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MTH302 Business Mathematics and Statistics

Assignment No 1
Section Incharge: Munazza Batool
To find the matrix B, you can use the equation AB = c, where A is the given matrix, B is
the matrix you're looking for, and C is the resulting matrix. In this case:

To find B, you can set up the equation:

Now, solve for b 11 and B 21 to determine the values of matrix B.

To calculate the final price of the item, let's follow these steps:

1.Calculate the selling price after a markup of 80%:

Markup percentage = 80%
Selling Price = Cost Price + Markup
Selling Price=40+(0.8×40)
2.Calculate the marked down price to 40%:
Marked down percentage = 40%
Final Price = Selling Price - Marked down amount
Final Price=Selling Price−(0.4×Selling Price)
Now, you can compute these values to find the final price of the item.

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