the terms ‘physical resource complemen-
zero, rather than ratios, which are multiplicative and
tarity’ for the Snaydon and Satorre (1989) coeffi-
asymmetrically distributed about one.
cient, and ‘biological resource complementarity’
Most studies on competition use simplified
for Rij.
designs that do not permit estimation of parameter
The coefficient of biological resource comple-
values for Equations 2.4, and therefore usually do
mentarity, Rij, is essential for questions relating to
not allow estimation of the indices in Equations 2.7
the biological similarity of species, such as niche
to 2.10. Many alternatives have been developed for
overlap, coexistence and yield benefits of mixtures.
these designs, but all share the problem of spurious
The coefficient of physical resource complementar-
frequency and density dependence. This problem
ity is more appropriate where it is desirable to com-
applies to most of the most popular indices, such as
bine the effects of biological similarity and physical
relative crowding coefficient, relative competition
proximity in a single coefficient.
intensity, relative yield, aggressivity, competitive
ratio and so on (for a summary of additional coeffi-
Competitive ability cients, see Jolliffe, 2000). Detailed assessment of
these and other indices in common use is beyond
The following definition of competitive ability is
the scope of this chapter. We merely caution the
orthogonal on a multiplicative (logarithmic) scale
reader to be aware of their limitations, and discour-
to resource complementarity as defined in Equation
age the uncritical use of any index without first
considering its properties in the context of the
βi γ ji S ji equations presented here.
C ij = = (2.10)
β j γ ij Sij
Outcome of competition
which is the ratio of the two substitution rates,
which is also the ratio of the intraspecific effects of The above indices, which quantify the effect of
the two species multiplied by the ratio of their competition on growth, reproduction or survival,
interspecific effects. Thus Cij measures the com- are not generally suitable for studies on the out-
petitive ability of species i against species j, such come of competition, i.e. on long-term changes in
that, if Cij > 1, species i is more competitive than composition of a mixture. As discussed above in the
species j. section on size bias, they can suggest an intrinsic
The null hypothesis usually tested is that Cij = competitive advantage of large size that is not
Cji = 1, i.e. that the two species are equally competi- reflected in the outcome of competition. By apply-
tive. However, it was suggested above that Eij = Eji = ing the ‘thought experiment’ of Connolly (1986), it
1 may be a biologically more realistic null hypothe- can be shown that the size bias applies to , , I, S
sis than Sij = Sji = 1. Equivalently, Cij = i/j may and C (Equations 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.10) but not to
be a biologically more realistic null hypothesis than E or R (Equations 2.8 and 2.9).
Cij = Cji = 1, i.e. that the relative abilities of two Despite the absence of a size bias, R has addi-
species to compete against each other equal their tional problems limiting its value for deducing
relative responses to intraspecific competition. coexistence. If R > 1, the two zero isoclines in
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28 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

Fig. 2.1 have different slopes. This is necessary but then often not an appropriate unit for assessing
not sufficient for the crossover of zero isoclines. mixture composition. The use of number of vegeta-
Thus, since stable coexistence in a uniform envi- tive units such as tillers, stolons or rooted units can
ronment requires crossover of the zero isoclines, R > be an appropriate alternative. To obtain a valid esti-
1 is necessary but not sufficient for coexistence. mate of , it is essential to use the same units for
The size bias in , , I, S and C can sometimes be both initial (N) and final (O) densities: if O is mea-
eliminated by measuring initial biomass, regarding sured as density of tillers, then so must N.
initial biomass as a measure of functional density and Counting vegetative units can also be question-
replacing density with initial biomass in Equations able because of the variation in size of tillers pro-
2.4. However, initial biomass is difficult to control duced. Moreover, it is often extremely laborious.
directly. With experimental designs where data can be Biomass can be a more appropriate and more con-
analysed by regression of yield on density, it is suffi- venient measure. Again, the caveat applies that the
cient to control initial density and measure initial same units must be used for both O and N. The
biomass (J. Connolly, Dublin, 1999, personal com- resource efficiency index of Connolly (1987) is the
munication). This approach fails when using the sim- appropriate index, effectively identical to relative
pler experimental designs that require initial density reproductive rate, except that it measures the rela-
to be fixed at a predefined value. For these designs the tive biomass production per unit initial biomass.
outcome of competition can be assessed only by Since the two coefficients are identical except in
using indices devised specifically for the purpose. the units of measurement, they will hereafter be
discussed jointly and referred to, using de Wit’s
term, as .
Relative reproductive rate
The value of  varies with density and fre-
The relative reproductive rate  of de Wit (1960) is quency of the species in the mixture. The pattern of
a key index for describing changes in mixture com- frequency and density dependence is crucial to the
position: final outcome. It is therefore necessary to explore
these patterns. Figure 2.1 shows a simple example
Oi  of frequency dependence in  even without den-
 O 
 j sity- or frequency-dependent competition. The pat-
α ij =
 Ni  tern can often be more complex, because Equations
 N  (2.11)
 j  2.2 and 2.4 often do not accurately describe varia-
tion in seed production. However, for simplicity we
= shall explore only the simple case, where Equations
2.4 are accurate.
In this equation, Oi and Oj are the number of seed To ensure that we use the same units (we shall
produced per unit area produced by species i and j, use numbers of seed, but could equally use bio-
in the same units as their initial densities Ni and Nj. mass) on both sides of the equation, we put o
That is, the relative reproductive rate is the ratio of instead of w on the left-hand side of Equations 2.4.
the seed yields per unit area, relative to the ratio of We then substitute oi and oj in Equations 2.11 with
initial number of seed per unit area. If these two the right-hand side of Equations 2.4. To enable a
ratios are the same, then the relative abundance of distinction to be made between frequency and den-
the two species in the mixture does not change and sity dependence, we define D as the combined
the relative reproductive rate is 1. Since Oi/Ni = oi effective density of i and j, D = iNi + ijNj. This is
is the mean number of seed produced per plant, the the effective density for i, since, at a given value of
relative reproductive rate is more simply expressed D, the mean plant size of i is constant regardless of
as ij = oi/oj, the ratio of the number of seed pro- the relative densities of i and j. It is also the effec-
duced per plant of the two species. tive density for j and for the whole mixture if Rij =
The use of relative reproductive rate based on 1 (i.e. if the average severity of intraspecific compe-
seed counts can be problematic for pastures, espe- tition equals the average severity of interspecific
cially in pastures of perennial species where clonal competition). Then, by expressing  in terms of Ni
dynamics (e.g. production and loss of tillers) are and D instead of Ni and Nj, density dependence
often a major component of the dynamics and per- appears as variation with D and frequency depen-
sistence of plants. The number of seed produced is dence as variation with Ni (since, at a given value
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 29

D, any increase in Ni must be accompanied by a tition on top of the basic effects of crowding for
corresponding decrease in Nj). This gives: space in monoculture. That is, i has a competitive
advantage over j if its effect, ji, on the yield of j is
a ij = greater than its effect, i, on its own yield.
Of the three key components of  (resource

= 
( )
a j 1 + E ji 1 − Rij βi N i + E ji Rij D 

(2.12) complementarity, R, relative competitive effect, E,
and spaced plant reproductive rate, 1/a), only one
ai  1+ D 
  (R) is commonly measured in competition studies.
There is a good body of information on interspe-
This analysis reveals several important characteris- cific variation in 1/a, at least in terms of maximum
tics of . First, in the absence of frequency- and relative growth rate of seedlings (e.g. Cornelissen et
density-dependent competition,  is frequency- al., 1996), although it has not been obtained as
dependent only if Rij  1 (if Rij = 1, 1 − Rij = 0 so part of competition experiments. It is suggested
there is no variation with Ni). If Rij > 1, any gain to that in future higher priority be attached to
i decreases as the relative frequency of i increases, enhancing competition studies by measuring rela-
i.e. the rarer species tends to be favoured. This is tive competitive effect and the reproductive rates of
the result discussed earlier – that stable coexistence plants growing without competition.
in a uniform environment requires Rij > 1.
Secondly, in the absence of frequency- and den-
sity-dependent competition,  varies with the effec- Summary
tive combined density D even if Rij = 1, unless Eij =
(1/Eji) = 1. That is,  is density-dependent if each In this section we have discussed a range of key
species has interspecific competitive effects that do indices used to describe the intensity, effect and
not simply reflect how they crowd for space in outcome of competition. No attempt has been
monoculture. made to discuss all available indices, regardless of
Thirdly, at all densities if Eij = Eji = 1, or just at their current popularity. The indices discussed were
low densities if Eij = (1/Eji)  1, we have quite sim- chosen because they are considered ideal for the
ply ij = aj/ai. Remembering that 1/ai is the yield majority of purposes, including the purpose of eval-
(in this case measured as number of seed) produced uating the merits and demerits of other competi-
by a single isolated plant of i growing without com- tion indices.
petition,  is then simply the relative reproductive It is argued that most studies have failed to mea-
rate of spaced plants of i and j . This is a key point, sure certain key indices, despite their central impor-
emphasizing again the difference between the effect tance for understanding competition. In particular,
and outcome of competition. The ‘outcome of the relative competitive effect, E (Equation 2.8) is a
competition’ is basically the relative reproductive key index for both the effect and the outcome of
rate of plants grown without competition. In one competition. The reproductive rate or relative
sense, this clearly has nothing to do with competi- growth rate, 1/a (Equations 2.3 and 2.4), of plants
tion, but, in another sense, it correctly reflects the grown without competition is a key index for the
fact that the winner of any competition is simply outcome of competition. It defines the baseline
the fastest, regardless of whether competition is expectation for the outcome of competition
actually occurring. The ‘effect of competition’ is between species with neutral competitive effects.
then to modify that outcome to generate more
complex solutions.
Fourthly, at high density with Eij = (1/Eji)  1, Methodologies
the equation simplifies to ij = Eji aj/ai, that is, ij is
Eji times its basic value of aj/ai. This again is a key The previous section presented a range of indices
feature. It shows that the effect of interspecific for different purposes. Having chosen the most
competition that fundamentally determines the appropriate indices for a particular study, an experi-
output of competition is not the overall effect of menter can then proceed to determine the most
interspecific competition or any of the popular appropriate methodologies for estimating values of
measures of competitive ability. Rather, it is the the chosen indices. A description of possible
special additional effects of interspecific compe- methodologies is the subject of this section.
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30 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

Experimental approaches self-driven changes in severity with time. The con-

sequence of this is that treatment effects can be
Numerous designs have been developed to study directly associated with competition effects only
different aspects of competition (e.g. Harper, 1961; over a single period starting at the moment of
Begon et al., 1996). No single approach is suitable manipulation. Assessment of changes in mixture
for all purposes. The experimental study of compe- composition over several periods of time is an
tition requires experimental manipulation of the essential part of the suite of tools for analysing the
severity of competition. At its simplest, this may outcome of competition (e.g. de Wit et al., 1966;
just involve comparing a ‘with competition’ treat- Tow et al., 1997), but attributing changes in mix-
ment and a ‘without competition’ control. ture composition to competition effects can be
Alternatively, it may involve establishing a series of problematic.
treatments varying quantitatively in the severity of
Artificial plots
The severity of competition is usually manipu-
lated indirectly, by controlling the initial density or The use of artificial plots, in glasshouse or field, has
size of individuals in a plot. Average density or size been one of the most popular experimental
may be controlled over whole plots, or systematic approaches. The main advantage of the approach is
designs may be used that specify the size and posi- its ease. Plots can be set up with full control over ini-
tion of individual plants. The assumption is that tial densities in mixture and in pure stand, and with
competition is more severe with more closely good control over environmental heterogeneity.
spaced and/or larger plants, as described at its most One disadvantage of the approach, as with all
simple by Equations 2.2 and 2.4. Measured effects artificial plots, is the questionable relevance to the
of initial density or size on growth, reproduction field. Indeed, the existence and importance of com-
or survival can then be interpreted in terms of petition in the field have long been debated in the
competition. ecological literature, despite a very large literature
The severity of competition may also be manip- demonstrating competition in artificial plots (see,
ulated directly, by controlling the supply of for example, Connell, 1983; Schoener, 1983).
resources. The advantage of this approach is that it In addition, the above-mentioned problem –
enables competition for each resource to be studied that treatment effects can be directly associated
independently. For example, competition for P may with competition only over a single period starting
be studied by restricting the P supply while supply- when the plots are established – causes a particular
ing abundant light, water and other minerals. difficulty for studying competition in permanent
However, this approach is not sufficient on its own, pastures based on perennial forages. It is impossi-
because it does not enable separation of the effects ble to exclude the effects of competition during
of competition from the non-competitive effects of the period of establishment of the plots. Since
variation in nutrient supply. The approach is useful most studies involve sowing seed, they inevitably
for studies on competition when combined with address seedling competition. Most studies are of
the experimental manipulation of density or size. short duration, and so competition effects are
Studies on the outcome of competition require dominated by seedling competition. These may be
comparison of mixture composition before and of little relevance to competition among mature
after a period of competition. At its simplest, this plants and therefore to the long-term persistence
can be done with only one initial mixture composi- and stability of mixtures in established pastures.
tion. However, experimental manipulation of the Even in studies that are continued for several years,
severity of competition is central to assessment of results still depend partly on competition during
whether the outcome of competition depends on the initial establishment phase and can be difficult
its initial composition. to interpret.
There is a fundamental, intrinsic problem with A further problem is a logistical one – that
the experimental manipulation of competition. The experiments on competition in artificial plots can
outcome of competition is a change in the very be so large that it is often impractical to study mul-
attributes (density, size and resource supply) that tispecies mixtures. The majority of published exper-
need to be controlled in order to manipulate the iments deal only with two-species mixtures (Gibson
severity of competition, leading to uncontrolled, et al., 1999).
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 31

Field studies Measurement

Density in pre-existing communities in the field Level of measurement
may be manipulated by adding new plants or by
removing existing ones (e.g. Goldberg, 1996; Measurements are often made on whole plots, giv-
Reader et al., 1994). The approach has not been as ing data that can be used to fit whole-population
popular as experiments with artificial plots because equations, such as Equations 2.2 or 2.4, or to esti-
of the greater difficulty of manipulating the severity mate other forms of whole-population competition
of competition. However, it has a number of major indices.
advantages. Obviously it generates results that are An alternative to measuring whole-plot variables
directly relevant to competition in the field. Unlike is the ‘neighbourhood’ approach. In this approach,
glasshouse experiments, measures of the intensity of measurements are made on the growth, reproduc-
competition are of direct interest per se. In addition, tion or survival of individual plants, and the mea-
most experiments deal with multispecies mixtures. surements are analysed in relation to the size of the
Finally, of particular importance for pastures of plant and the size and proximity of their neigh-
perennial forages, the approach does not depend on bours (Ives, 1995; Bi and Turvey, 1996; Oosthuizen
establishing new plots and therefore is readily et al., 1996; Wagner and Radosevich, 1998; Grist,
applicable to the study of competition in mature 1999). This is a more recent approach than whole-
communities, ignoring seedling competition. population studies, and a range of different regres-
Because of these advantages, further use of this sion algorithms have been tried in different
approach should be encouraged. situations. It is premature to propose ideal designs
Difficulties associated with the approach and analyses for such experiments. However, it
include the high level of environmental heterogene- should be emphasized that, being based on the
ity in most field communities, necessitating high individual plant, they provide a more promising
replication, simple designs and special considera- way forward in terms of understanding the process
tion of spatial heterogeneity (Goldberg and and mechanisms of competition.
Scheiner, 1993; Ives, 1995).
In addition, manipulating density by adding or Choice of experimental units for
removing plants presents the major practical diffi- measurement
culty of how to avoid causing other environmental
changes, so that the effects of manipulation can be In many published studies, all experimental units
attributed to competition rather than to the envi- (i.e. all the plots or plants grown in the experiment)
ronmental side-effects. For example, removal of are measured. The same plants are used both to
plants by systemic herbicides increases the organic cause a competitive effect and to measure a com-
matter content of the soil. Mechanical removal of petitive response. In two situations the experi-
above-ground parts may leave plants able to re- menter may choose to separate plants into two
establish from below-ground parts. Mechanical groups, using the response of one group of plants to
removal by cultivation to kill below-ground parts measure the competitive effect of another group.
causes major changes in soil structure, nutrient Firstly, all experiments on mixtures raise a statis-
cycling and the soil microbial community. All of tical difficulty, namely, that the yields of all species
these changes will affect nutrient uptake by the within one mixture will show correlated errors,
plants and so may affect competition. whereas conventional statistical analyses assume
Likewise, addition of plants changes the soil independent measurements of yield. For some
during the process of planting, and it may be very designs, statistical solutions to this difficulty have
difficult to add plants that are equivalent to those been published in which the correlation is esti-
already present. These difficulties can be overcome mated and allowed for (e.g. Machin and Sanderson,
by adding seed to the seed rain instead of adding 1977). Alternatively, the problem can be avoided by
adult plants, but this gives relatively poor control using more plots (doubling the number of mixed
over the target density. It may work relatively well plots in the case of competition between two
in self-seeding pastures of annual forages, but is species) and measuring only one of the species in
likely to be relatively ineffective in temperate per- each plot, which generates truly independent sets of
manent pastures of perennial forages, where measurements for each species (e.g. Law and
seedling establishment is low in mature pastures. Watkinson, 1987).
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32 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

Secondly, in field experiments plants may be if the resulting size of the experiment prevents
sown as phytomers, i.e. used solely to measure the other important factors from being addressed. The
competitive effect of neighbouring plants. Sown at design of competition experiments will always
low density, they will have minimal effect on the involve a compromise, in which some factors are
severity of competition experienced by neighbour- ignored, despite their importance for competition,
ing plants. The advantage of using phytomers in order to make it possible to study other factors.
rather than existing plants is the opportunity it It is up to each experimenter to ensure that the fac-
affords to standardize the initial size of the phy- tors ignored and the factors studied are appropriate
tomers, thus reducing the high error terms associ- to the hypotheses at hand.
ated with field experiments. Figure 2.3 illustrates four experimental designs
that allow estimation of response surfaces. Figure
2.4 illustrates four simplified designs that provide
Experimental Design and Analysis less complete information on competition. Table
2.1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages
The previous section discussed generic approaches of each of these designs, as discussed below.
in terms of working on artificial plots or field com-
munities and of what to measure. Having chosen
the most appropriate approach, the experimenter Response-surface designs
can then proceed to the subject of this section,
which is to determine the most appropriate experi- All designs in Fig. 2.3 enable estimation of all
mental design. parameters in Equations 2.4, and therefore enable
This section presents a range of different designs estimation of the ideal competition indices pre-
and considers the advantages and disadvantages of sented in Equations 2.7 to 2.10. In all cases, analy-
each. For simplicity, specific designs will be dis- sis should involve regression of the final state of
cussed only for competition between two species, each species on the initial state of the composition,
although the principles generalize readily to more with due statistical care for issues such as normal-
species. Similarly, and again without loss of general- ity, homogeneity, correlated errors, tests for good-
ity, discussion will be restricted to random mix- ness of fit to the equations and tests of null
tures, in which plants of the two species are mixed hypotheses. In all cases, size bias is readily allowed
and distributed at random. The same principles for by replacing initial density in Equations 2.4
apply to non-random mixtures, in which experi- with initial biomass.
mental design defines the precise position of each Snaydon and Satorre (1989) recommend a
plant in the mixture. Since the key issue is to match ‘bivariate factorial design’ (Fig. 2.3a), although the
experimental design to objectives, designs will be design is not factorial (there can be no data from a
discussed primarily in terms of what can and can- ‘plot’ with zero density of both species) and should
not be achieved with them. not be analysed as a factorial design. The design is
Implicit in Equations 2.4 is that an experiment sometimes considered the most comprehensive of
on competition between two species ideally requires all. However, since it includes mixtures at twice the
both species to be present initially at a wide range density of the highest pure-stand density, it involves
of densities, in mixture and in pure stand. Plotting using unrealistically high mixture densities and/or
the initial densities of the two species on orthogo- failing to include realistically high pure-stand densi-
nal axes, the ‘treatments’ should form a complete ties (J. Connolly, Dublin, 1999, personal commu-
two-dimensional plane of densities. Growth, repro- nication).
duction and/or survival of both species should be Figure 2.3b shows the most complete recom-
measured, giving two measured response surfaces to mendable design that does not suffer the concep-
the two-dimensional density plane. tual difficulty of the design in Fig. 2.3a. The
Quantifying this double response surface is design enables complete coverage of the entire bio-
‘ideal’ in the sense that it provides the most com- logically realistic part of the density plane. It is a
plete description of the effects of competition in large design, justifiable only when the hypotheses
one set of conditions. However, it requires excep- under consideration require quantification of the
tionally large experiments. Quantifying the full nature of frequency- and density-dependent varia-
double response surface may be very far from ideal tion. The design is particularly important for stud-
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 33

(a) (b)

Density of species 2

(c) (d)
Density of species 2

Density of species 1 Density of species 1

Fig. 2.3. Experimental designs enabling response-surface analysis of competition: (a) bivariate factorial
(Snaydon and Satorre, 1989); (b) generalized response surface; (c) minimal response surface for detecting
frequency and density dependence; (d) minimal response surface ignoring frequency and density

ies on the outcome of competition, since they Figure 2.3d is the simplest possible design that
require measurement of numbers of offspring pro- enables estimation of all the competition indices in
duced, and, as noted above, numbers of offspring Equations 2.7 to 2.10, with no spurious frequency
are not usually described adequately by Equations or density dependence and with easy correction for
2.4. Addressing other important factors, such as size bias. With this design it is not possible to test
variation in soil, management, etc., at the same the goodness of fit to Equations 2.4. As such, it
time as quantifying frequency- and density-depen- assumes that there is no true density- or frequency-
dent variation may make an experiment impossibly dependent variation. This may be considered a dis-
large. advantage: if so, the more complex designs must be
Figure 2.3c is the simplest possible design used. On the other hand, it has major advantages
enabling detection of both true density-dependent over the simpler designs adopted and accepted by
and true frequency-dependent variation. Because of many authors. As a compromise that achieves rela-
its smaller size, it should be used in preference to tive simplicity while still permitting complete unbi-
the design in Fig. 2.3b if an objective is to be able ased estimation of all relevant competition
to detect true density and frequency dependence coefficients, the design thus has much to recom-
but not its precise algebraic form. mend it.
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34 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

(a) (b)

Density of species 2

(c) (d)
Density of species 2

Density of species 1 Density of species 1

Fig. 2.4. Simplified designs for competition experiments: (a) replacement series (deWit, 1960); (b) additive
mixture (Snaydon, 1991); (c) target-neighbour (Gibson et al., 1999); (d) simple pairwise mixture (Gibson et
al., 1999).

Cross-sectional designs These disadvantages are counterbalanced by one

important advantage: their small size allows other
The designs in Fig. 2.4 represent cross-sections factors to be addressed. It is crucial to ensure that
through the two-dimensional density plane. As the information obtained is relevant, and that the
such, they all provide only limited information on information disregarded is not relevant, to the
competition and they all share several problems. hypotheses being addressed. If the experimenter
First, the designs are of relatively little value for fails to appreciate the biological significance of the
studies on the outcome of competition. Secondly, aspects of competition ignored by each design, they
they all confound density and frequency in some are all easy to misinterpret.
way. Thirdly, none of them enables estimation of all Much of the debate over optimal designs for
the parameters in Equations 2.4, and so almost all competition experiments centres on comparing
derived competition indices show spurious density ‘replacement’ or ‘substitutive’ designs with ‘additive’
and frequency dependence. Fourthly, as noted designs.2 This aspect of the debate is only relevant
above, this makes it difficult to allow for size bias for cross-sectional designs that do not allow estima-
when biomass is measured. Fifthly, none of the tion of the complete response surfaces. However,
cross-sectional designs can be used to estimate the the term ‘additive design’ has been used in many
relative competitive effect, E (Equation 2.8). different ways, including the designs shown in
C&S in Pastures Chap 02
Table 2.1. Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of a range of experimental designs for competition studies.

Experimental design (illustrated in Figs 2.3 and 2.4 as indicated in parentheses)

Bivariate Target- Simple pairwise
factorial General response Minimal response Replacement series Additive mixture neighbour mixture

Feature of design (Fig. 2.3a) surface (Fig. 2.3b,c) surface (Fig. 2.3d) (Fig. 2.4a) (Fig. 2.4b) (Fig. 2.4c) (Fig. 2.4d)

Estimate ? (Equation 2.4) Yes Yes Yes No No No No

Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects

Estimate ? (Equation 2.4) Yes Yes Yes No No (but can No (but a No
estimate a) for one

1:49 pm
Estimate I? (Equation 2.6) Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Estimate S? (Equation 2.7) Yes Yes Yes Yes at high equal No No No
Estimate E? (Equation 2.8) Yes Yes Yes No No No No

Page 35
Estimate R? (Equation 2.9) Yes Yes Yes Yes at high density No No No
Estimate C? (Equation 2.10) Yes Yes Yes Yes at high equal No No No
Estimate ? (Equation 2.11) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Easy to correct for size bias of Yes Yes Yes No No (yes for a) No (yes No
, , I, S, C? fora)
Detect true density and Yes Yes No Yes, but density and No Yes for  No
frequency dependence? frequency confounded of one
species, but
Spurious density dependence? No No No At low density At low density At low density Yes
(No for a) (No for a)
Spurious frequency dependence?No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Size of experiments Large Large Medium Small Small Small Very small
Preferred usage Studies on outcome Crop mixtures with Crop mixtures; smallest Field studies Weed–crop Mechanical
of competition E and no size bias design for S, R, C. Mechanical studies diallels
Mechanical diallels diallels

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36 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

Fig. 2.3(a) (Snaydon and Satorre, 1989), 2.3(b–d) and density dependence, difficulty of analysing and
(Gibson et al., 1999), 2.4(b) (Goldberg and interpreting, failure to estimate relative competitive
Scheiner, 1993), 2.4(c) (Snaydon, 1991) and 2.4(d) effect, E, the limited value of estimates of relative
(Austin et al., 1988). Figures 2.3(a–d) also incorpo- replacement rate, , and the lack of relevance of
rate replacement designs, so the potential for con- results to the outcome of competition are the same
fusion is clear and the term ‘additive’ should be as for other cross-sectional designs. Density and fre-
used with caution. quency are confounded, but in a qualitatively dif-
ferent way from other cross-sectional designs:
density- and frequency-dependent variation both
Replacement designs
appear as frequency-dependent variation in Sij.
Since 1960, replacement designs (Fig. 2.4a) have Replacement designs can also be constructed
been, and remain, the most popular design for with multispecies mixtures, although this is rare in
competition experiments, yet they have been heav- the literature. It is more often used as the basis for
ily criticized for many reasons by many authors comparing many species in all possible paired com-
throughout the 1980s and 1990s (Gibson et al., binations (a physical or mechanical diallel (Harper,
1999). The criticisms cover not only the design but 1977)). Usually this is done only with a single 1 : 1
also the large number of publications that incor- mixture of each pair of species. The value of
rectly use, analyse or interpret results. Gibson et al. replacement mechanical diallels is best conceptual-
(1999) conclude: ‘The tendency to misuse the ized by thinking of one of the species in a mixture
method is so pervasive that its continued use as the experimental unit and the second species as
should be discouraged.’ Like all cross-sectional the treatment. The pure stands are then simply
designs, the replacement design has value for cer- another treatment, at a density such that conceptu-
tain purposes, but the value is limited and the flaws ally half the plants in the pure stand correspond to
necessitate great caution in its application (Jolliffe, the measured experimental unit and half to the
2000). treatment. That is, ‘competing species’ is the treat-
The value of de Wit’s (1960) ‘relative crowding ment design, with one level of the factor for each
coefficient’ (which he denoted k) depends on both species in the experiment, and the design simply
the absolute and relative densities used for the two compares the effects of all species on the yield of
pure stands. It is density-dependent only at low their neighbours.
densities; as density is increased, it tends towards a
density-independent value. In a replacement design
Additive mixtures
with high, equal, pure-stand densities, kij equals the
inverse of the substitution rate Sij (Equation 2.7) of Additive mixtures (Fig. 2.4b) ignore intraspecific
Connolly (1987) (Sackville Hamilton, 1994). competition. For hypotheses not concerned with
Therefore the design can also be used to estimate intraspecific competition, additive mixtures are
resource complementarity, Rij (Equation 2.9), and preferable to replacement mixtures. Adding or
competitive ability, Cij (Equation 2.10). It is the removing plants enables estimation of the intensity
most size-efficient design available for estimating of competition caused by those plants, which over-
these coefficients, which is its major advantage over comes the main conceptual limitation of replace-
other designs. Conversely, it cannot be used to esti- ment designs.
mate these coefficients if the densities of the two Like other simplified designs, the competition
pure stands are unequal or not high enough. indices in use for additive designs show spurious
Like Sij, de Wit’s (1960) relative crowding coef- density and frequency dependence. One possible
ficient measures relative responses to intra- and index shows no spurious density and frequency
interspecific competition. Other cross-sectional dependence, but it appears not to have been used.
designs fail to address this aspect of competition. Specifically, linear regression of 1/w of one species
Conversely, the replacement design has one major on the density of the other species estimates
conceptual limitation that is overcome with other the products aiij and ajji of Equations 2.4, i.e. the
cross-sectional designs: it fails to estimate the inten- effects of interspecific competition not standard-
sity of competition, either overall or of intra- or ized for the size of plants grown without competi-
interspecific competition. tion. Because it is not standardized for size, the
The problems of size bias, spurious frequency coefficient has little value except in ranking several
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 37

species j in terms of their competitive effect on Simple pairwise mixtures

one species i, for which purpose all the aiij share
A single pairwise mixture (Fig. 2.4d) on its own
the same value, aj, so that the species are ranked
provides no useful information on the effects of
by ij.
competition. A series of repeated measurements on
Since the design has only one mixture, neither
the composition of one such mixture is sufficient
true nor spurious density and frequency depen-
for a descriptive study of the outcome of competi-
dence can be detected or estimated, so confounding
tion from a single starting-point, but cannot be
of density and frequency is complete.
interpreted in terms of competitive effects or other
Like the replacement design, additive mixtures
factors affecting the outcome.
can also be used to study many species with a
The main use of these mixtures for assessing the
mechanical diallel of all possible pairs of 1 : 1 mix-
effects of competition is in comparing many species
tures. The only design difference between additive
in all possible combinations in the smallest possible
and replacement mechanical diallels is that the
design. This mechanical diallel without pure stands
additive pure stands are at half the density, but this
is analogous to a genetic diallel cross without par-
small design difference has large implications for
ents. Its main benefit is its minimal size. Like the
analysis and interpretation. Pure stands of additive
replacement and additive diallels, it enables estima-
mechanical diallels represent ‘low competition con-
tion of interspecific competitive response, competi-
trols’, used to assess the increase in severity of com-
tive effect and physical combining abilities, using
petition caused by adding interspecific competition.
indices with all the disadvantages of the other cross-
Thus only the interspecific competitive effects and
sectional designs. Additional disadvantages are that
responses of each species are measured.
it fails to estimate either the severity of interspecific
Essentially the same design is also commonly
competition or the relative severity of intra- and
used as the basis for field experiments where density
interspecific competition.
is manipulated by removing plants (e.g. Reader et
al., 1994). In removal experiments in the field, the
basic design is the full multispecies community, and Summary
each ‘pure stand’ depicted in Fig. 2.4b is actually a
mixture of all the species except the one species This section considers the advantages and disadvan-
removed. Then the graph is conceptually a hyper- tages of a range of experimental designs for the
volume, with one axis for each species in the com- study of competition. Optimal design depends on
munity. The analysis of data can be essentially the choice of experimental approach and competi-
identical. The popular use of this design for field tion index, both of which depend on objectives.
experiments adds to the value of using the Selection of the optimal design for a given objective
approach in the glasshouse also, since results from therefore logically represents the last stage in plan-
glasshouse and field experiments are then directly ning a competition study.
comparable. However, before concluding the chapter, we
shall briefly consider the implications of some of
Target-neighbour designs the special features of grass–legume dynamics for
studying competition in pastures.
Target-neighbour designs (Fig. 2.4c) are appropriate
when the primary interest is in the one-directional
competitive effect of one species (typically a weed) Dynamics of Grass–Legume
on a second (typically a crop). In these cases, the Mixtures
performance of the weed in pure stand may be of no
interest and the density of the crop may be fixed by The purpose of this section is to indicate, without
agronomic practice. All relevant information can duplicating the detail in the rest of this book, how
then be obtained by varying the density of the weed the special features of grass–legume dynamics may
at a single crop density, including estimation of influence results. It seeks thereby to clarify interpre-
accw (using subscripts c and w for crop and weed). tation of some competition indices, especially with
Density and frequency are again confounded, but in regard to how they change with time in experi-
this case density and frequency dependence both ments with repeated harvests. In addition, it high-
appear as density-dependent variation in cw. lights some important questions specific to
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38 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

grass–legume mixtures, and so aims to guide future A further consequence is a reduction in differ-
experimental objectives and help improve future ence between additive and replacement mixtures.
experimental designs for competition studies. For example, the difference between replacement
Mixtures of N2-fixing legumes with non- relative yield and additive relative yield, measured
legumes are among the very few cases where com- for one harvest interval, will decrease with time. In
petition experiments consistently show yield a sense, this is an artefact, because the relevant
advantages of mixtures (de Wit et al., 1966; densities of the mixture and monocultures are
Trenbath, 1974) and, by implication, niche differ- their densities at the beginning of the harvest
entiation, and a possible equilibrium frequency interval in question; and, as already indicated,
and possible coexistence through the they become progressively more similar, regardless
Lotka–Volterra mechanism illustrated in Fig. 2.1. of whether they started as additive or replacement
This is attributed to N2-fixation by the legume, mixtures.
which gives it access to a N source not accessible to It should be noted that convergence is towards
the grass – which, after all, is one of the most the ‘replacement’ version of competition indices. As
important reasons for using legumes in pastures time passes, mixtures and monocultures both tend
and other cropping systems. towards their equilibrium (maximum) yields and
Determining the existence and characteristics of densities per plot. This means that the additive
an equilibrium state are important issues, especially mixture is no longer increasing the intensity of
in the context of sustainable pastures. If there is an competition over that experienced in the monocul-
equilibrium state, a mixture will change in fre- ture; instead, it tends towards the replacement mix-
quency and density towards the equilibrium regard- ture, where the total intensity of competition in
less of the starting-point. At its simplest, this may monoculture and mixture is the same. Thus, for
be demonstrated in a single-harvest experiment at a repeat harvests, additive mixtures cannot be used
wide range of frequencies and densities. for their primary purpose, which is to measure the
However, there is also a need for confirmation additional intensity of interspecific competition.
in the field that initial frequency- and density- The above discussion applies primarily to
dependent relative replacement rates do indeed grass–legume dynamics in the simplest case, with
result in convergence on a stable end-point. This N2-fixation by legumes and N-limited mixture
requires repeated harvests and a demonstration that yield. In this case, Equations 2.2 and 2.4 may be
widely different initial densities and frequencies accurate and Fig. 2.1 may give an accurate sum-
finally converge on the same value. If there is a sta- mary of dynamics and stable coexistence. Three
ble equilibrium, initial plant density or frequency additional complications may arise.
will not affect the final state, although it will First, mixture growth rate may not be N-lim-
change the speed of approach and the path towards ited. If the soil is fertile with abundant N, growth
that final state. Similarly, the use of additive or rate may be limited by pH, water-supply or other
replacement mixtures will not change the final nutrients or, if cutting and grazing are sufficiently
state, although it will change the speed of approach infrequent, by light. In this case, N2-fixation by the
and the path towards that final state. legume cannot increase mixture yield. However,
A consequence of the approach to a single final provided grass is a superior competitor for soil min-
equilibrium point is a progressive reduction in fre- eral N, in theory this would result in frequency-
quency- and density-dependent variation in indices dependent competition, with deviations from
such as relative replacement rate, relative yield and Equations 2.2 and 2.4 favouring the rarer compo-
relative intensity of competition. This necessarily nent. This would again result in the existence of a
occurs because of the progressive reduction in the stable equilibrium and convergence of all mixtures
range of frequencies and densities in different treat- on that final equilibrium state, regardless of their
ments. However, it does not necessarily imply a initial composition, although the mathematical
reduction in the underlying patterns of frequency description of convergence would be more compli-
and density dependence of these indices. cated and the precise speed and paths to conver-
Examination of any possible temporal changes in gence would differ. There is little literature
these underlying patterns would require repeated empirically testing this theoretical effect of soil N
experimental manipulation of density to re-estab- status on the adequacy of Equations 2.2 and 2.4 to
lish differences in density and frequency. describe grass–legume competition.
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Measurement of Competition and Competition Effects 39

A second complication arises from the transfer Experimental study of such equilibrium cycles
of fixed N from legume to grass. This would also clearly requires still more sophisticated methodolo-
result in frequency-dependent competition, with gies. They must include studies of the effect of each
deviations from Equations 2.2 and 2.4 favouring species on its immediate environment, the feedback
the rarer component – again provided that the grass effect of that environmental change on the compet-
is a superior competitor for soil mineral N. itive balance between grass and legume and the
However, there is one major difference from the time course of the effects of plant on environment
previous case. Frequency dependence resulting and of environment on plant. In addition, conse-
from mixture yield not being N-limited would quences for spatial patchiness will depend on the
occur immediately. In contrast, frequency depen- growth habit of the species involved, in particular
dence resulting from transfer of fixed N from on patterns of clonal or sexual dispersal through the
legume to grass would not occur immediately field.
because of the time delay involved in N transfer. Thus grass–legume dynamics can involve some
So, in this case, Equations 2.2 and 2.4 would ini- of the most complicated forms of competitive inter-
tially suffice and competition would change to action known between plants. Combined with their
being frequency-dependent only after sufficient central importance for pasture sustainability, this
time has elapsed for N transfer to occur. Harris and further emphasizes the need for high-quality studies
Thomas (1973) and Harris (1974) demonstrated on competition where experimental methods are
an increase with time in the frequency dependence carefully matched to objectives.
of competition between white clover and grass. It is
supposed that N transfer is the cause of their
results. Conclusion
The third and biggest complication is a direct
consequence of the time delay involved in N trans- Probably the greatest difficulty with studies on
fer from legume to grass. The equilibrium state competition stems from the wide range of ques-
may then not be a single mixture composition but tions that can be asked. Different experimental
rather an equilibrium cycle, involving indefinitely approaches are required to answer different ques-
repeated fluctuations in mixture composition. The tions. This chapter provides a guide to the diversity
reason, proposed by Turkington and Harper (1979) of questions that can be asked, to the pitfalls to be
as a possible explanation of the observed dynamics avoided and to the selection of the most appropri-
of grasses and white clover in permanent temperate ate experimental approach for each purpose. It
pastures, is as follows. Ryegrass is a superior com- makes no attempt to review all the experimental
petitor at high soil mineral N. White clover is the designs or competition indices that have been used.
superior competitor at low soil mineral N because Instead it provides a theoretical framework that can
of its ability to use atmospheric N2 as its source of be used to assess the merits of other designs and
N. A ryegrass-dominant patch will reduce soil min- indices, and it highlights aspects of competition
eral N level because of uptake by the grass, and so that have been inadequately studied to date, partic-
will alter the competitive balance in favour of white ularly in the context of the special features of
clover. A clover-dominant patch will increase soil grass–legume dynamics.
mineral N because of N2-fixation and subsequent The chapter identifies four main categories of
release of fixed N by leakage from living tissue or competition study requiring different methodolo-
by decay of dead tissue, and so will alter the com- gies. One is concerned with measuring the intensity
petitive balance in favour of ryegrass. Because of of competition in the field. The value of such stud-
the time delay involved in these processes, the mix- ies lies in quantifying the importance of competi-
ture will never converge on a single equilibrium tion relative to other ecological factors as forces
state. Instead, it will converge on an equilibrium driving community structure. The second is con-
cycle, in which patches alternate between a grass- cerned with measuring the effects of competition
dominant and clover-dominant state. This mecha- on the growth, reproduction and survival of plants,
nism was proposed as an explanation of the patchy and is the subject of the vast majority of competi-
distribution (in space and time) of legumes in sus- tion studies. The third is concerned with measuring
tainable pastures, and has been mathematically for- the outcome of competition in terms of changes in
malized by Schwinning and Parsons (1996a, b). community structure. Such studies are particularly
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40 N.R. Sackville Hamilton

important for understanding the long-term persis- Notes

tence and sustainability of pastures. The fourth is
concerned with identifying the mechanisms of 1. The term ‘species’ is used in this chapter for
competition. This category has seen relatively little simplicity. All the theory and methodology pre-
progress to date, and has involved a diversity of sented can be applied not only to competition
methodologies too great to be reviewed here. between species but also to competition between
Identifying mechanisms of competition, especially varieties, populations, ecotypes, genotypes, or any
other definable genetic or taxonomic entity, or
at the molecular level, is left as the biggest challenge
between different developmental states of the same
for the future.
genetic or taxonomic entity.
2. A replacement or substitutive mixture between
two species is formed by substituting a proportion of
Acknowledgements plants from the pure stand of one of the species with
the same proportion of plants from a pure stand of
I am grateful to John Connolly for valuable discus- the second species (Fig. 2.4a). An additive mixture is
sions while preparing this chapter, and to Alison formed by adding plants without removing others; in
Davies for comments on the draft. some usages (e.g. Snaydon, 1991) both species in the
mixture should be present in pure stand at the same
density as in the mixture (Fig. 2.4b).

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