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Parallax Experiment Assessment Task

AIM: To estimate distances of objects from us, using the parallax effect and similar triangles.

APPARATUS: (per group of three students)

parallax viewer measuring tape
metre ruler

1.Use the parallax viewer and measuring tapes to obtain measurement data to allow you to find
the distance for at least 3 objects, at varying distances from you. (You should attempt one object
inside the classroom and two distant objects, one that you can measure the actual distance to and
a far distant object.)

In the diagram below:

 AB is your baseline.
 AX is the distance you want to measure.
 CD is the reading on the parallax viewer.
 Triangle ABX is similar to triangle BCD.

Record your measurements in the diagram below. Distant

X object

Far away object you
want to measure
distance to

PV reading


2. Check the actual distance between you and the object, using the tape or trundle wheel, for the
classroom exercise and the nearer of the objects. Record these in the table.
Viewer’s Object Parallax Distance Distance Calculated Distance to
position chosen Viewer’s object moved by distance to Object using
(PV) moved on viewer along object (m) measuring
Length PV ground (m) tape
(cm) scale(cm) (c) (a x c) (m)
(a) (b) b

(Lab 10)

1. Calculate the distance to each of the 3 chosen objects and record these in your table (12 marks).

Write your answers to the following questions on a separate page or document, print and attach
to this sheet.

2. (a) Compare the distance measured with a tape measure or trundle wheel with your calculated
value for two objects (2 marks).

(b) When do you think the calculated values would agree more closely with the measured values;
for far or near objects? Suggest why (2 marks).

3. Comment on the accuracy of your technique. List all the possible sources of error that could
have led to inaccurate measurements (4 marks).

4. Astronomers have used parallax and triangulation to estimate the distances of celestial objects.
Do some research to provide an example of such an object (4 marks).

5. Comment on difficulties that astronomers could face with using parallax to make measurements
to far distant celestial objects. How could they reduce their errors and uncertainties? (2 marks)

CONCLUSION: Write your own, reflecting on your success (or otherwise) of using this method to
find the distances to far-away objects. Suggest improvements that could be made to increase the
accuracy of your data (4 marks).

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