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Bailey Polaski

ENG. 111

Prof. Williams

November 10, 2023

Artist Statement

Starting off on the journey of creating a podcast about healthy eating was more than just a

creative attempt; it was a voyage into the heart of a subject that resonates with the very essence

of our well-being. As the script unfolded and the episodes took shape, the process became a

profound exploration of why healthy eating is not merely a dietary choice but a cornerstone of a

vibrant, fulfilling life.

The decision to delve into the world of podcasting about healthy eating was rooted in the

recognition of the medium's unique ability to engage, inspire, and connect with audiences in a

deeply personal way. Podcasts, with their conversational tone and intimate nature, offer a

platform to traverse the often daunting landscape of nutrition with a sense of camaraderie.

Through the spoken word, I aimed to establish a virtual space where listeners could feel like

participants in an ongoing dialogue about the transformative power of mindful nutrition.

Crafting each episode became an exercise in storytelling, a deliberate effort to weave

narratives around the importance of healthy eating. The human experience is inherently narrative,

and by sharing stories—whether personal anecdotes, success stories of individuals who

embraced a healthier lifestyle, or the historical evolution of dietary habits—I aimed to make the

subject matter relatable and accessible. The podcast wove together a rich tapestry of stories,

where each strand played a part in a more extensive narrative that went beyond just eating,

exploring the cultural, emotional, and societal dimensions of our connection to nourishment.
I started off my formal assignment thinking that I was going to write a magazine article

about healthy eating but then I decided to change it to a podcast. I feel like a podcast would be

more impactful considering this is a topic that is very impactful to everyday lives. My podcast is

relatable to many groups of people, which makes is very well-rounded. I chose to write about

healthy eating because overall the US is the most obese country in the world with 42.4% of

American adults are obese.

With my podcast I hope to touch people and help them really understand why it is

important to eat healthy. I also want to help them with the process and help them understand how

to eat healthy. The audience that I hope to reach is people that struggle with eating and also

people that struggle with being over weight. Another audience that I could possibly reach is

people who enjoy healthy eating and want to learn more about it. I feel as if healthy eating is

really important to have a nice enjoyable lifestyle. Without healthy eating you can feel run down

and as if you dont have any energy because your body is not being fueled right. In order to have

better days you should prioritize eating healty and how you treat your body.

When I started this project I was certain that I was going to write a magazine article about

why healthy eating is important and how to eat healthy. Professor Williams turned my head and

made me consider writing a podcast or a blog and I considered both but then I decided on the

podcast. I picked a podcast because I feel as if a blog would be skimmed over but a podcast I feel

like the message will sink in and get across. Something that went well when I was writing my

podcast was that I feel like I was able to really connect with my audience. Something that didn’t

go too well for me while writing this podcast was that I couldn’t figure out the ordering and

layout to put the podcast in. I threw out my original idea of a magazine article all together

because I feel as if I wasn’t connecting with the audience.

Now that my podcast is done I think it turned out really well and even maybe better than I

expected. I think was I figured out what I was actually doing and how to lay my podcast out this

was pretty simple but starting out was pretty tough for me and I was getting pretty frustrated. I

think that doing this as a college project may come in handy in the future and that if I ever want

to write a podcast I will now have previous experience with a little feedback to help too. I am

glad that I decided to switch my project to a podcast and I feel that it was much more successful.

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