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“The only impossible journey is the one which you never begin” – Tony Robbins

No goal is impossible, the only impossible one is the one you never begin with. Anyone can accomplish
anything as long as it is realistic and to put in all their effort to it without giving up, no matter how
difficult the situation gets, you should face the problem and keep moving forward to achieve your

A perfect time never comes. In another word your existing moment is the perfect opportunity to begin
something that leads you towards your goals or dreams, a small percentage are able to began their
journey while other end up waiting for the right time.

We only exist at the moment we are experiencing, that is all we have. The past, the future, and
everything in between is just illusion. If you begin the first step and keep moving forward, you will never
be defeated. It is the courage and determination that fuels your tank to keep going no matter what
challenges we face.

Firstly, make a plan, tie it into the goal, and lit your strong determination motivate you to reach the next
milestone. The possibilities are endless once you find the courage. Don’t lit fear of failure or challenge
stop you, use them as stepping stone, learn from them and again continue to move forward for no one
can stop you from achieving your goals.

It is possible for anyone to achieve great success, almost every one has the same opportunities, but
what makes successful people stand out are their commitment and their willpower to keep trying when
things don’t go as planned. In simple words they never give up their dreams and try again and again and
one day they become a successful person

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