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There were three different beings who you think of as one single “Jesus”. This
current spelling of “his” name was a deliberate mistranslation of the spelling of
the two beings who actually walked on water, both names nearly identical to each
other. Two of the original “Kryst” beings chose to manifest into your reality in
order to help the sleeping abductees awake and ascend. They were born close to same
time and together they taught the Law of ONE and assisted others in ascension at
the time.
1. Jesheua Sananda Melchizedek carried the bloodline of the pure 12-strand DNA of
the Angelic Human Krystos, born in 12 B.C. and came from the royal bloodline of
Solomon. He had 6 children through 6 women from the royal Melchizedek bloodline in
sacred ceremony and never married, ascending in 27 A.D. He was not from immaculate
2. The second “Kryst” was from the ET Nephilim 9-strand DNA from the
Anunnaki/Pleiades named Jeshewua Ahumbra Melchizedek, born in 7 B.C. and came from
the royal bloodline of King David. This second “Kryst” was not carrying the Krystos
code and was under a Palaidorian Bioregenesis Birthing Contract under a special
provision under the Emerald Covenant allowing his ET blood code to be elevated to
that of a 12-strand Angelic. He married Mary Magdalene and they lived out their
lives in France with their 3 children. Jeshewua ascended in 47 A.D. probably after
the natural death of his wife. He was not from immaculate conception.
3. The third “Kryst” was named Arihabi, a look-alike to Jeshewua Ahumbra who was
convinced by higher beings that he was the real prophet (which he was not) and was
crucified in Jeshewua’s place. He was in fact resurrected 3 days later and went on
to live an additional 30 years in India where they still believe his offspring to
be the real bloodline of Jesus. He was given assisted ascension in return for his
sacrifice in 25 A.D at the time of his natural death. He also was not from
immaculate conception.

Who is Jesus of Nazareth born 3bc? Ayer Asher Ayer? The other accounts I'm reading
saying Sananda is the fake jesus coming soon! "it will be a Draconian imposter a
vessel body for Sanat Kumara....he will be the vessel body that Satan dwells in
starting on sept 23, 2017...he is already here he is from the czech republic he is
in syria rt now he is 34-36 yrs old" Please know that I'm not questioning you...I'm
just very confused and unclear....because these are two sides of the same story.
Why is there so much disinformation out there?! Your work is very deep and
interesting! Avalon Sol Thank you!
A:Monique Sayda, there is no plan by the founding fathers who arranged for the
previous two Krysts to be here around the turn of the millennia to place another
one here during this time that will be "known". Any plans by any soul group to fake
such a stunt will be invader races and he will clearly not be a "real"
representation of the full 12-strand Angelic Human Krystos DNA template, and will
not be sharing the true Law of ONE. The being actually of the T-2 seeding holding
the fully Krysted 12-strand DNA of your species called Jesheua Sananda Melchizedek
when last here, is currently here on earth as one of the Six Silent Avatars. He is
not spreading the word of the Law of ONE, but merely here anchoring the
unbelievably high frequency of his template in order to support earth's 4th
dimensional frequency through the Stellar Activation Cycle. All of the truly
"etheric" human manifestations of beings such as Kryst are here doing this same
thing, just holding the vibration of their templates and you will never know who is
who or where they are while here.

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