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LOLA [21, 5’6”]

As a half elf, half dryad, Lola was taught to
embrace change and nature as a way of
preparing her for her hereditary metamorphosis.
Her parents’ lessons only had a small effect on her
anxiety, but they did give Lola a lifelong love of
botany and horticulture. Lola loves to visit
stationery shops as a treat to herself, and visits
botanical gardens with her new treasures to sketch
and study.
Likes: Melon candy, colorful notebooks, enamel
Dislikes: Big parties, bugs that jump, strong liquor


Lola loves boba tea! It's her favorite pick-me-up for long days at
Her guilty pleasure of choice is farming simulator games; she'll play
them for hours on end, especially when she's stressed.
Lola puts up her hair in her favorite scrunchie whenever she needs to
focus! She gives credit to the scrunchie for getting her through her
Lola dreams of raising plants from every environment, from desert
succulents to water lilies.
DAMIEN [20, 5’8”]
Damien was a sweet, unspoiled child with plenty
of friends until his family began pressuring him
to value ‘keeping proper company’ and
leveraging his wealth. He followed along to keep
their favor, but lived miserably and leaned hard
into his shallow tendencies to cope with the
loneliness that followed. Mobile games became
his escape of choice. He also likes going to
museums when the weather is cloudy enough for
him to lift his veil.
Likes: Art books, cloudy days, billiards
Dislikes: Strawberries, furry animals, the gym

NATHANIEL [22, 5’10”]

Nathaniel grew up in a lower middle class family, and
regularly exhausted himself to pay his own way
through school (club fundraisers, scholarships, etc.).
Now that he has a full ride scholarship and incoming
job opportunities Nathaniel wants to enjoy his
newfound security, but he remains afraid of ‘slipping’
and feels like he can’t ever fully relax or open up to
anyone. His favorite way to fight stress is to take
solitary walks in the early morning.
Likes: Arcade games, swimming, tacky souvenirs
Dislikes: Contests, dark chocolate, public speaking
XANDER [21, 6’1”]
Xander learned how to cook as a way to ease the
pain of his family’s long shifts at work, and later
mastered baking as a way to bring them a little extra
joy. Still, he hopes for a time when they can all
regularly eat at the same table and enjoy life
together. He adores his little sister in particular and
makes cookies for her whenever she’s feeling sad.
Drawn to books for as long as he can remember,
Xander also loves engaging with literature as both a
reader and a writer. He secretly hopes to get one of
his stories published someday.
Likes: pangolins, bad movies, axolotls, bookshops
Dislikes: Cold weather, macarons, getting haircuts

CELESTE [21, 5’11”]

Celeste grew up in a commune with other sea
nymphs on the coast, and as such she’s always had
the mindset of supporting everyone around her
however she can. Combined with her naturally
breezy attitude, Celeste has no issue making friends.
However, this has not translated to much luck with
love; she’s gone through a long streak of flings and
failed relationships since starting college. Celeste
has taken on an even peppier persona to dull the
ache of her heart. With college graduation coming
up, Celeste hopes to spend more time singing and
join a local choir.
Likes: Roller coasters, vintage knick knacks,
handwritten notes/letters
Dislikes: Sour gummies, strong smells, wearing
LYDIA [21, 5'5”]
Lydia has one gorgon eye she can’t turn ‘off’,
something she’s been targeted for since childhood.
Consequently, Lydia decided that if she’s going to be
treated differently anyway she may as well live how
she likes; now she wears her eyepatch— and all black
wardrobe— with pride. She met her boyfriend Ezra at a
book club, where they bonded over their shared love of
gothic literature. Once she graduates, Lydia hopes to
take a long vacation with Ezra and fulfill her dream of
visiting the ancient vampiric castles (now historical
Likes: Long drives, gardening, cheesy Halloween
Dislikes: Cold desserts, being late, grocery shopping

SABLE [21, 5’9”]

Groomed to take over her family’s public gardens
from birth, Sable has always led an intense academic
life. She eagerly throws herself into her studies, but
wishes to do more than follow her family’s blueprints
once she takes ownership. Sable is incredibly
meritocratic and sees any sort of laziness as
weakness, especially her own. Secretly she wishes for
a friend she can truly relax around.
Likes: Magnolia flowers, scenic hikes, herbal tea,
photo journaling
Dislikes: Noisy places, bad manners, green bell

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