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Crisis Intervention Services

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Crisis Intervention Services

Crisis intervention is emergency medical and psychological assistance to people in

crisis conditions. The ultimate goal of the interventions is to alleviate the symptoms by

targeting the root cause of these disorders. In my opinion, providing adequate crisis

intervention services is possible if I have never been through any type of serious trauma. As

the studies show, only qualified, competent, and confident personnel, including clinicians,

nurses, and providers, can help patients. (SAMHSA, 2020). The attending staff should not

necessarily include individuals with similar experience, as perpetual training practices are

more important in curing crisis patients. This training provides nurses, clinicians, and other

healthcare professionals with the unique knowledge required to provide targeted patient

interventions. The specialists are more aware of treatment opportunities and challenges

associated with people in crisis, ensuring the most favorable outcome.

Furthermore, adequate staffing is a foundational element to safety and security for

clinicians and people with mental conditions that may be dangerous for others. Сrisis

situations can be not only predicted, expected, or solved but also caused, making this

phenomenon controllable. Most individuals with an emotional history have disturbed and

sensitive psyche and may experience significant interpersonal trauma seeing others in crises.

Several researches revealed that the possibility of re-traumatizing individuals at the worst

possible time, leading to worsened symptoms and a genuine reluctance to seek help in the

future, is high (SAMHSA, 2020). Considering that ensuring safety for people using crisis

services is paramount, staff safety cannot be compromised. Hence, if I had a serious

emotional history of my own, I would not cure the patients with similar experiences as this

line of action can activate a trigger and elevate the risk of negative impact on the health

conditions of both parties.



SAMHSA. (2020). National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care – Best Practice

Toolkit. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration


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