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Day: Any Date: Any

Subject: Second grade Science- Camouflage

Common Core Standard(s):

- SL-2 (online page 23)- Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read
aloud or information presented orally or through other media.

Next Generation Science Standard(s):

 2-LS4-1 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity-Make observations of plants and
animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.
 LS1.A: Structure and Function – understand the structure and the functions of

Objective(s): At the end of this lesson my students will have a better understanding of
what camouflage is and how animals use it.

Resources/Materials List:
 (all materials regarding
activities/ games, assessments, and learning materials can be found on this
website under the Science tab!)
 Camouflage Posters (intro/ group practice).
 Camouflage video (intro) (under technology resources; whichever video you like
 Secrets of Animal Camouflage (link to purchase under Children’s Literature tab)
 Camouflage Chameleons activity lay out sheet and materials (materials will vary
depending on which specific activity you complete.
o this lesson discusses the Sensory Tray Activity, but any other listed activity
can be substituted! (activity).
o Lined paper or a science notebook.
o Rice, Beans, Other types of filler.
o Animal figurines of all colors.
 A worksheet of your choice from the assessments (provided on the website).
 Matching cards (wrap-up game).
 Animal I Spy game (printed or online) (extra time game).
o Student laptops if not printed out.

 Begin the lesson by showing the students the posters on camouflage, explain each
poster and allow the students to ask questions and share thoughts on the posters.
o The posters should be hung somewhere where students can easily view
them throughout the lesson- like the front board.
 Introduce the video on what camouflage is- once the video is complete, have
students talk about what they saw, what they learned, and their thoughts on the
 Open up the discussion to the whole class so students can hear what others
thought, saw, and learned.
o There is an additional video under teacher resources that is an episode of a
children’s show- it demonstrates how animals use camouflage/ how some
animals cannot always use camouflage depending on their surroundings.
o If this video is shown ask students where they saw the characters use
camouflage/ when the characters could not use camouflage.

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