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College of Computing and Informatics

Department of Software Engineering

Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

Individual Assignment

Name: Kaleab Tesfaye

ID: 427/12

1, Write the role of Human- Computer interaction in modern
technology in relation to its usability.
1. Understanding User Needs: HCI focuses on understanding user behaviors,
needs, and preferences. By conducting user research, personas, and user
journeys, designers gain insights to create technology that aligns with user
expectations, ensuring usability.
2. Designing Intuitive Interfaces: HCI aims to create interfaces that are intuitive
and easy to navigate. This involves employing principles of information
architecture, visual design, and interaction design to present information in a
clear and organized manner, enhancing usability.
3. Usability Testing and Feedback: HCI involves iterative usability testing
throughout the development process. By collecting feedback from users,
designers can identify pain points, usability issues, and areas for improvement,
leading to more user-friendly interfaces.
4. Accessibility and Inclusivity: HCI emphasizes designing technology that is
accessible to diverse user groups, including those with disabilities. Ensuring
compatibility with assistive technologies and adhering to accessibility standards
enhances usability for everyone.
5. Enhancing User Experience (UX): HCI and usability are intertwined in providing
a positive overall user experience. Usability contributes to elements such as
efficiency, satisfaction, and ease of use, ensuring that the technology meets users'
functional and emotional needs.
6. Iterative Design and Continuous Improvement: HCI advocates for an iterative
design approach. By continuously refining interfaces based on user feedback,
designers can address usability issues, leading to continuous improvement and
evolution of technology.
7. Reducing Cognitive Load: HCI aims to minimize cognitive load by designing
interfaces that are not overwhelming. Through principles such as consistency,
simplicity, and effective information hierarchy, users can interact with technology
more effortlessly.
8. Error Prevention and Recovery: Designing systems with HCI principles includes
error prevention strategies and easy error recovery mechanisms. Clear feedback,
error messages, and graceful error handling contribute to usability by reducing
user frustration.
9. Adapting to User Context: HCI considers the context in which users interact
with technology. Adaptive interfaces that adjust to different devices,
environments, and user preferences contribute to improved usability.
2, Write basic components of HCI with their activities and
interaction exist in between them.
1. Users:
• Activity: Engage with the interface to accomplish tasks or access
• Interaction with Interface: Users interact with the interface elements
such as buttons, menus, and forms.
2. Interface Design:
• Activity: Design and layout of the user interface elements.
• Interaction with Users: Presents information, options, and tools to
users in an organized and usable manner.
3. Task Analysis:
• Activity: Study and analyze users' tasks, goals, and workflows.
• Interaction with Users and Interface Design: Helps in understanding
user needs and guides the design process to ensure the interface supports
users in achieving their goals efficiently.
4. Usability Testing:
• Activity: Evaluate the interface with real users to identify usability issues.
• Interaction with Users and Interface Design: Feedback from testing
helps refine the interface design to improve usability.
5. Information Architecture:
• Activity: Organize and structure information within the interface.
• Interaction with Interface Design and Users: A well-organized
information architecture makes it easier for users to navigate and find
relevant information.
6. Feedback Mechanisms:
• Activity: Incorporate ways for users to provide feedback on the interface.
• Interaction with Users and Interface Design: Allows users to express
opinions or report issues, enabling improvements based on user input.
7. Accessibility Features:
• Activity: Ensure the interface is accessible to users with diverse abilities.
• Interaction with Users: Enables all users, including those with
disabilities, to interact with the interface effectively.
3, Identify basic interaction models and frameworks in HCI as
well as the difference between these models.
1. GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules):
• Description: GOMS breaks down user tasks into sub-goals, operators
(actions), methods (sequences of operators), and selection rules (decision-
• Difference: It focuses on task analysis and predicting the time required to
perform tasks by considering the cognitive processes involved.
2. The Information Processing Model:
• Description: It represents human cognition as information processing
stages (input, processing, output) similar to a computer system.
• Difference: This model explains how humans perceive, process, and
respond to information, focusing on mental processes during interaction.
3. Cognitive Frameworks:
• Description: Includes models like the ACT-R (Adaptive Control of
Thought–Rational) framework, which represents human cognition in terms
of production rules, declarative knowledge, and procedural knowledge.
• Difference: These frameworks delve into cognitive processes, memory,
learning, and decision-making in detail, aiding in understanding how users
interact with interfaces based on cognitive principles.
4. User-Centered Design (UCD):
• Description: UCD emphasizes involving users throughout the design
process, focusing on their needs, preferences, and feedback.
• Difference: It's a design approach rather than a model, emphasizing
iterative design based on continuous user involvement.
5. Activity Theory:
• Description: Originating from psychology and sociology, Activity Theory
explores human activities in social contexts, emphasizing how tools and
artifacts mediate activities.
• Difference: It looks at interactions within a broader social and cultural
context, considering the relationships between users, tools, and the
6. HCI Design Principles:
• Description: A set of design guidelines and principles (e.g., visibility of
system status, user control, consistency) that help create user-friendly
• Difference: These are guidelines rather than models, focusing on specific
design aspects to improve usability and user experience.
4, Discuss and explain clearly about the following concepts:

User Support in HCI:

User support in HCI refers to the provision of assistance, guidance, and resources to
users interacting with computer systems or interfaces. It aims to help users effectively
navigate, understand, and utilize technology to accomplish tasks. User support can take
various forms, including documentation, help systems, tutorials, tooltips, error
messages, and direct assistance from support personnel.

Requirements of User Support:

1. Accessibility: Support should be easily accessible when needed during

interaction with the system.
2. Clarity and Simplicity: Information provided should be clear, concise, and easy
to understand, catering to diverse user levels.
3. Timeliness: Support should be available promptly, especially in critical situations.
4. Adaptability: Support systems should adapt to user context and preferences,
offering personalized assistance.
5. Consistency: Information provided across support resources should be
consistent to avoid confusion.

Approaches to User Support:

1. Embedded Help: Providing assistance within the interface itself, such as tooltips,
contextual menus, and guided walkthroughs.
2. Online Documentation: Offering user manuals, guides, FAQs, and knowledge
bases accessible online.
3. Live Support: Direct assistance through chat, phone calls, or email from support
4. Training and Tutorials: Providing instructional videos, tutorials, or training
sessions to guide users.
Adaptive Help Systems:

These systems dynamically adapt to users' interactions, preferences, and needs. They
provide personalized support by analyzing user behavior and context. For example,
adaptive help systems might adjust the level of guidance based on a user's proficiency,
offering more detailed assistance to novices and minimal guidance to experienced

Designing User Support Systems:

1. User-Centered Approach: Understand user needs through research and involve

users in the design process.
2. Usability Testing: Test support systems with users to ensure they meet usability
3. Clear Information Design: Ensure information provided is well-structured,
concise, and presented in an understandable format.
4. Multiple Access Points: Offer support through various channels (embedded
help, documentation, live support) to cater to different user preferences.
5. Feedback Mechanisms: Include ways for users to provide feedback on the
support system, enabling improvements based on user input.

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