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2015 Fifth International Conference on e-Learning

The Impact of E-Books on the Printed Books:

E-Books Popularity, Growth and Future

Zakaria Issa Saleh Ahmad Shaher Mashhour

Information Systems Department Information Systems Department
University Of Bahrain University Of Bahrain

Abstract— This study aims to identify the preferences of study will be looking at e-books in general regales of
the net generation readers in print and electronic media the formats or type. In addition, this research will not
activities and to investigate the impact of e-books on the attempt to produce a model to predict future use of e-
printed books, and try and see if printed books are books or printed one. It is mainly a descriptive study
being gradually replaced by electronic one. The survey
to present the current trends of reading.
method of research was applied to conduct the study
and questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. A. Problem Statement
The stratified random sampling technique was
employed for selection of participants. Comparing
By investigating the impact of e-books on printed
readers’ preferences between reading a printed book books, there would be two fundamental issues that
and electronic media, it seems that e-book Growth is can be addressed; the future of printed books and the
slowing, but still substantial, and the majority of book financial aspect of printed vs. digital. As for the
readers believe that e-books will become more popular future of printed books, it’s worth investigating how
than the printed books in the future far e-books publishing would expand so that major
book dependents (e.g. education), and keepers (e.g.
libraries) can plan and prepare themselves
Keywords‐e-books; printed books; readers; student accordingly. As for financial aspect, while countries
preferences like the United States for example, is seeing a slow
migration from print to digital, which means
publishers, may not jump from printed books to
The Internet along with personal computers and digital formats completely, but they need to keep up
mobile e devices is fast transforming the world. The with the e-book growth as well as printed book
impact of Information Superhighway on reading can needs. However, if publishers increase the size of
be felt in homes, schools, colleges, universities, with their printed books, and overestimate the demand,
information available with a click of a mouse. Using they face costly outcome where they have to take
internet for a source of reading provides larger back unsold printed books. In addition, if publishers
number of topics in a short time and the graphics and underestimate the customers’ needs and demands, the
animations could make reading material more customers may turn to the competition.
interesting for some readers than those traditional
printed books. Now a day, much more reading is
required than in the past, and reading is the most II. LITERATURE REVIEW
important study tool next to the teachers, where the An electronic book (e-book) is a book published
book is usually the principal educating agency in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both,
contributing to learner’s success. Most people are that can be read on computers or other electronic
reading very differently today than they were few device reader (e.g. a Kindle). While we could not
years ago. While print may not be dead, people find when exactly the first e-book was published
worldwide are reading digital screens on a regular however it is clear that e-books and e-readers have
basis. While this study is about e-books and printed made their mark on the publishing world. It seems
books, we found ourselves forced to talk about the that since the e-book came along, reading on the go
internet. The internet is the most formidable has gotten even easier.
challenge to the print media like print sources, print
reading and libraries [1].
E-books are published in different formats (e.g.
Acrobat adobe and Microsoft Word, Broadband e-
books, Compiled HTML, and other formats) and they
can be found as static or interactive, however this

978-1-4673-9431-4/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE 125

DOI 10.1109/ECONF.2015.58
journals and newspapers. Searching through the
World Wide Web, and reading about e-books and
online publishing, most articles and nearly every
comment thread are filled with declarations that e-
book domination is already taking place.
It’s been several years since the first Kindle was
introduced, and today, about 15% of consumer
spending on books is electronic and about 30% of
books sold are e-books [2], and a survey published by
Pew Research Center in January 2014, which was
conducted just after the 2013 holiday gift-giving
season, produced evidence that e-book reading
Figure 1: Ratio of Digital Books Authors vs Printed [4] devices are spreading through the population.
However, the same survey indicates that the majority
of book readers still only read in print, and overall,
50% of Americans now have a dedicated handheld
device–either a tablet computer like an iPad, or an e-
reader such as a Kindle or Nook–for reading e-
content [3]. So, it’s clear that e-books are here to
stay, but it’s less clear that the complete demolishing
of the publishing industry is around the corner. Hu
and Smith [13] use aggregate sales data from a
publisher who stopped releasing e-book version of
new published paper books for six months as a ab
experiment. They conclude that delaying the release
of e-books causes insignificant change in overall
hardcover sales but a significant decrease in e-book
Figure 2: Ratio of Authors Planning to Publish Digital Books [4] sales and total sales.
While it may be important to understand the
distinction between the traditional static type of e-
Pew Research Center publication [3] indicated books, which can be accessed online, printed or read
that most adults read a book in the past year; print with an e-reader, versus digital apps with an
remains most popular, but e-reading is on the rise, interactive user interface, however this research more
and that most people who read e- books also read concerned with the future of printed books regardless
print books. DCL and Bowker [4] in their 2014 of which e-book type (static or digital apps) has a
digital publishing survey reported that more than higher impact on the readers’ selection. It is clear that
63% of the authors have published digital books and the invention of the tablet PC has created a new
more than 83% are planning to publish digital books medium for book publishing; an example of this
(see Figure 1 and Figure 2). would be something appearing on an iPad.
It is clear that there is a growing interest in To better answer the question of whether e-readers
reading online; however, limited research has been are making books obsolete, we made a quick
conducted to assess the changes to the people’s comparison in terms of usability and practicality, and
reading behavior in the online environment (Liu, we started by looking at what e-readers actually do.
2005). While some such as Coiro and Dobler [5] In the year 2011, there were at least 10 different
have explored new literacy approaches, these models on the market, each with its own specific
approaches have been targeted at young children features and capabilities. None was capable of
learning to read. Others [6] have explored the impact providing everything, and so choosing one over the
of specific technological aspects such as text display. other depends on which of those capabilities are most
There is also an indication that the Internet has an important to the reader.
impact on reading. It may be easy to claim that the Looking the advertised information about the
internet is a visual medium, that provides means for different models, we found that some e-readers are
the transmission of images, video, and music, devices dedicated to displaying digital books,
however, it's still largely a text-based medium. It newspapers and magazines with no other extra
makes sense that a person's writing and reading skills feathers (e.g. music or video players) . Some
would be sharpened when more written material is dedicated e-readers offer Internet connectivity and
made available to the person in the form of online other high-end functionality, but their main purpose

is to display e-books. Other e-readers come equipped While university students operate in a world
with features like Wi-Fi, MP3 support and full-color immersed in digital text, they have not
touch screens. They're a lot like laptop computers, simultaneously abandoned print. It seems that
but smaller and a bit more portable. We chose not to students prefer to read on paper, although they also
provide examples of any type because the issue is not want the convenience of online digital text. Liu [9]
to present the best device or point out the worst; we has found that graduate academic library users like
are only providing general information about what is the access provided by online electronic resources,
available for the readers. but prefer to print the electronic documents in order
Regardless of the type and features, we found that to read them [10]. In a study of students at the
e-book readers and software apps can require some Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
basic computer experience. Each e-book reader (UNAM), the majority of students preferred print,
works differently and must be installed and learned, and 63 percent reported that they could bear reading a
where books are very easy to use. Other advantage document on a computer screen for no more than one
that traditional printed books compare over this entire hour [11].When it comes to course textbooks, a
device is the ability to read traditional book direct marked student preference for paper over e–books
sunlight. This is not an easy service that any of the e- has recently been found [12].
readers can provide (similar to using a smart phone
for reading a message when outside at high noon),
and while each e-reader has the ability to store IV. RESEARCH METHOD
thousands of books in one easy-to-use device (which The survey method of research was applied to
makes them very convenient for readers specially conduct the study and questionnaire was used as a
travelers and anyone who does a lot of reading on the data collection tool. The stratified random sampling
go, however, readers can break when dropped and as technique was employed for selection of participants.
result a total loss of all the books installed, where if However, at this stage of the research, this research
printed books are dropped, all the reader need is to we will not attempt to produce a model to predict
pick it up. Another risk of damage to e-books is that future use of e-books vs printed one. It is mainly a
these e-readers are handy for book worms, something descriptive study to present the current trends of
that printed books are not exposed to. In addition, reading in terms of statistical values. To further get
many e-books can be retrieved relatively quickly views from the readers, we asked the participants to
compared to ordering books and waiting for them to add any comments regarding how the importance of
be shipped and delivered. Some e-book readers load printed books, and we have presented some of the
books and turn pages slowly, printed books are ready comments in the conclusion section.
the moment you pick them up, unlike many e-readers This study adopted the convenience sampling
or computers, real pages can be approach to collect data. The method of collecting the
flipped/skimmed/bookmarked fast, and the reader if data for this study was mainly to distribute
desired, can work easily with many books at once questionnaires. The method was divided into two
portions. The first portion of the questionnaires was
distributed one of the major shopping malls in the
III. STUDENT PREFERENCES FOR READING Chicago suburbs (USA), and the second portion of
The DCL and Bowker survey of 1,540 the questionnaires was distributed in Chicago
undergraduate college students found that students downtown, with the assumption that participants
overwhelmingly prefer print, at both four-year and would be frequent commuters. A total of 314
two-year institutions of higher education. The questionnaires were returned. Excluding missing
reasons include students preferring “the look and feel answers and invalid questionnaire, 299 of 314
of print,” the greater ease in highlighting and note- questionnaires are valid.
taking, and the fact that they can’t re-sell digital
textbooks [4]. Among those few students who prefer
digital textbooks, the reasons include price, ability to V. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
search the text, and ease in carrying around the 1) E-book Growth Slowing but Still Substantial
survey says. According to a study by [7], students
are significantly more willing to adopt interactive
digital textbooks than their static digital counterparts.
Static digital information products represent only a
form factor change, not a content or usage change,
and thus do not offer the many cognitive/affective
benefits of interactivity [8].

Figure 5: The Participants Reason for Reading an E-Book

Figure 5 illustrates that the highest reasons of reading

Figure 3: Books Type Read by Participants in the Last Two Years
(2013 and 2014)
e-books goes to commuting. More than one third of
participants (36%) are commuters who prefer e-
It seems that e-book growth is slowing in the last books. Those readers also indicated that they find it a
two years. Figure 3 indicates that readers still prefer way of having complete privacy where the person
to read printed books. The number of e-books readers setting next to them is unable to know what they are
in all categories is less than the number of readers in reading. Other reason like convenience and
the printed books. In addition, the number of e-book readability (font size) what makes some readers
readers' decreases in year 2014 compared to 2013, prefer reading e-books, where 25% of respondent
whereas readers of printed book increased in the agree that e-book is convenient to them and 22%
same period. think that font size control (readability) is important
to them. In addition, price has the lowest effect with
only 17% prefer to use e-book because of its lower
2) Printed Books are Preferred over E-Books price compared to printed book.

4) E-Books Will not Become the First Option for

Many Readers in the Future
As it is illustrated in figure 6, the results of the
survey indicates that more than half of the readers
(54%) will not have an e-book as their first choice in
the future, and about one third of respondent (34%)
only intend to have an e-book as their first choice in
the future, with 12% are not decided.

Figure 4: Participants Preferred Book Type

Looking at figure 4, it is remarkable to see that

preferring to go with a print book when reading is
overwhelming, where the number of readers who
prefer printed book almost three times as much as of
those who prefer e-book (72%). For those readers, we
wanted to find out why they like to keep reading the
printed books, and the big reasons for preferring print
are emotional connection to physical books, value for
money , comfort and convenience.
Figure 6: E-books will become the first option for me in the future
3) Commuting and Convenience are the Most Shared
Reasons for Reading E-Books

5) E-Books Will Become More Popular Than the on a screen". The idea of e-books fully replacing
Printed Books in the Future print books, for those who prefer their books printed
in ink on paper sounds saddening. Some participants
indicated that the internet has exposed them to so
many more books and resources that they can't read
fast enough to keep up, and for others while digital
books look like copies of paper, they can't be
designed or typeset in the same way as paper, and no
matter how impressive they may look on “a high
resolution” screen, they will remain images rather
than physical things. Other participants indicated that
reading requires concentration and it's difficult to do
with all the highly entertaining distractions some e-
books present. Few other readers reported that digital
books are wonderful form of technology, as it has
Figure 7: E-books will become more popular than the printed made books inexpensive and widely available to the
books in the future. masses. And in an attempt to explain why some
readers were reading only e-books in the past two
The more interesting finding that more than half years, few reported that they enjoy reading all books
of the participants (60%) believe that e-book will from a tablet/device even though reading outdoor is
dominate the market in the future, with only 18% of difficult, and some view that a way to protect their
respondent disagree that e-book will be. This result is privacy “the guy sitting next to me on a train will not
somewhat puzzling, when another finding of the know what I am reading”. And some even indicated
research indicates that the majority of the participants that a habit has already been formed. As for the
reported that e-books will not become the first option readers who did not read any e-book, some indicated
for them in the future (see figure 6). their favorites are physical books, where some others
indicated that the price of tablets is relatively
expensive to be justified if compared to the savings
VI. CONCLUSION: of buying an e-book.
E-books will continue to grow, and continue to
exist, because it is becoming part of the growing
electronic world, and based on the data collected, it VII. FUTURE WORK
appears that e-books are here to stay and the same is This is a starting phase of our study, which will
true about paper books' future. The data also attempt to provide a model for predicting the future
provides a reason to be optimistic that e-books and of printed books/e-books that can be used for
print books could both co-exist in the future together, estimating market demand of either type. The study
because even with all the features e-books can shed the light on the direction for future
provide over the printed books (convenience, investigation. This study identified few elements and
portability, and multimedia ) there are still some pointed several dimensions for future investigation to
fundamental qualities they will simply never replace determine and identify factor that would influence
Some of the comments received by some of the reading an e-book vs a printed one. We can see a mix
participants suggested that it would be a lot easier to of opinions that has to do with cost, availability,
manage if books are downloaded to an iPad or ability to read outdoors, quality, sentimental values,
Kindle, at the same time other readers indicated that convenience, distractions, ease of use (or lack-of) ,
digital books are somewhat hard for them to interact and a habit. The Future work could examine each of
with. Some other indicated that there's something these reasons and evaluate its impact on the decision
about printed books that they can't give up (e.g. to select one book type over the other.
holding the book in their hands and physically
turning a page), which can't be matched with “pixels

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