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© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Dr. Rajesh Bhardwaj
A.P. (Mathematics)
South Point Institutes of Technology & Management, Sonipat

Abstract- The goal of this paper is to conduct a thorough investigation into Set and its applications. Set theory's
generality results in few direct practical applications. Instead, because of its generality, parts of the theory are used
to develop the algebra of groups, rings, and fields, as well as a logical basis for calculus, geometry, and topology.
All of these branches of mathematics are widely used in physics, chemistry, biology, and electrical and computer
engineering. Set theory, which was developed at the end of the nineteenth century, is now a ubiquitous part of
mathematics and can be used as a foundation from which nearly all of mathematics can be derived.

Keywords- algebra; geometry; calculus; topology.

1. Introduction- When a student is studying a subject or topic, the first question that comes to mind is why we are
studying this topic. Is it also applicable or relevant in our real-life or day-to-day situations? Yes, "SET" theory is
applicable in our current situation. "A set is a collection of distinct objects of the same type or class of objects," as
we know. A set's objects are referred to as its elements or members. Objects can be numbers, alphabets, and so on.

E.g., A = { 1,2,3,4,5}, here “A” is a set of numbers containing elements (1,2,3,4 and 5).
Indians, the solar system, birds, animals, etc. are just a few examples of the many groups of things we humans
frequently refer to while discussing anything in order to keep it brief and prescribed. We frequently categorise
things, people, and concepts based on a few shared characteristics. This makes it simpler to discuss topics in
general without always giving specific examples.

2. History Of Set Theory- It is crucial to understand set theory's history before beginning to use it in applications.
Knowing a topic's history is just as vital for understanding its application as knowing the boundaries of a farm that
needs to be farmed. The history of set theory differs slightly from that of the majority of other mathematical
disciplines. For the majority of fields, it is usually possible to trace a long process in which ideas develop until a
last burst of inspiration, frequently experienced by several mathematicians practically simultaneously, results in a
discovery of significant significance.

Only one person, "Georg Cantor," is responsible for the invention of set theory. But it wasn't until Cantor's work
that set theory was given a solid mathematical foundation. Between 1867 and 1871, Cantor wrote a number of
essays on this subject. His early work was in number theory. These, while of great quality, do not reveal the author
as someone who was about to revolutionise mathematics. Georg Cantor and Richard Dedekind launched the
modern study of set theory in the 1870s.
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© 2019 JETIR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 (ISSN-2349-5162)

3. Applications- Set theory has applications across a variety of disciplines. Set theory has various uses in different
areas of mathematics, such as discrete structure, data structure, etc., due to its broad scope or abstract character. An
knowledge of limit points and what is meant by continuity of a function are founded on set theory in the field of
mathematics known as analysis, of which differential and integral calculus are major components. The algebraic
interpretation of set operations results in boolean algebra, where the logical operations "and," "or," and "not" are
regarded as equivalent to the operations of intersection, union, and difference, respectively. The design of digital
electrical circuitry, such as that found in calculators and personal computers, heavily relies on boolean algebra.
Topology, the study of sets and the characteristics of distinct collections of subsets, is built on the principles of set
A. Real Life Applications
It's fascinating to learn that even if you are not a mathematician and you read about set theory, you can easily
comprehend not just its applications but also the notion or concept that led to the development of set theory by
using examples from everyday life. Set theory gets off to a fairly straightforward start; it merely considers whether
an object belongs to or does not belong to a set of objects that have been specified in a clear-cut manner.
In the kitchen, utensils are arranged so that plates are kept separate from spoons. This brings us back to real-world
instances of sets. Another illustration is the separation of smart phones like the Galaxy Duos, Lumia, etc. from
basic mobiles when we visit mobile dealerships. In our daily lives, there are therefore countless examples of sets.
B. Applicable in Other field
These days, even computer scientists use the language of set theory to explain their fundamental ideas. This is
advantageous because, when you theoretically identify an object set, there is no doubt as to what you are referring
to, and you can clearly respond to any inquiries you may have. It is exceedingly impossible to undertake any
serious mathematics without exact definitions. Set theory is regarded as the starting point from which almost all
mathematics may be deduced. Examples of abstract algebraic structures that are closed under one or more
operations include groups, fields, and rings.
Another intriguing framework for much of mathematics is set theory. It has been asserted that the majority, if not
all, of mathematics' theorems may be derived using a carefully crafted set of set theory axioms, supplemented with
several definitions, utilising first or second order logic, since the publication of the first book of Principia
Mathematica. For instance, set theory can be used to deduce the properties of natural and real numbers since each
number system can be associated with a set of equivalence classes under the right equivalence relation, whose field
is an infinite set.
C. Practical Applications of Set theory
Set theories have application in areas outside of only mathematics, such as data structures, topology, and so forth.
Our innate capacity for abstraction is the obvious significance. The House of Representatives, the army, the Rotary
club, the Solar system, and many other groups of objects are frequently referred to collectively as "the Detroit

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That is, we categorise things, people, and ideas based on shared characteristics to make it simpler to talk about
things "in general" rather than having to keep bringing up specific examples. To say "this implies that," however, is
to say that the set of the things for which "this" is true is smaller (or contained in) the set of the things for which
"that" is true. This is the other significant relevance, which has to do with the fact that set membership also models
a particular way of thinking, that of logic dependence.
Set theory only exists because of its applications. Apart from the obvious fact that everyone "uses" set theory every
day, even if they are unaware of it or have never learned it, one of the main benefits of set theory is that it
simplifies the vocabulary of other branches of mathematics. Set theory is about how humans categorise things and
group them into "Sets" because it is how we think.
4. Conclusion- Applications of set theory are most frequently used in science and mathematics fields like biology,
chemistry, and physics as well as in computer and electrical engineering. These applications range from forming
logical foundations for geometry, calculus, and topology to creating algebra revolving around field, rings, and
groups. Therefore, understanding set theory is crucial for learning about any subject or topic of discrete structure
and mathematics, data structures, topology, etc. since the concept of set theory cannot be ignored.

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