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BATALLADOR BEED-3 November 17, 2023

Subject: ProfED - 5

Teacher: Grace C. Remorin

Write a Reflection towards your learning

Teaching science in elementary grades, specifically biology and chemistry, has been a
transformative experience for me as an educator. It has allowed me to witness the wonder and
curiosity that young minds possess and has taught me valuable lessons along the way.

One of the most significant lessons I have learned is the importance of fostering a hands-on and
experiential learning environment. Elementary students thrive when they can actively engage
with the subject matter through experiments, demonstrations, and interactive activities. By
providing opportunities for students to explore the natural world through hands-on
experiences, such as observing plants and animals, conducting simple experiments, and
investigating chemical reactions, they develop a deeper understanding of biological and
chemical concepts. This approach not only enhances their knowledge but also cultivates their
critical thinking skills and nurtures their innate curiosity.

Another lesson I have learned is the power of making science relevant and relatable to
students' lives. Elementary students are naturally curious about the world around them, and by
connecting scientific concepts to their everyday experiences, we can ignite their interest and
make learning more meaningful. For instance, when teaching biology, relating concepts like the
life cycle of plants or the importance of biodiversity to their own experiences with gardening or
nature walks can make the subject come alive. Similarly, when teaching chemistry, connecting
concepts like states of matter or chemical reactions to familiar substances or household items
can spark students' curiosity and make the learning experience more relatable.

Furthermore, I have come to appreciate the importance of fostering a growth mindset in

students. Science can be challenging, and students may encounter setbacks or difficulties along
the way. By promoting a growth mindset, where students understand that their abilities can be
developed through effort and perseverance, we empower them to embrace challenges and
view mistakes as opportunities for growth. Encouraging a positive learning environment, where
students feel safe to take risks, ask questions, and learn from their mistakes, helps them
develop resilience and a lifelong love for learning.
Lastly, collaboration and communication skills are essential in teaching science. By encouraging
students to work in groups, engage in discussions, and present their findings, we foster their
interpersonal and communication skills. Science is a collaborative endeavor, and by providing
opportunities for students to collaborate, share ideas, and listen to diverse perspectives, we
prepare them for future scientific endeavors and equip them with valuable life skills.

In conclusion, teaching science in elementary grades, particularly biology and chemistry, has
taught me the importance of hands-on learning, making science relevant, fostering a growth
mindset, and promoting collaboration and communication skills. By incorporating these lessons
into my teaching practice, I strive to inspire a love for science, nurture scientific thinking, and
empower young learners to become curious, critical, and lifelong learners in the field of

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