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CyberScurity training

The Seven Phases/Stage of a Cyberattack

Recon Weaponization Delivery Expoliation Installation C

1. Reconnaissance is the first stage in the Cyber Kill Chain and involves
researching potential targets before carrying out any penetration testing
Identifying potential targets
Finding their vulnerabilities
Discovering which third parties are connected to them (and what data they
can access)
Exploring existing entry points as well as finding new ones.
2. Weaponization: create new types of malware or modify existing tools to use in a
3. Delivery: infiltrate a target’s network and reach users
4. Expoliation:: take advantage of the vulnerabilities they have discovered in
previous stages to further infiltrate a target’s network and achieve their
5. Installation: Attempt to install malware and other cyberweapons onto the target
network to take control of its systems and exfiltrate valuable data
6. Command & Control: communicate with the malware they’ve installed onto a
target’s network to instruct cyberweapons or tools to carry out their objectives
7. Exfiltration carry out their cyberattack objectives (DDOS, steal sensitive data,

Reference documents:
What is Cybersecurity

Secure Management standard / process for People, process, technology

Protect vulnerabilities being exploits by digital attack

Risk = Threat x Vulnerabilities x Consequence

4 Effective Risk Mitigation Strategies

Avoid Reduce Transfer Accept

CIA triad
ISO-IEC 27001 > ISO27001 define three principles/aspects of information security

Confidentiality Availability

1. Confidential
IAM: Identity, Access, Management
2. Integrity
Data can be integrated
3. Availability
Data is accessible

Software composition analysis (SCA)

[SCA provides three core capabilities](What is software composition analysis (SCA)?

1. Build a software bill of materials (SBOM) to establish a detailed inventory of your

open source software packages.
2. Verify license compliance requirements by determining what open source
software you’re using and where it originated.
3. Discover detailed information about key vulnerabilities in your source code and
provide applicable remediation suggestions.

5-Phase Cybersecurity Lifecycle

Protect Detect Respond

Identify Recover

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