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Ok, Im gonna show u 5 different sets of things that SHOULD make ur vocals at this

present time, sound much cleaner and crisper in a few easy steps.

Oh! One last thing, so u dont fuck up my methods or AIM me like "ughhh these didnt
work, I cant find anything." There is ONLY two screens to work in on COOL EDIT 2
(which this tutorial applys to)
1. Edit Wave Form
2) Multi Track Mode.

Which One are you in? Well, if u look up in the top left of the screen, where
"File" and "Edit" are, just below them should be a little block with either a
SINGLE LEVEL PICTURE or one with 3 LEVELS in different TRACKS. If you see the
SINGLE LEVEL PICTURE then ur in MULTI TRACK MODE, if you see the 3 LEVELS then ur

Ok. Now, time for the good shit.

Step One: The fuckin easiest step is done in MULTI TRACK mode. To the left of your
screen in the first TRACK, essenstially the place MOST people INSERT their
INSTRUMENTAL before they record, above where u see the words "TRACK 1" you should
see 3 small BLOCKS. They say "Vol," "EQ," and "BUS." CLICK on the "EQ."

Step Two: We're now going to ANALOG (which means manually) make a preset that you
can adjust once u put in my preset to your own perameters once finished. You should
see a grey box that says Eq/A, V 0, Pan 0, H 0, M 0, and L 0. DOUBLE click either
the H, M, or L (it doesnt matter which one).

Step Three: This shouldve brought up a box that at the top reads "Track
Equalizers." If not, turn off ur computer, open ur window, and drop it out. Now,
once you have reach this screen you SHOULD see a lil level diagram with THREE WHITE
BALLS in it (dont make any jokes lol). Now below that Diagram, to the left, you'll
see Lo, Mid, and Hi (in order from top to bottom, we hope). To the right of that
should be a a GREY and RED colored sliding bar that u can adjust, but dont do it or
else I'll break ur fuckin nose. Now to the RIGHT of that should be NEON GREEN
numbers. Those are your preset FREQUENCIES for each set of levels (Hi, Mid, Lo).

Step Four: Now, on the Lo, Change it to 160 (mine are preset so if ur already set @
160, congratulations). On the Mid, set it at 2500. And for the Hi, Change it to
7000, BUT DONT CLOSE THIS SCREEN YET. If you look towards the top right you should
see a verticle set of sliding bars in the order from LEFT TO RIGHT that read, Lo,
Mid, Hi (hey hey! the same as before). Below them once again should be NEON GREEN
NUMBERS that are still set at 0. For the Lo, put it at 3.3. For the Mid, put it at
-2.4. And for the Hi, Set it at 4.0. Now if u have a deep voice u might want ur Lo
@ like 1.2 and ur Hi about the same, and if youre a HIGH PITCHED person like me, u
wanna do the opposite and have ur Lo raised to about 3.3-3.8 just to give ur voice
a lil depth. BUT DONT CLOSE THIS SCREEN YET or im gonna have Kirpatrick here punch
u in the stomach.

Step Five: Ok just fucking with you, once u have all those PRESETS I gave you
punched in, feel free to hit the X at the top of that little box. Now, back where u
see Vol, EQ and BUS, there should be all the presets u put in just below. NOW TO
INSURE WE DONT LOSE these, go ahead and RIGHT CLICK on the Eq/A. A small box should
pop up that reads, EQ Presets, inside it to the bottom u should see "ADD NEW."
CLICK IT. Now title this preset "NTL's Hung" or whatever you want :D. NOW if you
ever want to use that preset again, RIGHT CLICK THE Eq/A Box, and then find ur
PRESET which u titled, and click it. NOW, initially the PRESETS WONT SHOW UP. So
now you LEFT CLICK on the Eq/A Box TWICE, and WALLA! Magically they appear.

Now for the EDIT WAVE FORM Methods

Inside this we're going to accomplish 4 things.
1. Setting a good Echo (not the dolphin)
2. Create a DOPE Hard Limiting Configuration
3. MAKE AN ILL Dynamics Processing Preset
4. Make an eurotic Graphic Equalizer preset

ECHO: To get there follow these Arrows. EFFECTS>DELAY EFFECTS>ECHO. Ok, now in echo
there should be 3 Catagories of ECHO configuration.
1. Decay
3.Initial Echo Volume

Step One: On Decay to the right of the TWO SLIDING bars should be two WHITE BOXES
with some random numbers in them. You're going to enter an 8 into BOTH boxes, which
will be for the %...

Step Two: On Delay its the same thing, but in the TWO WHITE BOXES put 400 for the

Step Three: On Initial Echo Volume to the right in the boxes put, 9, which will be
for the %....

Step Four: Go to the top right where it says "ADD" and title this as whatever name
u want so it can be set FOREVER as a preset.


only have to set 4 boxes. At this point in time I HOPE most of u understand how
this works, cause im going to leave out some off the kiddie bullshit so I wont have
to type so much.

Step One: On the right of "Limit Max Amplitude To" should be a white box. inside of
it, put in -6.5 for the dB.

Step Two: On the right of "Boost Imput By" should be a white box. Inside of it, put
in 1.8 for the dB.

Step Three: On the right of "Look Ahead Time" should be a white box. Inside of it,
put in 7 for the ms.

Step Four: On the right of "Release Time" should be a white box. Inside of it, put
in 100 for the ms.

YOU CAN NOT PRESET THIS ONE, However, no matter whether u turn ur comp off or not
it will ALWAYS be there, unless u fuck with it then it will change to what u just
put in. But for now, it will stay as this as long as u dont touch it again.

Dynamics Processing: To get there, go EFFECTS>AMPLITUDE>DYNAMICS PROCESSING.

This ONE is the hardest to configure of all of them, but if you're patient I will
make it worth your while.

Step One: Notice at the top there is 5 tabs: Graphic, Traditional, Attack/Release,
and finally BAND LIMITING. Click on the tab that reads TRADITIONAL.

Step Two: Now you will see some numbers along the side in order from top to bottom.
This catagory is "Sections." The order of them is 2,3,4,5,6. CLICK THE WHITE CIRCLE
ON THE RIGHT OF THE 2. Now you should see 2 FOLD DOWN TABS. In the top one set it
on Compress. On the bottom one set it on Expand.
Step Three: Next to those tabs you clicked, to the right, you should see the
catagory "Ratios." Just to the right of "Compress" in the white box put 1.5. Below
it on the right of "Expand" put 1.1. Now there SHOULD only be ONE WHITE BOX LEFT,
and it should be to the right next to the presets with a "dB" on the right of it,.
Inside this white box you'll put -40.7.

Step Four: Click on the tab that reads Attack/Release. There once again is
different catagories, however, only 2 of them, Gain Processor, and Level Detector.
Under Gain Processor, there should be 3 sub catagories (Output Gain, Attack Time,
and Release Time). Next to Output Gain in the box put 6. Next to Attack Time in the
box put 1. And finally in Release Time put 500.

Step Five: Now under the catagory, "Level Detector" there is 3 sub catagories,
again Input Gain, Attack Time, and Release Time. Next to Input Gain inside the box
put 0. Next to Atack Time put 5. Next to Release Time put 300.

Step Six: Just below "Release Time" in the "Level Detector" Section, you should see
2 CIRCLES YOU CAN CHECK. Make sure RMS is checked, NOT PEAK.

Step Seven: Below that you'll see "Lookahead Time." You're going to put a 3 there.


Step One: Click on the tab that reads, "Band Limiting"

Step Two: You'll see ONLY 2 WHITE BOXES. They're just to the right of the 2
1, Low Cutoff
2. High Cutoff

For Low Cutoff put 0. For High Cutoff put 24000. Now add this as a preset.


Step One: We can kinda cheat here. First make sure ur set on the tab at the top
that reads "10 BANDS (1 OCTAVE)." Ok, now you should have a list of presets. SCROLL
ALL THE WAY DOWN, and you'll see one that reads, "Vocal Pressence (BOOST)." Click
that, but DONT hit OK.

Step Two: You only have to change 1 thing in here, so this is a piece of cake. You
should see a BLUE DIAGRAM indicating what your levels will peak at during 'actual
response.' You'll see a bunch of virtical SLIDING BARS, that have numbers above
each of them. Find the one with the 2 above it. Now, JUST LEFT CLICK on the sliding
piece in the middle of that bar so your computer recognizes you want to adjust just
that level. Once you've done that, look just below the sliding bar ur on, and find
the white box on the right of the catagory "GAIN." Inside this box put 1.99. To the
left of it you should see another catagory that reads "BAND." Inside its box it
should say 2000 Hz. If it doesnt, find it. DO NOT TOUCH ANY OTHER SLIDING BARS.

FINISHED! Now preset that bitch and you've got urself made.

The order I do these methods in goes as typed: Hard Limiting, Dynamic Processor,
Echo, Graphic EQ.

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