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11/29/23, 10:15 AM Daylight, Alaska Kids' Corner, State of Alaska

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Official Alaska State Website
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Ade’ ndadz dengit’a? ×

Language: Deg Xinag
Translation: "Hello, how are you?"


Daylight Hours
The farther you travel toward the north pole, the longer
the days are in summer and the shorter they are in
winter. During the summer months, Alaska enjoys
extended daylight hours in all parts of the state. In
Barrow, Alaska's northernmost village far above the
Arctic Circle, the sun doesn't set for 84 days! In
Anchorage, the summer sun sets as late as 10:42 p.m.
even in Southeast Alaska,
the southernmost section of

the state, the darkest hours of the summer night have the appearance of twilight. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the Midnight Sun.

The Midnight Sun occurs because of the earth's tilt in relation to its orbit around the sun. The earth's axis between the north and south poles is angled 23.5 degrees away
from the plane of the earth's orbit around the sun.

Globes are tilted to illustrate this angle. As the earth travels around the sun, the seasons are determined by where the poles are pointed. The farther north or south you travel
from the equator, the more dramatic daylight changes are. Around June 21st, the north pole is pointed toward the sun, so as the earth rotates on its axis, the sun appears to
move in a circle in the sky without falling below the horizon. The lowest latitude at which this happens is the Arctic Circle. On the other side of the world in Antarctica, the
south pole is pointed away from the sun and so it does not appear at all during this time. It is below the horizon. Summer in the far north is winter in the far south.

As the earth continues its orbit, daylight in the far north diminishes until by the fall equinox, around Sept. 21st, the entire planet gets exactly the same amount of daylight-12
hours. Then, as the earth makes its way another quarter of the distance around its orbit, the north pole points ever farther from the sun and daylight hours continue to shrink
while in Antarctica, summer is underway. In Barrow, the northernmost village in the state, there is no daylight for 64 days in the heart of the winter. The sun does not rise
above the horizon. Deep winter in the northern hemisphere is summer in the south. Daylight grows in the north again as the pole begins its swing back toward the sun and by
about March 21st, the spring equinox, everyone has equal daylight again.

Alaska Facts
State Nick Name: "The Last Frontier" - the name Alaska is derived from the Aleut word "Alyeska," meaning "great land."

State Motto: "North to the Future"

State Capital: Juneau, located in the Southeast region of Alaska, has a population of 33,277 (2015 Estimate of Population, Alaska Department
of Labor and Workforce Development)

Alaska Map: 1/2

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