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CLE 1St Quarter Exam Reviewer

Grade 10

MORALITY ● Faithful relationship with God
All persons are called to reflect and ● Observance of the Commandments
analyze the situation first before jumping ● Following Jesus Christ
into immediate action or conclusion. Life
isn’t only about doing what “I” want to do. Loving service is patterned after Jesus
You have to consider and think about the Christ. Christ expressed His kingship most
common good as reflected in the outcome importantly by serving others and
of your chosen action or decision. commanding us to love and serve others as
Christian morality is all about discipleship.
FOLLOWING JESUS CHRIST True relationship suggests that we seek to
To be moral in God’s terms, we should look give the other what is good. To respond to
and imitate the person of Jesus Christ. God’s love to us by loving Him back. Loving
Showed to us our true nature and reason for God means being faithful to what He
existence. Therefore, Christian morality desires for us in order to be like Him.
is about asking ourselves: What Would
Jesus Do? It also means to love ourselves and others.
In being good and loving, we reflect on our
CHRISTIAN MORALITY lives, the God who is all Good and the
It is about following Jesus Christ. It’s about source of all goodness. In all our actions
LIVING and DOING what makes you and decisions, we have to express the God
TRULY FREE and reflecting on our that we are in relationship with.
experiences in the light of life and teachings
of Jesus Christ. Through the grace and - BEING TRUE TO OUR RELATIONSHIP
strength of the Holy Spirit. WITH GOD
God is not only the ultimate source, but also
HOW DO WE KNOW HOW TO FOLLOW the perfect norm of goodness. It is revealed
JESUS? in the Scriptures and reveals MOST FULLY
The very source of doing and living this through the LOVE that Jesus has revealed
morality is Jesus Christ. to us.
Sacred Tradition, the way of life of the
people of God passed us through the > OBSERVANCE OF THE
Sacred Scriptures (the Bible) offers us the Given by God to His people Israel as a sign
knowledge and teachings of Jesus Christ as of His love and for them to live their lives in
it is the record of His life and how He lived abundance and prosperity.
The Commandments remain central in SUMMARY:
Christian morality because they clearly - Christian morality is following Jesus Christ
express how we must love one another. in a world of light and shadows that exist
When Jesus said, “love God and love your within us and in society. As disciples of
neighbors” the Commandments were the Christ, we are all called to love God by
exact picture of it. loving one another as Jesus Christ has
loved us (John 15:12).
YOUNG MAN? - Christian morality asks one of the basic
Clearly, his question, “What good must I do questions of faith: “What should I do?” (St.
to gain eternal life?” implies his desire to be Augustine). To this, Christ answers: “Follow
truly free and happy to have a life spent on Me.”
something valuable and lasting.
- God is both the ultimate source and norm
How do you think these events came to of goodness. Our own decision to love and
exist? What could have been the reasons to do what is good is our personal response
why people did these actions? to God, who loved us first and is our perfect
norm of loving service.
Christian faith is not and will never be
limited to pious acts and religious - The Commandments are the simplest,
practices. clearest, and most universal norms for
human good conduct that have come down
“... HE WENT AWAY SAD BECAUSE HE to us through history. The Decalogue, the
HAD MANY POSSESSIONS.” two love commandments that Christ drew
Inordinate attachments limit our freedom from the Old Testament, and His own
to follow Jesus and do God’s will. unique love commandments (John 15:12)
express how the proof and condition of true
> FOLLOWING JESUS CHRIST love of God is our loving service of our
To be with God and to follow His will. A kind neighbor.
of life and way of living consistent to God’s
will. Vividly seen and displayed in the - Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of the
person and life of Jesus Christ, His Son Father, is not only the perfect exemplar of
what it means to be a truly good and loving
Sin imprisons us and robs us of our person. Through the Holy Spirit, He, too,
freedom. becomes the source of our inner strength to
follow Him and grow every day in His
Our capacity to be loving AND FORGIVING
comes from our experience of God, who - The goal of Christian morality can be
loves us unconditionally and forgives us summarized thus: to respond to the call of
magnanimously. Revealed in the Scriptures becoming loving persons in the fullness of
and revealed MOST FULLY through the life with others in the Christian community
LOVE that Jesus has revealed to us. by following Jesus Christ, our Savior,
through His Spirit indwelling in us.
BEING HUMAN, BEING MORAL Every man is created in the image and
The word BEING was repeated twice. In a likeness of God (Gn. 1:26) and redeemed
Scriptural mindset, repeating the word by Jesus Christ and therefore every human
connotes IMPORTANCE. being is worthy to be respected and
What does BEING mean? invaluable.

BEING Every human being, regardless of race,

The nature or essence of a person or language, sex, age, religion, sexual
things, qualities that constitute an existent orientation, economic or political status,
thing, and the quality or essence of things. health, intelligence, achievement or any
other differential characteristic, is worthy of
That in BEING human we are not just given respect.
a title or state of being a human; we are all
called to “be human”. There is SOMETHING It is simply being human that establishes
in HUMAN that needs to be expressed and one’s dignity.
lived out.
Together with the call to be respected,
We want to answer the questions: human dignity also shows the person’s
● What does it mean to be a human “I CAN. WE CAN”.
The inherent dignity of a human being
Reflecting on these questions will includes a person's capacity for
help us appreciate the relationship of our SELF–RESPECT, SELF–CONTROL,
natural experience of who we are with what EMPOWERMENT, AUTONOMY, and
Christ has revealed to us about ourselves RATIONALITY.
and understand how to act in a truly human
way. We are endowed with CAPACITIES THAT
“Man has been given a sublime RESPONSIBLY.
dignity, based on the intimate bond which
unites him to his Creator: in man there TRUTH ABOUT HUMAN PERSONS
shines forth a reflection of God Himself.” > HISTORICAL BEINGS
-St. John Paul the Great We are constantly growing through time;
physically, socially (in the way we relate),
“A person filled with love of God and self-awareness, maturity, and understanding
love of neighbor reflects something of and respecting the dignity of others.
-St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus We are FREE HISTORICAL BEINGS; past
experiences and choices formed us, and
HUMAN DIGNITY decisions of today will shape and direct the
It is one of the principles of Social kind of person we would become.
Teachings of the Church.
We are constantly called to GROW IN HUMAN PERSON HAS BOTH but claims to
CAPACITY TO LOVE. Growing in love is the be the unity of body and spirit. NOTHING
mark of our growing in the likeness of Jesus WITHOUT THE OTHER.
Only by freely choosing to be of loving We are aware of ourselves in our out-going
service to others can we grow to become acts (CFC688).
our fullest selves as embodied spirits,
conscious beings, and relational persons Aware of our THINKING, EMOTIONS,
who are unique yet fundamentally equal. EXPERIENCES, and MEANING OF OUR
Man is both Body and Spirit. We use our
physiological body to perceive and interact We are endowed with INTELLECT and
with the world. We experience it through our WILL. We are more than mere objects. We
senses and feel all the limits it bears. are NOT driven by external forces or
instincts. There are reasons (and we put
We express our person through our reasons) to the things that we do.
thoughts, feelings and actions. But persons
are more than just walking creatures made KINDS OF HUMAN ACTIONS
up of muscles, ligaments, nerves, and ACTS OF MAN
bones. - instinctive or involuntary
- neither morally good or evil
We are embodied spirits and are capable of
GOING BEYOND the material and senses. HUMAN ACTS
We Spiritual gifts of intellect and will. We are - consciously and freely chosen acts
gifted with imagination. We have the - subject to inquiry if good or evil
capacity to sense the DIVINE. - we are called to become aware of our free
human acts and carefully discern the good
It includes: things to do
- Capacity to imagine fictional worlds;
- Decipher the situation and setting of the It is only through the good and proper use of
past; our freedom that we can become more fully
- Ability to connect to what is IMMATERIAL; ourselves.
We are social beings. Alone, we are
We have to clarify the ESSENTIAL LINK of insufficient. We become the fullest of
BODY AND SPIRIT. Man is EMBODIED ourselves through our relationship with
SPIRIT others.
◦ NOT body alone
◦ NOT Spirit alone In our very creation, we have been called to
be relational.
We are beings always BY, WITH, and FOR SURPASSING worth of our humanity; the
others. meaning of our existence.
- Born and raised by our families.
(origin) Jesus is our exemplar of being fully human.
- We become our true selves through He showed us that OUR COMMON
our interaction with others. HUMAN DIGNITY IS GROUNDED IN THE
(influence) LOVE OF GOD, who sustains, redeems,
- Give up our self centered tendencies and empowers us TO LOVE and calls us to
to love others (vocation) share in His own eternal life. (CFC 685)

God, our Creator, is Himself a loving THE HUMAN PERSON (A CHRISTIAN

communion of Three Persons. He relates to VISION)
us as a community. ● We are created in the image and
Implications: likeness of God
- True moral living is never just a - You are created by Love, out of Love, and
private or personal concern for Love! Called to share in God’s infinite
- Our love for God must be knowing and loving, to be in relationship
inseparable with and must find its with him, AND TO CARE FOR ALL
true and explicit expression in our CREATION.
love (relationship) with our families,
friends and community. ● We have been redeemed by Christ
- What makes us truly human is not our
> UNIQUE, BUT FUNDAMENTALLY self-centeredness and sin, but our
We are all different. We are diverse in all the
levels we could think: ● We are empowered to love by the
◦ Opinions Holy Spirit
◦ Beliefs - God transforms us and empowers us to
◦ Traits grow in love and live according to our
◦ Behaviors dignity. EVERYTHING IS GRACE. This
◦ Physical appearance means that our capacity to die to our
◦ Preferences self-centeredness and sin in order to be of
loving service to others is itself a gift from
Meaning, we are all basically equal at the God.
core. Fundamental equality demands a
basic respect for one another. ● We are destined to share in God’s
eternal life
Jesus Christ reveals to us the fullness of - We all belong to God’s family and are
our dignity. destined to share in the happiness and
What does it mean to be human? Look at freedom of God’s children. We are adopted
Jesus Christ. IN and THROUGH Christ, sons and daughters of God.
God revealed Himself fully to us. We
acquire full awareness of our dignity of the
● Human beings: Equal in Dignity - The challenging demand of CHRIST-LIKE
- Called to share in God’s infinite knowing LOVE:
and loving, to be in relationship with him, ◦ To have the same deep love and respect
AND TO CARE FOR ALL CREATION. for the dignity of all persons, as Jesus did.
◦ Behave and have an attitude of
● LAUDATO SI’ (a call to care for all gentleness, tenderness and gratefulness.
◦ Connectedness - nurture connectedness In the end, because we know that God’s
◦ Tenderness - relate tenderly love for us is the source of our own
◦ Gratefulness/Gratitude - always be grateful immeasurable worth as human persons, we
are called to view each human person –
JESUS’ TEACHINGS - THE PARABLE OF those we know and those we do not know –
THE GOOD SAMARITAN through the eyes and heart of Christ
The parable illuminates our Himself.
understanding of how our authentic love of
neighbor is grounded on our Christian vision SUMMARY:
of the human person. - Understanding our human dignity is
essential to Christian morality because all
> “WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR?” our free moral acts and decisions are
(Recognizing the call behind the Parable shaped by how we answer the question,
of the Good Samaritan) “What does it mean to be a human person?”
The call is not about knowing who will
receive your help. It is about knowing HOW - With the use of reason, we can discern the
TO ACT as the neighbor (a true person for truth that all human persons are historical,
others). conscious, and relational embodied spirits
who are unique though fundamentally equal
A call to be an authentic lover of one’s in dignity.
- To be of LOVING SERVICE TO OTHERS - Christian morality focuses on Jesus Christ
- A person of authentic love that transcends as the perfect exemplar of being human. He
boundaries of race, religion, or prejudice reveals to us who we truly are. In and
- A person who recognizes the DIGNITY OF through Him, we are able to know more
OTHERS about ourselves as growing persons in
community who are created, redeemed, and
A True Person for Others made holy every day of our lives and thus
- Responding to the real needs of others is are called to live as children of the Father,
to truly obey God’s law to love both others caring for all of His creation.
and God.
- The “Parable of the Good Samaritan”
> “GO AND DO LIKEWISE” ((This is not illuminates our understanding of how our
only a command to be like the Good authentic love of neighbor is grounded on
Samaritan, but also an invitation) our Christian vision of the human person.
- An invitation to follow Jesus

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