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EXAMPLE 1: They often quote this following statement of Mrs White and seek to make it
say only the Father of Jesus is God, or is our God:

“Again and again during my experience in the Lord’s work, I have been called upon to
meet these erroneous sentiments. In every case, clear, powerful light has been given that
God is the eternal, self-existent One. From my girlhood I have been given plain instruction
that God is a person, and that Christ is “the express image of His person.” [Hebrews 1:3.]
God always has been… [as the eternal self-existent One] ” --E.G. White, Ms 137, 1903

This quotation, and others like it, the dissidents hijack and twist it to say worshipping the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit as God, or as our God, is an error that was forced
upon the SDA Church by false teachers of a “alpha heresy” like Kellogg and others!


Nowhere in her writings does she deny that Jesus (as a separate person from the Father) is
our God or is God (not just “God in nature”), and that he’s God “in the highest sense”, i.e.
just as God the Father is God and is our God. In fact she REPEATEDLY affirms quite the
opposite to what the deceptive anti-Trinitarians have claimed, by her affirming that:

[1] Jesus, as the Son of God, he is God (not just God in nature”) and is our God, despite he’s
a separate person from his Father
[2] that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are equally worshipped, and rightfully so , and
[3] that God is “a Father” to us, and that “Father” includes the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit who are “three living persons” forming “the great threefold power” (singular). Proof?

"Jesus is attractive. He is full of love, mercy, and compassion. He proposes to be our friend,
to walk with us through all the rough pathways of life. He (Jesus) says to you, I AM THE LORD
THY GOD; walk with me, and I will fill thy path with light. Jesus, the Majesty of Heaven,
proposes to elevate to companionship with himself those who come to him with their
burdens, their weaknesses, and their cares."
---E.G. White, Review and Herald, August 2, 1881

"Enoch was a representative of Christ as surely as was the beloved disciple John. Enoch
walked with God, and he was not, for God took him...That God who walked with Enoch was
our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He was the light of the world then, just as He is in 1895
[as well as in *2023 and beyond]." ----E.G. White, Letter 119, 1895

“GOD HIMSELF BECAME MAN, and bore all the wrath that sin had provoked. This problem,
How could God be just and yet the justifier of sinners? baffled all finite intelligence. A divine
person alone could mediate between God and man." --E.G. White, Youth Instructor, Aug.31,
"The crowning glory of Christ´s [Jesus'] attributes is His holiness. The angels bow before
*Him [Jesus] in adoration, exclaiming, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord *God Almighty." Revelation 4:8.
He is declared to be glorious in His holiness. Study the character of God. By beholding Christ,
by seeking Him in faith and prayer, you may become like Him.“
---E.G. White, CT 402.2

“Christ alone is to be exalted [just as only God is to be exalted]. "Unto Him that loved us,
and washed us from our sins in His own blood," let every eye be directed, and praise from
every heart ascend. (Rev. 1:5.)”
---E.G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, pg. 161

"The name of God [Jehovah, I AM], given to Moses to express the idea of ETERNAL
PRESENCE, has been claimed as his OWN [John 8:58,59] by this Galilean Rabbi [Jesus]. He
had announced HIMSELF [not just the Father] to be the Self- Existent One…"
---E.G. White, Desire of Ages, * 1898, pgs.469-470

"It was Christ who spoke the law from Mount Sinai [commanding us to have no other God
before him]. The authority by which He spoke was expressly His own; yet it was the
authority of the Father *also. The Son of God cannot be separated from His Father....
“I and my Father are one.”
— E.G. White, Ms 58-1900, pg.33

"The three Hebrews [Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego] were called upon to confess
CHRIST [our Lord and our God] in the face of the burning fiery furnace. It cost them
something to do this, for their lives were at stake. These youth, imbued with the Holy
Spirit, declared to the whole kingdom of Babylon their faith,--that He whom they
worshiped was THE ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD. The demonstration of their faith on the
plain of Dura was a most eloquent presentation of their principles....Be loyal and true, and
the God who walked with the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace [i.e. Christ], who
manifested himself to John on the lonely island [i.e. Christ], will be with you.”
---E.G. White, Youth Instructor, July 12, 1904, pgs. 2, 4

"It was to save the transgressor from ruin that he who was *CO-EQUAL with God, offered
up his life on Calvary..."
--- E.G. White, Review and Herald, June 28, 1892

"I wish that finite minds could see and sense the great love of the infinite God: His great
self-denial, His self-sacrifice, in assuming humanity. God humbled Himself and became
man and humbled Himself to die…. Oh, that we might see the need of humility, of walking
humbly with God and guarding ourselves on every point. I know that Satan’s work will be
to set brethren at variance." --E.G. White, Letter 37, 1887

"...let Jesus, in His love and mercy, be revealed as the crucified Saviour, and from many
once unwilling lips will be heard the acknowledgment of Thomas, “My Lord and *my God.”
[See *John 20:28-29]
---E.G. White, Desire of Ages, 1898, pg. 808
All of the foregoing proves conclusively that to true SDAs (like Mrs White) Jesus was and is
CO-EQUALLY “the infinite God”, or our God, just as the Father is!! Jesus is equally our “God
Himself”, because our God is not one person, but a unity of persons, i.e. he and the Father
are one! Jesus is “the Self-existent One” (i.e. Jehovah or the I Am who always has been;
from everlasting to everlasting), and so was recognized by Enoch and the three Hebrew boys
as “the true and living God”! And that’s why angels bow before him and proclaim that he’s
“the Almighty”. It was our “God Himself” who became man to save us, i.e. one of the “three
living persons” who together are “the eternal Godhead” (as Mrs White affirmed), and who
are together worshipped. Further proof of this from Mrs White’s pen? Here it is:

"...let us [SDAs] consecrate to Him ["the Lord" our God] all that we are, and all that we
have, and then may we all unite to swell the songs, “Praise God, from whom all blessings
flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise
Father, Son, *AND Holy Ghost.”
---E.G. White, Review and Herald, January 4, 1881

"As the saints in the kingdom of God are accepted in the beloved [or through Jesus in
Paradise], they hear: “Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the foundation of the world.” And then the golden harps are touched, and the
music flows all through the heavenly host, and they fall down and worship the Father and
the Son *AND the Holy Spirit."
---E.G. White, Manuscript 139, 1906.

“The work of salvation is not a small matter, but so vast that the highest authorities are
taken hold of by the expressed faith of the human agency. The Father, the Son, and the
Holy Ghost, the eternal Godhead, is involved in the action required to make assurance to
the human agent …”
---E.G. White, Ms 45, 1904

“God says, “Come out from among them, and be ye separate ... and touch not the unclean
thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and
daughters saith the Lord Almighty.” [2 Corinthians 6:17, 18.] This is the pledge of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit made to you if you will keep your baptismal vow, and
touch not the unclean thing…After we have formed a union with the great threefold
power, we shall regard our duty toward the members of God’s family with a much more
sacred awe”
---E.G. White, Ms 11, 1901

Notice that to true SDAs (like Mrs White), “the eternal Godhead” is together the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit (thus all members of that group are eternal), and together they
speak as God pledging unitedly to be “a Father to us”. And notice too this one “Father” is
“the great threefold power” (singular) or “the heavenly King” we are all children of! That
was what SDA pioneers eventually developed their doctrine to teach after the 1870s (AFTER
first initially rejecting all forms of the Trinity teaching). Final proof? Here it is to close this
part 1 presentation in the series:


"In the former dispensations God was known by such appellations as, The Lord God, The Almighty
God, The I Am, and The Jehovah God. But in the ordinance of baptism (according to the gospel
commission), in which ordinance we take upon us the *NAME of the God we worship, *HE is
known as the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Now if this be the truth, as it most certainly is, then it
follows that to believe and confess this truth is to answer a good conscience toward God... when
we are baptized in the *NAME of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, *AS the true and living God, our
Creator, Preserver, and Saviour, we at once and forever renounce and separate ourselves from
every kind and species of idolatry and false worship."
--Review and Herald, March 16, 1876, pg. 82

"God is worshipped because *He is Creator; and God means the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit; for all are mentioned as having part in creation." ---The Present Truth (pioneering SDA
periodical), Vol. 29, No. 48. Nov. 27, 1913, p. 757

“... the Godhead is composed of three personal *BEINGS and these three are one. The oneness of
the Godhead must, then, consist not in personality, but in some other kind of oneness. Let us apply
the Bible idea of oneness of *individuals to the Godhead, and see if it will contradict the possibility
of three or more individuals being called one. We have two visible institutions in this world that
are Bible illustrations of God's idea of oneness, marriage and the church.”
---Review and Herald, Vol. 89; Dec. 19, 1912; No. 51, pg. 5

"...when there were no worlds; no created being, not even an angel; in fact, there were only three
*beings — God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; these three persons in the
Godhead" ---- Review and Herald, Vol. 78, No. 1. Jan 1, 1901. No., 2409; pg. 2

“The Holy Spirit united with the Father and the Son to create the world, as He still unites with them
to save each soul, — three glorious persons in one only God over all, blessed for ever…”
-- The Present Truth, Vol. 16, No. 26, June 28, 1900. pg. 411

"Paganism, popery [the Papacy], and infidelity fail entirely to either rightly know or truly represent
the ever-living God. It is left for pure Protestantism to proclaim to the world the true God
consisting of three persons but of one spirit and aim"
--The Signs of the Times, Vol. 26, No. 24, June 12, 1911; p. 371.372

"There are three living persons [or real separate beings] in the heavenly trio; in the name of these
three great powers [or rulers]—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—those who receive Christ
by living faith are baptized, and those powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven
in their effort to live the new life of Christ"
---E.G. White, Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 7, 1905, pgs. 62, 63

"The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one and receive worship. Each one represents all the
other members of the *Trinity... [but] Gabriel was only an angel bearing a message from the great
*Trinity of heaven, and could not receive worship [Rev. 19:10; Rev. 22:8-9]" ---S.N. Haskell, The
Bible Training School (pioneering SDA periodical), November 1907, No. 6, pg. 94

"It is evident that the Holy Spirit is one of the *Trinity, and fully represent God [the Father] and
Christ, and the *Trinity; and appears in any form or shape, or without form or shape, as best
answers the purpose of God" ---S.N. Haskell, The Bible Training School, 1910, Vol. 9, No. 7, pg. 13

"You are born unto God, and you stand under the sanction and the power of the three holiest
*beings in heaven, who are able to keep you from falling… When I feel oppressed and hardly know
how to relate myself toward the work that God has given me to do, I just call upon the three great
Worthies [in prayer], and say: You know I cannot do this work in my own strength. You must work
in me, and by me, and through me… And this is the prayer that every one of us may offer. [Keeping
in mind that it’s only to who is our God or is the Godhead we should pray to]
---E.G. White, Manuscript, 95, 1906

“...God’s great plan is clear and logical. There is *A TRINITY, and in it there are three personalities
[or three individuals]…. These divine persons are associated in the work of God…But this union is
not one in which *individuality is lost…There is indeed a divine trio, but the Christ of that Trinity is
not a created being as the angels- He was the “only begotten” of the Father…”
-----Robert Hare, Australasian Union Conference Record (SDA pioneering periodical), July 19, 1909

“Seventh-day Adventists believe [now] in ... the Divine *TRINITY. This Trinity consists of the Eternal
Father… the Lord Jesus Christ… [and] the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead”
---F. M. Wilcox (chief editor), *Review and Herald, October 9, 1913

“…the Godhead, or *TRINITY, consists of the Eternal Father, a personal, spiritual Being,
omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite in wisdom and love; the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of
the Eternal Father, through whom all things were created and through whom the salvation of the
redeemed hosts will be accomplished; the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, the great
regenerating power in the work of redemption…We [Adventists] recognize the divine Trinity, the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each possessing a distinct and separate personality, but one in
nature and in purpose, so welded together in this infinite union that the apostle James speaks of
them as "one God." James 2:19. This divine unity is similar to the unity existing between Christ and
the believer, and between the different believers in their fellowship in Christ Jesus…”
--- F.M. Wilcox, Christ is Very God, Review and Herald

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