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Mahiro Sato


Outside Listening

Social Development: Crash Course Sociology #13(10:14)

Socialization: Crash Course Sociology #14(9:36)
Social Interaction & Performance: Crash Course Sociology #15

There were two sociologists and five psychologists with their theories about social

development. First, Kingsley Davis defined that lack of socialization affects children’s ability

to develop language skills, social skills, and emotional stability based on the case study of

Anna. Second, Sigmund Freud’s theory is about ID and the superego harmonized by the ego.

Third, Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg tried to state the stage of cognitive development,

and there are 3 general stages by Lawrence and 4 childhood stages by Jean. Fourth, Symbolic

interactionism was introduced by George Herbert, and there are three phases. Caol Gillian

focused on gender differences and found justice/ care and responsibility perspectives, and Erik

Erikson mentioned social development is not only a childhood event, it is a whole life thing. In

sum, social development has been considered by two similar areas; sociology and psychology.

Sociologists consider five types of socialization, such as anticipatory socialization from the

family, that prepare children for entering society. James Samuel Coleman, an American

sociologist’s study of teenage social groups shows that peer groups affect students' grades. In

the socialized community, social interaction is working. It makes statuses, this area was

focused on by sociologists with the viewpoint of how statuses impact one's behavior by

determining one's roles. Additionally, it relates the significance of roles in understanding the
socially constructed nature of reality. Therefore, dramaturgical analysis theory appeared to

interpret social interactions as theatrical performances.

Feedback from Mr. Roger

Mahiro these are great notes but I want you to remember to do narrow notes if the directions ask.

My response

I am sorry that I have done homework that is not what is required in narrow outside listening. In
the future, I will make sure I know the content, and if I do not understand something I will ask
you during office hours.


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