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Gerardo Gonzalez

English 1301-162

Trisha Briones

Tamiu Garden

Starting a garden can have many unexpected benefits such as a positive habit, eco-friendly,

saving money on crops and even helping those by donating extra crops to the community.

Eating fruits and vegetables grown in your own garden can not only be healthy but very

satisfying. Many people tend to shy away from starting a at home garden due to the lack of

knowledge and not understanding where to start. The good news is people don’t have to be a

farmer to start! In fact, the university here at Texas A&M international (TAMIU) have started a

community garden, whose mission is to teach leadership, give back to the community and

educate the community in at home gardening.

(Tamiu) works on building leaders by having those who are more experienced and have worked

at the garden to teach fellow peers or community members that are interested in at home

gardening. Not only does this build a sense of community but also engages those who may be

scared at first to give it a try. (Tamiu) gives back to the community by donating crops to other

organizations within Laredo. Creating personal own crops at (Tamil) garden is only the first step

in a long journey of at home gardening. (Tamiu) will give people all the tips and tricks you need

to start at the (Tamiu) garden to have a trail start where you will then tend and watch as the plant

continues to grow, by doing this (Tamiu) creates self confidence in an individual to then give it a

try at home.
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(Tamiu) can also help those in need of a confident booster or gain more self-confidence as

tending to the (Tamiu) garden helps give people a sense of confidence and self-accomplishment

from being able to tend and care for a plant which only started with a seed. In a sense planting a

seed at (Tamiu) garden and watching it grow can also be related to your journey at the garden.

Starting as a seed where people don’t know much then being planted with knowledge, respect

and understanding of gardening to the fully growing into a strong plant that can help create more


many people in life feel great about themselves as they feel a great amount of self-

accomplishment from what beautiful plants they have grown with just nature and their hands. It

is truly beautiful. After tending to the plants people create this loving bond with the plants,

they’ve grown teaching the community how to love and care. The (Tamiu) garden helps bring

the community together every Wednesday from 5 through 7 pm. When the community comes

together to garden it is easy for people to make friends as everyone there enjoys or wants to learn

about gardening. Talking to the garden community can lead to new friendships and learning

plenty of useful tips and facts that you can’t normally find on the internet.

Apart from this, people don’t self-garden under the impression that because farmers farm, they

don’t have too or shouldn't. That is the opposite: farmers every year stress about land trying to

keep up with how many people buy produce the same way anyone can self-garden from home.

The (Tamiu) garden helps people realize and learn that anyone can farm from home without

being a farmer and can participate in helping the community by donating the crops and plants

they have grown by being showing firsthand how to plant with useful methods, also learning

how to properly wash the crops with information on how to plant certain crops all year around in
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different climates that can be very useful to new people interested in helping or doing it for a

hobby or to help the community.

Overall, the (Tamiu) garden is not only a great tool for those wanting to learn more about

gardening but helping the community understand the importance of gardening. Having a garden

has many benefits such as fresh foods, lower cost on groceries and a fun activity for the whole

family and community to participate in. (Tamiu) garden is giving a push to those who may be

unsure about starting a garden by educating the community.

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(Tamiu) Garrden page -

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