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Dimaandal, Kim Arvin Lu



1. Main components of computer system – Hardware and Software

- Hardware: Hardware describes the visible and touchable physical parts of a computer system. These
elements provide the software the computational power and stability it needs to function. The following
are some of the main hardware elements:
a. Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is the brain of the computer, responsible for executing
instructions and performing calculations.
b. Memory (RAM): Random Access Memory (RAM) is used to temporarily store data and instructions
that the CPU is actively using. It provides fast, volatile storage.
c. Storage Devices: These include hard drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and other storage media
for long-term data storage.
d. Motherboard: Motherboard is the main component of a computer. It is a board with integrated
circuitry that connects the other parts of the computer including the CPU, the RAM, the disk drives (CD,
DVD, hard disk, or any others) as well as any peripherals connected via the ports or the expansion slots.
e. Input and Output Devices: These include computer-user interaction peripherals including keyboards,
mouse, displays, printers, and speakers.
f. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): The GPU is responsible for rendering graphics and is essential for tasks
like gaming, video editing, and graphical design.
g. Power Supply Unit (PSU): The PSU provides the electrical power needed for the computer to operate.
h. Network Interface Cards (NICs): NICs allow the computer to connect to networks, including Ethernet
and Wi-Fi.
2. Software: The term "software" refers to the intangible codes and directives that direct hardware
operation. It may be divided into two categories:
a. System Software: This includes the operating system (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux) that manages
hardware resources and provides a user interface. It also includes device drivers to enable
communication between the hardware and the operating system.
b. Application Software: These are programs and apps created for certain user behaviors or task
completion. Web browsers, word processors, video games, and productivity programs like Microsoft
Office are among examples.

2. Types of computers

- Computers exist in many shapes and varieties, each created for particular uses. Here are a few popular
computer types:

a. Personal Computer: This computer designed for personal use on a daily basis.
b. Workstation: A workstation is a particular type of computer intended for use in technical or scientific
applications. They are often connected to a local area network and run multi-user operating systems, but
they are primarily designed to be used by a single person.
c. Supercomputer: The most powerful and fastest computers used for complex scientific and engineering
calculations, weather modeling, and simulations.
d. Mainframes: The most powerful and fastest computers used for complex scientific and engineering
calculations, weather modeling, and simulations.
e. Quantum Computer: Quantum mechanics-based experimental computers that are orders of
magnitude quicker than conventional computers at certain sorts of calculations.

3. CPU and GPU

- Graphic Processing Unit (GPU): GPUs are designed primarily for rendering and processing visual data,
making them well-suited for graphics-intensive tasks. To store the data required for visual processing,
GPUs have their own memory (called video RAM). In more current GPUs, when programmed for GPU
acceleration, this memory may also be used for normal computing activities. Due to its high level of
parallelism, GPUs are capable of handling numerous jobs at once. While GPUs excel in rendering pictures
and videos, they can also be utilized for general-purpose computing activities like scientific simulations,
machine learning, and cryptocurrency mining. As a result, they are perfect for workloads that can be

-Central Processing Unit (CPU): The "brain" of the computer is frequently referred to as the CPU. It is in
charge of carrying out the majority of the computations and commands required for the computer to
function. CPUs are made for general-purpose computing operations such operating system
administration, application execution, and system-level process management. CPUs are designed to do
complicated activities including managing system resources, manipulating data, and performing
mathematical computations. They manage memory access and data transportation throughout the
system and contain various layers of cache memory.

4. Operating and application system

-Operating system: Operating system serves as an interface between application applications and the
computer, managing the hardware, memory, and multitasking features.

-Application system: Application systems, often known as "applications" or "apps," are computer
programs created to carry out certain duties or responsibilities on behalf of the user. It helps the user to
finish their work easily.

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