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Q1: In Miller Lite ads, he was inevitably moved to the worst seat in the house while saying,

"I must be in the front row"?

The crrect Answer is: Bob Uecker

Q2: The Egyptian Museum in Berlin has the world-famous painted bust of this queen & wife
of Akhenaton?

The crrect Answer is: Nefertiti

Q3: In 1992 this senator became the 1st Nebraskan to make a serious run for president
since George Norris?

The crrect Answer is: Bob Kerrey

Q4: 1978 title place where the Village People said it was fun to stay?

The crrect Answer is: Y.M.C.A.

Q5: Madison's streetcars?

The crrect Answer is: Dolley\'s trolleys

Q6: Someone fleeced them good, their tails were found "all hung on a tree to dry"?

The crrect Answer is: Little Bo Peep\'s sheep

Q7: When "hanging" this, be sure to draw a chalk plumb line so that the rolls align properly?

The crrect Answer is: wallpaper

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