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10 general essay questions - Othello

1. Explore the theme of jealousy in "Othello." How is it portrayed, and what

effects does it have on the characters and the plot? **
2. Discuss the role of manipulation and deceit in the play, focusing on characters
like Iago and how they manipulate others. **
3. Analyze the character of Othello. How does his race impact the play, and how
does he change throughout the story? **
4. Explore the theme of appearance versus reality in "Othello." How do
characters' perceptions differ from reality, and what are the consequences of
these misunderstandings? ***
5. Consider the significance of the handkerchief in the play. How does its
symbolism contribute to the overall themes and actions? *
6. Discuss the portrayal of women in "Othello," considering characters like
Desdemona and Emilia. How are they represented, and what roles do they
play in the story? **
7. Explore the theme of racism in the play. How is it depicted, and what impact
does it have on the characters and their relationships? **
8. Analyze Iago's motivations and intentions. What drives his actions, and how
does his character contribute to the tragedy of the play? **
9. Discuss the role of fate versus free will in "Othello." To what extent are the
characters in control of their destinies? ***
10. Compare and contrast the relationships in the play, such as Othello and
Desdemona, Iago and Emilia, and others. How do these relationships highlight
different themes or conflicts in the story? *

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