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BAB 1 Kel.

Ayu sipayung

Henni Sinaga

Justin Tumpubolon

Nurul Fadhilah

Exercise 1.1 Underlined the subjects of these sentences and cross out the verb, which do not agree.

1. The solar system is/are made up of all the planets that orbit our sun.

2. The sun contains / contain around 98% of all the material in the solar system

3. Water boils /boil at 100 centigrade.

4. A voltmeter measures/measure potential difference.

5. Oxygen and hydrogen is/are gases

6. The light bulbs in this room produces / produce 100 Watts each.

7. The liquid in those bottles is/are dengerous.

8. The results of the experiment proves/prove the law.

9. Everybody recognizes /recognize the importance of practical work.

10 A visible light has/ have a wavelength of about 400nm.

Latihan 1.1 Garisbawahi subjek kalimat ini dan coret kata kerja yang tidak setuju.

1. Tata surya terdiri dari semua planet yang mengorbit matahari kita.

2. Matahari mengandung / mengandung sekitar 98% dari semua materi di tata surya

3. Air mendidih / rebus pada 100 celcius.

4. Voltmeter mengukur / mengukur beda potensial.

5. Oksigen dan hidrogen adalah gas

6. Bola lampu di ruangan ini masing-masing menghasilkan / menghasilkan 100 Watt.

7. Cairan di dalam botol-botol itu berbahaya.

8. Hasil percobaan membuktikan / membuktikan hukum.

9. Semua orang menyadari / menyadari pentingnya kerja praktek.

10 Sebuah cahaya tampak memiliki / memiliki panjang gelombang sekitar 400nm.

Exercise 1.2 Rewrite the sentences by putting is,are, or simple present in the main verbs.

1. One of the microscopes broken

2. Aluminium not as strong as steel

3. Weight not a base physical quantity

4. Calori and Joule the units of energy.

5. Calori,like like joule , the units of energy.

6. This solution a mixture of chlorine and sodium

7. Angles measuring 90 right angles.

8. The natural water in many parts of the word hard.

9. Gold and silver not radioactive elements.

10. A metal when it is heated.

Latihan 1.2 Tulis ulang kalimat dengan meletakkan is, are, atau simple present di kata kerja utama.

1. Salah satu mikroskop rusak

2. Aluminium tidak sekuat baja

3. Berat bukan kuantitas fisik dasar

4. Calori dan Joule adalah satuan energi.

5. Kalori, seperti joule, satuan energi.

6. Larutan ini merupakan campuran klorin dan natrium

7. Sudut berukuran 90 sudut siku-siku.

8. Air alami di banyak bagian kata keras.

9. Emas dan perak bukan unsur radioaktif.

10. Sebuah logam saat dipanaskan.

Exercise 1.3 Rewrite the sentencesby putting in either are, is, has,or have.

1. A triangle a figure which has three straight sides

2. Water a boiling point of 100° C.

3. Thete several types of energies

4. Most kinds of stainless steel a small percentage of chrome

5 Stainless steel property of resisting corrosion.

6. Modern bridges often several kilometers long

7. A modern bridge sometimes a lenght of several kilometers

8. Isosceles triangles two equal angles

9. The volume of cubic L³

10. A hexagon a plane figure with six sides.

Latihan 1.3 Tulis kembali kalimat dengan memasukkan are, is, has, atau have.

1. Segitiga adalah sosok yang memiliki tiga sisi lurus

2. Sirami titik didih 100 ° C.

3. Ada beberapa jenis energi

4. Kebanyakan jenis stainless steel sebagian kecil persentase chrome

5 Sifat baja tahan karat yang menahan korosi.

6. Jembatan modern seringkali sepanjang beberapa kilometer

7. Jembatan modern kadang-kadang memiliki panjang beberapa kilometer

8. Segitiga sama kaki memiliki dua sudut yang sama

9. Volume kubik L³

10. Segi enam sosok bidang dengan enam sisi.

Exercise 1.4 Rewrite these sentences putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. He (study) physics

2. The current (pass) along the wire

3. The solution (weigh) 100 grams

4. Sound (travel) at a speed of 333 meters a second

5. Metal(expand) when heated

6. Reaction force (equals) action force.

7. The resistance of a semiconductor material (increase) as temperature of the material (decrease)

8. An object in water (experinces) upward force.

Latihan 1.4 Tulis ulang kalimat-kalimat ini dengan menempatkan kata kerja dalam tanda kurung ke
dalam bentuk yang benar.

1. Dia (mempelajari) fisika

2. Arus (lewat) di sepanjang kabel

3. Larutannya (timbang) 100 gram

4. Suara (perjalanan) dengan kecepatan 333 meter per detik

5. Logam (mengembang) saat dipanaskan

6. Gaya reaksi (sama dengan) gaya aksi.

7. Hambatan bahan semikonduktor (meningkat) seiring suhu bahan (menurun)

8. Sebuah benda di air (pengalaman) gaya ke atas.

•) The answer od exercise 1.1

1. The solar system/is

2. The solar system/contains


4. A voltmeter/measure


6. The light bulbs/produce

7. The liquid/are

8. The experiment/prove
9. Everybody/ recognizes

10. A visible light/has

•) The answer of exercise 1.2 broken not not

4. Are the

5. Gajelas soalnya a 90


9.are not


•) The answer of exercise 1.3


1. is a

2.has a several

4.have a small property

6.have several

7.has a length

8.have two L³ a plane
•) the answer of exercise 1.4

1. He (studies) physics

2. The current (passes) along the wire

3. The solution (weighs) 100 grams

4. Sound (travels) at a speed of 333 meters a second

5. Metal (expands) when heated

6. Reaction force (equals) action force.

7. The resistance of a semiconductor material (increases) as temperature of the material (decreases)

8. An object in water (experinces) upward force.

1. Temperature is a number that is related to the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a
subtance. Temperature is a physical quantity that states the heat and coldness of an object.

2. The following is an example of using the properties of heat in everyday life:

1. Refrigerator, the working principle of the refrigerator is to take the heat in the refrigerator
room, then release it outside, so that the temperature inside the refrigerator drops.

2. Thermos is a tool that functions to prevent heat transfer, from inside to outside or vice versa.
Thus, the temperature of the substances stored in it can last relatively long.

3. The iron is made of metal which is a conductor which can transfer heat conduction to the
clothes being ironed

4. Cooking pot is made of a conductor material that is shiny on the outside. This aims to reduce
heat emission.

3. 1) used to determine body temperature like medicine uses a thermometer to measure body

2) it usedto find out the temperature of the environment as thwre is usuall6 a room thermometer,
to measure room temperature.

3) used to know the freezing and boiling points of water.

4) used to determine the heat and cold of and object.

5). vector quantity = has value and direction

6.)scalar quantity = only has value and has no direction

4.the difference in heat with temperature


-This is a form of internal energy that is obtained due to the random motion and attraction of the
molecules present in the substance.

-The SI unit is the joule.

-The amount of heat energy contained in an object depends on its mass, temperature, and material
(specific heat capacity).

-This can be measured using the calorimetric principle (or the mixed methods principle).

-Two objects that have the same amount of heat energy can have different temperature states.

-When two objects touch, the total amount of energy is the sum of the heat energy of each object.


-It is a quantity that determines the direction in which heat energy will flow.

-Its SI unit is kelvin.

-The temperature of an object depends on the average kinetic energy of its molecules.

-Temperature is measured using a thermometer.

-Two objects at the same temperature can contain different amounts of heat energy.

-If two objects at different temperatures stay in contact, the resulting temperature will be the
temperature between the two temperatures.

5.temperature has no direction so that temperature is not a vector quantity, but a scalar quantity.
that is, the temperature is only written with the completeness of its values and units.

6.heat is a scalar quantity, because heat has no direction.

7. by using a thermometer. The normal body temperature for a healthy adult is 36 ° C while babies
or children are 36.5-37 ° C.

8.Because the amount of kinetic energy and potential energy in a system cannot be measured, the
amount of energy in a system cannot be determined, what can be determined is the amount of
energy change in a system.

9. Temperature is directly related to the kinetic energy of the molecules. Temperature can be
measured in various units. If you measure it in degrees Kelvin, the temperature value is directly
proportional to the average kinetic energy of the molecules in the substance. Notice we didn't say
that temperature is kinetic energy. We say it is a number, if in degrees Kelvin, proportional to the
average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance. This means that if the Kelvin temperature of
a substance is doubled, then the average kinetic energy is twice that of its molecules. Heat is energy.
When we add heat to a substance, we add energy. When heat (energy) enters a substance, the
temperature of the substance increases. The fact that heat energy will increase the average kinetic
energy of the particles of the substance and will increase the temperature of the particle part of the
substance. Temperature is a measure that expresses heat energy stored in an object.

10.When you add heat to a substance, you are adding energy. When heat (energy) goes into s
substance, the temperature of the substance will be increasing. Infact the heat energy will
increase the average kinetic energy of the particles of the substance and will increase the
temperature of the substance pathly due the collisons of the particles of the substance.

2. Berikut ini adalah contoh pemanfaatan sifat kalor dalam kehidupan sehari-har:

1. Lemari Es,Prinsip kerja lemari es adalah mengambil kalor yang ada di dalam ruangan lemari es,
selanjutnya melepaskannya di luar, sehingga suhu di dalam lemari es menjadi turun.

2.Termos adalah alat yang berfungsi untuk mencegah terjadinya perpindahan kalor, dari dalam ke
luar atau sebaliknya. Sehingga, suhu zat yang disimpan di dalamnya dapat bertahan relatif lama.

3.Seterika terbuat dari logam yang bersifat konduktor yang dapat memindahkan kalor secara
konduksi ke pakaian yang sedang diseterika

4.Panci masak terbuat dari bahan konduktor yang bagian luarnya mengkilap. Hal ini bertujuan untuk
mengurangi pancaran kalor.

4.perbedaan panas dengan suhu


-Ini adalah bentuk energi internal yang diperoleh karena gerakan acak dan tarikan molekul yang ada
dalam zat.

-Satuan SI adalah joule.

-Jumlah energi panas yang terkandung dalam suatu benda bergantung pada massa, suhu, dan
materialnya (kapasitas panas jenis).

-Ini dapat diukur dengan menggunakan prinsip kalorimetrik (atau prinsip metode campuran).

-Dua benda yang memiliki jumlah energi panas yang sama dapat memiliki status temperatur yang

-Saat dua benda bersentuhan, jumlah total energi adalah jumlah energi panas dari setiap benda.

-Ini adalah besaran yang menentukan arah aliran energi panas.

-Satuan SI-nya adalah kelvin.

-Suhu suatu benda bergantung pada energi kinetik rata-rata molekulnya.

-Suhu diukur menggunakan termometer.

-Dua benda pada suhu yang sama dapat mengandung jumlah energi panas yang berbeda.

-Jika dua benda pada temperatur yang berbeda tetap bersentuhan, temperatur yang dihasilkan
adalah temperatur diantara dua temperatur tersebut.

6.Kalor merupakan Besaran skalar, karena kalor tidak memiliki arah.

8.Karena besar energi kinetik dan energi potensial pada sebuah sistem tidak dapat diukur, maka
besar energi dalam sebuah sistem juga tidak dapat ditentukan, yang dapat ditentukan adalah besar
perubahan energi dalam suatu sistem.

10.Ketika kita menambahkan panas ke substansi, artinya kita menambahkan energi. Ketika
panas (energi) masuk ke substansi, suhu dari substansi akan meningkat. Fakta energi panas
akan meningkatkan energi kinetik rata-rata partikel dari substansi dan akan meningkatkan
suhu bagian partikel zat.

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