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Written Assessment

February 2021

Aalimiyyah Year 2

Name of Book:

‫ سورة الـملك‬: ٢٩ ٢٩ ‫جزء‬

Full Name of Pupil:


Session: ……………

• Recite Tasmiyah & Ṣalawāt Upon the Prophet before

you begin your paper.
• Write your name and session clearly on this sheet.
• Answer all the questions.
• Do not use a red pen or a pencil.
• Write neatly and clearly. Mark achieved:
• If you make a mistake, cross it out. Do not use Tippex.
• The mark for each question is shown next to the
• After you finish, check your answers carefully.
Out of 100

Aalimiyyah Y2 | Ṣūrah Mulk 1

Feb 2021 | UI
Match the boxes by drawing a line: (20)

English Arabic

‫الـ ِذ ْي خـلـق سـبْـع سـمـو ٍت ِطـبـاقًـا‬

Thus, away! With the people
of hell.
Who is there who provides
for you, if He withholds His ِ ‫و بِـئْـس الْـم‬

‫ـم اِل فِـ ْي ضـَل ٍل كـبِـي ْـ ٍر‬ ِ

ْ ُ‫ا ْن انْـت‬
And it is an evil destiny /
Then who can save the
disbelievers from a painful ‫ـب الـسـ ِعـيْـ ِر‬
ِ ‫ـحـقًـا ِل ْصـح‬
ْ ‫ـس‬
ُ ‫ف‬

‫ـم مـ ْن فِـ ْي الـسمـاءِ ا ْن‬ ِ

ْ ُ‫ء امـنْـت‬
Rarely you show gratitude. ‫ـم ْال ْرض فاِذا ِهـي‬ ُ ‫ـخـسـف بِـ ُك‬
ِ ْ ‫ي‬
‫ت ُـمـ ْو ُر‬

The One Who created seven ‫ـم اِ ْن‬ ِ

ْ ‫امـ ْن هـذا الـذ ْي يـ ْر ُز ُقـ ُك‬
‫ا ْمـسـك ِرزْقـه‬
heavens one over the other.

Say, He is the All Merciful,

‫قـلِـي ْ ًـَل مـا تـ ْشـ ُكـ ُر ْون‬

we have believed in Him and
in Him we have placed our
Have you become fearless of
the One who is in the sky,
that He makes you sink into ‫و اِنـمـا انـا نـ ِذيْـ ٌر ُمـبِـيْـ ٌن‬
the earth and it starts

ٍ ‫فمـ ْن يُـ ِجـيْـ ُر الْـكـ ِفـرِيْـن ِمـ ْن عـذ‬

I am only a clear warner.
ٍ ‫عـلِـي‬
‫ـم‬ ْ
‫ُق ْـل ُهـو الـر ْحـمـ ُن امـنـا بِـه و عـلـيْـه‬
You are only in great error.

Aalimiyyah Y2 | Ṣūrah Mulk 2

Feb 2021 | UI
Write any one virtue of Sūrah Mulk: (2)


Answer the questions under each verse of Sūrah Mulk.

ُ ْ ‫تبارك ال ِذي بِي ِد ِه ا ْْلُل‬

)1(‫ك و ُهـو عـلي كُ ِل شئٍ قدي ٌر‬

Translate the verse: (2)


The word Yad is attributed to Allāh. How do we interpret this verse? (2)


Fill in the table: (1)

Category Root Letters Verb


What type of a noun is ‫?قدي ٌر‬ (2)


What is the Active and Passive Participle of the verb ‫?تبارك‬ (2)

‫اسـم الـمـفـعـول‬ ‫اسـم الـفـاعـل‬

Aalimiyyah Y2 | Ṣūrah Mulk 3

Feb 2021 | UI
)2( ‫ال ِذي خلق ا ْْل ْوت وا ْلياة لِيب ْلُو ُك ْم أي ُ ُك ْم أ ْحس ُن عم ًَل و ُهو ال ْع ِزي ُز ال ْغ ُفو ُر‬
Translate the verse: (2)

Why has the superlative ‫ أ ْحس ُن‬been used as opposed to ‫? أ ْكـثـ ُر‬ (2)


Fill in the table: (1 ½)

‫هفت األقسام‬ Category Root Letters Verb

‫لِيبْلُو ُك ْم‬

What is the Active and Passive Participle of the verb ‫? خلق‬ (2)

‫اسـم الـمـفـعـول‬ ‫اسـم الـفـاعـل‬

)4( ‫ـب اِلـي ْـك الْـبـصـ ُر خـا ِسـئًـا و ُهـو حـ ِسـيْـ ٌر‬ِ ‫تـيـ‬ ‫جـ‬
ْ ‫ُثـم ْار ِع الْـبـصـر كـر ْ نِ يـنْـقـل‬
Translate the verse: (2)

What type of verb is ‫?ارجـ ِع‬

ْ (1)


Aalimiyyah Y2 | Ṣūrah Mulk 4

Feb 2021 | UI
‫ي(‪)5‬‬ ‫الدنْيا ِِبصابِيح وجعلْناها ُر ُجومًا لِلشيا ِط ِ‬
‫ني وأ ْعت ْدنا َل ُ ْم عذاب الس ِع ِ‬ ‫ولق ْد زينا السماء ُ‬

‫‪Translate the verse:‬‬ ‫)‪(2‬‬


‫‪Fill in the table:‬‬ ‫)‪(3‬‬

‫هفت األقسام‬ ‫‪Category‬‬ ‫‪Root Letters‬‬ ‫‪Verb‬‬

‫وأ ْعت ْدنا‬

‫?‪ refer to in this verse‬مصابِيح ‪What does‬‬ ‫)‪(1‬‬


‫وجعلْناها ُر ُجومًا لِلشيا ِط ِ‬


‫?‪What does this refer to‬‬ ‫)‪(2‬‬


‫َس ُـعـ ْوا لـها شـ ِهـيْـقًا و ِهـي ت ُـفـ ْو ُر (‪)7‬‬

‫اِذا اُلـ ْ ُقـوا فِـيـهـا ِ‬
‫ْ ْ‬

‫‪Translate the verse:‬‬ ‫)‪(2‬‬


‫‪Aalimiyyah Y2 | Ṣūrah Mulk‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬

‫‪Feb 2021 | UI‬‬
)8(‫تك ُاد َتي ُز ِمن الْغي ْ ِظ‬

Translate the above: (2)


Fill in the table: (1 ½)

‫هفت األقسام‬ Category Root Letters Verb

‫َتي ُز‬

What name is given to the verb ‫?ت كاد‬

ُ (1)


)10(‫ـحـب الـسـ ِعـيْـ ِر‬

ِ ‫ـسـمـ ُع ا ْو نـعْـقِ ُـل ما ُكـنا ِِفْا ْص‬
ْ ‫و قال ُ ْوا ل ْو ُكـنا ن‬
Translate the verse: (2)

When the verb ‫ كان‬is added in front on an imperfect tense verb, what meaning does it create?


Aalimiyyah Y2 | Ṣūrah Mulk 6

Feb 2021 | UI
)15(‫ور‬‫ش‬ُ ُ ‫لن‬ ‫ٱ‬ ِ ‫ول فٱ ْم ُشوا۟ ِِف منا ِكبِها وكُلُوا۟ ِمن ِرزْقِ ِه وإِلي‬
‫ه‬ ً ‫ُهـو ٱل ِذى جعل ل ُك ُم ْٱأل ْرض ذل ُ ا‬
ُ ْ
Translate the verse: (2)

What can we understand from this verse? Explain (2)


Fill in the table: (3)

‫هفت األقسام‬ Category Root Letters Verb

‫فٱ ْم ُشوا‬

)19( ٌ‫ات وي ْقبِ ْضن ما ُُيْ ِس ُك ُهن إِل الر ْْح ُن إِن ُه بِ ُك ِل ش ْيءٍ ب ِصي‬
ٍ ‫ي فوق ُهم صاف‬
ْ ْ ِ ْ ‫أول ْم ير ْوا إَِل الط‬

Translate the verse: (2)

Fill in the table: (3)

‫هفت األقسام‬ Category Root Letters Verb

‫ير ْوا‬
‫ُُيْ ِس ُك ُهن‬
Aalimiyyah Y2 | Ṣūrah Mulk 7
Feb 2021 | UI
)25(‫ـم صـ ِدقِـي ْـن‬ ِ ‫مـتـ‬
ْ ُ‫و يـ ُقـ ْولـُ ْون ى هـذا الـو ْع ُـد ا ْن ُكـنْـت‬
Translate the verse: (2)

ُ ‫ الـو ْع‬refer to?

What does ‫ـد‬ (1)


What type of a noun is ‫?صـ ِدقِـي ْـن‬ (1)

a) ‫اسـم الـفـاعـل‬
b) ‫اسـم الـمـفـعـول‬
c) ‫اسـم الـظـرف‬

Match the boxes by drawing a line: (6)

The All Aware ‫الـ ِطـي ْ ُـف‬

The Almighty ‫الْـخـبِـي ْـ ُر‬

‫الْـعـزِيْـ ُز‬
The Knower of the
finest things

The All Forgiving ِ ‫الْـب‬

‫ـصـيْـ ُر‬

The All Powerful ‫قـ ِديْـ ٌر‬

The All Seeing ‫الْـغ ُـفـ ْو ُر‬

Aalimiyyah Y2 | Ṣūrah Mulk 8

Feb 2021 | UI
Fill in the table below regarding some of the verbs that are in Surah Mulk. (18)

Note: Verbs have been noted below as they appear in the Quran.

‫هفت األقسام‬ Category Root Letters Verb

‫ـار ِجـ ِع‬

ْ ‫ف‬

‫جـعـلْـنـهـا‬ 2

‫ب‬ ِ
ْ ‫ينْقل‬

‫اُلـْ ُقـ ْوا‬ 4

‫ـم‬ْ ‫سـأل ُـه‬


‫ـم‬ ‫ك‬
ُ ‫ـ‬ ِ‫يـأْت‬

‫أ ِس ُر ْوا‬ 7

‫وكُل ُ ْوا‬ 8

‫ـم‬ ِ
ْ ُ‫أمـنْـت‬

‫كـذب‬ 10

‫لـ ُج ْوا‬ 11

‫ِسيْئ ْت‬ 12

Total Marks: 100

End of Examination

Aalimiyyah Y2 | Ṣūrah Mulk 9

Feb 2021 | UI

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