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The Island

“Hello, is it the money you need? Then you are in the right place, here at

Adventure Corps, we are looking for the next two game contestants. I am your host

Jimmy Carlson. Come with a friend or family member. The top 2 duos will go to the

island. You will be on an island for 2 days. Once you get there we will tell you the rules”.

Ben turns to Jake and says we need some money. Jake agrees with him. When

the day comes they get into the car and drive to the location. Hello all, the owner it looks

like there are only 4 of them so I guess you will all be going to the island. Let me get

your $1,000. We will be leaving tomorrow so get everything packed and we will pick you

up at 7 am sharp.

Once they got picked up they were on their way to the dock where they would get

on a boat to go to the island. On the way to the island, the boat breaks down. “Oh no,"

says Jimmy, “is anyone here a mechanic” asks Ben. Luckily one of the people onboard

was a mechanic. “I don't think I can fix this,” said Jack and the mechanics.

“Why?” Everyone replied. He told them that this was a problem that he could not

fix because they were metal-eating fish. “Well, lucky I brought paddles so we can use

those for now,” said Jimmy. Jimmy passed out 4 pads and they began. As the island

was in close view it was certain that they would get there.
“Well here is the island so since you are here for 2 days from 5-7 a hunter will

come, for reference you will be shot but it will be a black paintball and there will be

jackets hidden in the forest, there will also we materials in the forest on that notes you

are free to go and I recommend sticking together. As the producer leaves for the beach

house they all go hunting for the jackets. They all have walkie-talkies so they can

communicate with each other and the producer. 4 people, Jake and Ben who are best

friends, and Ava and Evelyn who were also best friends. Once they go onto the island

they slip up because they think that it is safe.

While Ben is walking around the forest looking for the suit he drops his

walkie-talk. We don't know where it went but he keeps looking for it and then he sees a

tiny person. It seems to be a nome. “ I don’t remember Jim saying anything about this,”

he thought to himself. “Hello, what is your name?" said the nome.

Startled he answered shakily “H-H-Hi umm my name is Ben, who are you also

could I have my walkie-talkie back I need to tell my friends about this”. After they give it

back they tell him to come with them. He does because they are very small and they

seem like no harm. But, once he gets to their village he finds out that the walkie-talkie

isn’t working. When in the village he asks if there is someone who can help fix his

walkie-talkie while he goes to look for his friend.

He goes to a little shop where he is working on watches and clocks. He asks him

if he can fix a walkie-talkie. He does not understand at first but once he explains how

they work to him he tells him he can finish it by tomorrow. Once they set off Ben says

that he can do it alone but the nomes insist because there are other dangerous things.

The nomes seemed to be very secretive about this because when he asked about it

they said there were just dangerous creatures and not to ask any more questions.

He thought that this was suspicious but he brushed it off because they were so

hospitable. Once they had been walking for 15 minutes they heard someone yell his

name. He turned around in surprise and he thought that it was Ryan but to his surprise

it was Ava. She was very confused and said, “What are you doing out here, is it almost

5?”. “How do you know the time and where are the others?” he replied.

“Didn’t you bring and watch and didn’t you hear us? We said to meet back on the

beach at 4:50 so we can stick together when the hunter comes' '. “They sent me to

come look for you, so can you tell your little friends to come with me? '' said Ava. Once

by the time they were on the beach, it was 4:58 so they had to run as fast as they could.

“Guys I found a tiny village following me. It is around the middle of the forest”. They ran

with the gnomes the hunter was just arriving. (For reference this is a TV show and they

discussed a paintball gun as a real one to be more realistic).

Once they got to the gnome village a siren sounded. They could tell that the

hunter was looking for them. Little did they know that the hunter wasn’t the right one and
now it was real. They were deep into the forest so they were sure that no one would find

them but Ben and the nomes knew their way back and forth. Ben went to the shop to

see if the walkie-talkie was working and luckily it was.

They decided to try to find out where the hunter was so they would be extra safe.

They went to the town leader and asked him if they could send 5 names to go look for

the hunter unknowing that he was a real threat. The leader said they could so they were

on their way after an hour and a half they found nothing he was nowhere to be found.

“Does everyone have their gear on?” asked Ben. “Yes' ' they all replied. “Well I don’t so

you guys are going to have to protect me” said Ben. “Hey we found a vest and it has

your name on it Ben '' said one of the nomes. This was so good, now they have

somewhere to stay the night and they are all protected. But that was the end of their


The producer contacted them and told them this person wasn’t supposed to be

here and they need to be careful. He said that he had talked to the guy that was

supposed to be the hunter and he said that he wasn’t even there. All of their hearts sank

once they heard the news. They all became very scared. This meant that they would

have to survive the night.

On day two they really just went about their day with the gnomes but by the time

night came around they heard footsteps coming from behind them while they were

having dinner with the gnomes. They were eating with the mayor so there were about
30 body guards at the door. The hunter was there. For a second everything froze,

everyone was in shock even the hunter. All the gnomes jumped on him at once he was

bigger than them but they all overpowered him now he was tied to the ground. The

contested called the producer and told them to contact the police. Once he did in under

10 minutes 2 police helicopters came rushing to the seen and so did the producer.

After arresting the hunter they told the contestants and they told him the whole

story. So they put the area under investigation because of the living nomes. Once they

had returned to the studio everyone received their money and more because of what

they went through.

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