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Title: Stopping Distance

The islands in the Caribbean are small and those along the volcanic chain, are also very
mountainous. As a result there is not much room for standard runways needed for larger
airlines to land. Some airports have shorter runways, forcing airplanes to use every available
runway for landing and departing. In order to provide greater stopping potential of an
airplane, some airports have used materials on their runways to allow a plane to stop over a
shorter distance. Plan and design an experiment that can be used to show how the use of
different materials can ensure a shorter stopping distance of a moving object.

In your lab you should test at least 4 different, reasonable surfaces and a devise a suitable
method of ensuring that the test ‘vehicle’ arrives at the material with the same velocity.

PD issued: October 10th

Draft due: October 12th

Lab Due: October 16th

Your draft should be your Aim, Diagram, Theory, Variables and Method.

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