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A challenge that I have faced

Everyone faces many challenges in one’s life. Also, I am facing many challenges until
now. Among them, I want to talk about a challenge that I have faced in my life.

Eleven years ago, I was five years old. My mom was a public servant. So, she had to go
to lots of different locations. One day, she had to transfer to Taw Kyaung Kyi village including
me. It was my first time staying in a village where I didn’t know. I was afraid and held my
mother's hand tightly. She seemed to know my problem. She said, “Don’t worry my cute kid, this
village is your father’s native village”. And then I remembered I had been to that village one
time. We lived in a house which was given by the government.

I went to a high school in that village to attend grade-1. When I first entered the class,
the teacher asked me to introduce myself. Most of the students were friendly to me, but some
didn't like what other students were friendly to me. They bullied me for three weeks after I went
to that school. I was a new student, so I didn't do anything. But they were getting worse day by
day. I was also very sad. So, I decided to do something. But I didn't want to talk about that to
the teachers because it was my own problem. One day when I came to school, they tried to
bully me again. I ran into the playground and then I fought them back by helping of my friends. I
won that fight. From then on, they stopped bullying me.

Although this was a challenge for me, I was able to overcome it. After all, you should
know that there are those who offer support and those who make you worse during difficult

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