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Individual Evidence

1. Which trends are in the industry?

The first is focused on new drinkers who emerge with the trend of taking
care of their health by looking for a healthier alternative, which is why they
go for craft lager beers, according to Sam Kazmer, founder, and president
of Elsewhere Brewing.

Now there is the trend of flavored beers that are everywhere every day and
that I share the taste of many, I really like the flavored versions more than
the normal one, and their boom will continue to grow where according to
Research and Market, this trend will push the global beer market, which
will go from having a value of 821,389 million dollars this year, to 1,072,500
million in 2030.

2. Which identified barriers to entry do you consider the most important, and

According to what we researched, for me the most important barrier to

cross, leaving aside the great competition and difficulty that it would be to
make a name for yourself, is being able to obtain the necessary ingredients
to give life to your product such as barley malt and hops, because as
mentioned, large breweries buy most of the harvest and that forces to
import from another country, which increases production costs.

3. What kind of rivalry exists in the sector, and who are the main global and
national competitors?

In 2022, popular brands included Minerva, Tempus and Cucapá, but there
are other brands, such as Colimita, Alimaña and Monstruo de Agua, that
gained relevance during the review period. (Passport, 2022)

Likewise, there is the model brewery, which is a rival in terms of the fight
for resources, because as we already said, it is the one that takes more than
half of the production of malt barley, this amount being 60% of the total.

4. In relation to sustainability in the supply chain, explain, in detail, one relevant

issue in the industry.

What I consider the clearest problem in terms of sustainability of the

industry is the large quantities of water that are used when brewing beer,
for example according to “Cervezeros de México”, to produce one liter of
beer, 2.6 liters of water are needed, however, worldwide, 4 to 6 liters can be
used, and it should be noted that before the amount necessary for a liter
was 3.6 liters, and now “Cervezeros de México” are looking to lower it to 2


- De Mexico, E. S. (2022, 10 agosto). ¿Cuántos litros de agua se necesitan para

producir una cerveza? Aderezo.
- Echeverría, M. (2023, 5 agosto). Cervezas de sabor, la apuesta de los fabricantes
para afianzarse en el
mercado. Expansión.
- Maltosaa, & Maltosaa. (2022). Tendencias de cerveza artesanal para 2022 a las que
hay que poner atención. Maltosaa.

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