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Notas Sobre Elites Chilenas, 1930-1999

Cristián Gazmuri


Traditionally, chilean professional and intelectual elites were formed in the

"Universidad de Chile" (University of Chile) since its foundation in 1842. But, from
the 1930's on, this rôle began to be fulfilled mainly by the "Universidad Católica de
Chile" (Catholic University of Chile). Most political, economic and cultural elites, that
have had a real importance in chilean recent history, were born in the catholic
institution. For example, in the political field: The "Falange Nacional" (afterwards
"Partido Demócrata Cristiano"); the "Gremialismo" (afterwards Partido UDI), the two
biggest polical parties of the second halfof XX century, were born in the U. Católica;
one liberal and the other conservative. The same is true for economists (like the so
called "Chicago Boys") that have given a sharp turn to chilean economic reality. Of
course, this change regarding the origen of chilean elites, is not the rule but just a

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