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Difference Between Sex and Gender

Definition of Sex

• “natural distinguishing variable based on biological characteristics of being a man or a

• primarily refers to biological attributes, hence, it is biologically determined by genes and
• as a natural attribute that a person is born with, sex is same across all cultures and race,
and cannot be changed

 Sex is purely the biological genetic and physical identity of a person, refers to the
maleness and femaleness of human beings.

Since sex refers to biology, women and men differ in their Sex Dimension. Shown in the
table is the Dimensions of Sex
Because of the differences between the sex of men and women, there are designated
sex/biological roles that are distinctly applicable to them.
Sex Roles are essentially biologically determined, and refers to the pattern of behavior
and thought related to sex organs and procreation.

Definition of Gender

• the socially differentiated roles, characteristics and expectations attributed by culture to

women and men
• the characteristics, attitudes, feelings and behavior that society expects in females and
males which identifies masculinity and femininity
• created, produced, reproduced, and maintained by social institutions, a process
otherwise referred to as the social construction of gender
 Gender is dictated by socio-cultural beliefs, refers to differentiated social roles,
behaviors, capabilities and intellectual, emotional and social characteristics attributed
by culture to men and women, also refers to feminity, and ascribes to women and
masculinity, ascribed to men.

Since gender is only created, produced, reproduced and maintained by social

institutions, it is therefore not biological as it is something that is learned and acquired.
Hence, gender changes from country to country and varies through time.
Both sex and gender affect men’s and women’s characteristics and roles.

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