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30 Dec 2016 at 07:35

Hi everyone,

I have heard from council again just today and am happy to say that she is still
with us, but the lockdown has been severe and she has been given pneumonia again,
this is probably the 14th time or so in 2 years, but she keeps pushing through.
Thank you all for your well wishes.

I am nearer to finishing my book that will explain how cymatic geometric symbols
command the aether from the smallest fraction in existence up through to material
holographic reality, how light, heat, time, life and gravity are created, the lie
about space, about the invader race identities in society and where each group
comes from, mind control devices, sex, gay sex, the black sun, the shocking truth
about how time is being manipulated even as you see the sun rise each day, the
truth about what the Vesica Pisces infinity really is, the history of the pentagram
and how its used and what black holes actually are. These will be things you will
likely not have ever heard much about before, because this is 2017 and the
countdown to the peak of the Stellar Activation Cycle is now in its final year. The
disclosure must accelerate immediately to prepare those who are close enough in
frequency to make the transition with the least amount of wait to move forward when
the seals drop off. Of course this will mean very accelerated movements by the
digressive who wish to keep the status quo, so to say this should be an epic year
is almost a criminal understatement, that is, if the calendar is even close to
being correct.

I will be seeking help in distributing this PDF from various dropboxes, through
self-publishing that I will ask any and all who are familiar with such to publish
for me, because I have extracted from the tax system, so I am blocked from doing
that myself. I plan to publish the book for free, but if you wish to charge .99c or
something to cover small costs to help, you are welcome to keep proceeds. This will
be the culmination of almost 4 years and 18,000 hours of education and research and
if it fails to blow your circuits, then I will be disappointed. If you plan to help
in this dissemination, please consider opening dropbox accounts, CreateSpace and
other self-publishing accounts now so we can move forward as soon as it is
completed. I will also provide artwork for the cover in any pixel sizes needed. No
need to let me know now if you plan to help in that way, as I am still deep in the
book and time is very precious. Let me know after I send out the PDF about whatever
details we will need to cover.

I ask you all to continue to push #Pizzagate as soon as new discoveries are made.
You are the army here for this mission to wake the world, and this is how you will
be able to do that at this time the most effectively.

I have been immersed in detail research in order to complete the book for weeks
now, and have been over countless videos and sites, but this one really stood up
and slapped me across the face. This is the best reveal on MK Ultra I have seen to
date, and I have seen a lot. It would be a powerful choice to share with your
social networks, but even if you don't, at least make time to watch it. It is

Thanks for all your messages of support. I will be fleshing the website out as
quickly as I can once I finish the book and there will be hundreds of hours of
articles back online soon. Hang in there with me. Let's make 2017 the year when we
set aside our fears and march forward like never before.

xoxo to everyone
P.S. If you have personal contact and association with any good radio shows who
would like to do an interview with me, please let me know. I hope to do many of
them over the coming months.

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