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Title 1
Water Cycle

The water cycle is the movement of water on earth. The study of the bodies on water in earth
is called Hydrology that’s why the water cycle is also called the hydrologic cycle. It is very
important in the earth because it moves all the water. It is divided in a lot of parts which are
Evaporation, Precipitation, Condensation, Interception, Transpiration, Runoff, Infiltration, and

Evaporation. Evaporation occurs when water is changed from a liquid state to a gaseous state.
A considerable amount of heat is exchanged during the change of state. Typically, the sun and
other factors such as air temperature, vapor pressure, wind, and atmospheric pressure affect
the amount of natural evaporation that takes place in any geographic area. Evaporation can
occur on raindrops, and on water surfaces like seas and lakes. It can even occur from water
settled on vegetation, soil, rocks and snow. There is also evaporation caused by human
activities. Heated buildings experience evaporation of water settled on its surfaces. Evaporated
moisture is lifted into the atmosphere from the ocean, land surfaces, and waterbodies as
water vapor. Some vapor always exists in the atmosphere.

Precipitation Precipitation is the process that occurs when any and all forms of water particles
fall from the atmosphere and reach the ground. There are processes that cause clouds to
release precipitation, the coalescence process and the ice- crystal process. As water drops
reach a critical size, the drop is exposed to gravity and frictional drag. A falling drop leaves a
turbulent wake behind which allows smaller drops to fall faster and to be overtaken to join and
combine with the lead drop. The other sub-process that can occur is the ice-crystal formation
process. It ocurrs when ice develops in cold clouds or in cloud formations high in the
atmosphere where freezing temperatures occur. When nearby water droplets approach the
crystals some droplets evaporate and condense on the crystals. The crystals grow to a critical
size and drop as snow or ice pellets. Sometimes, as the pellets fall through lower air, they melt
and and change into airdrops.

Condensation Condensation is the process by which water vapor changes it's physical state
from a vapor, most commonly, to a liquid. Water vapor condenses into small particles to form
dew, fog, or clouds. The most active particles that form clouds are sea salts, atmospheric ions
caused by lightning,and combustion products containing sulfurous and nitrous acids.
Condensation is brought about by cooling of the air or by increasing the amount of vapor in
the air to its saturation point. When water vapor condenses back into a liquid state, the same
large amount of heat that was needed to make it a vapor is released to the environment.




Infiltration and percolation

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