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Morteza Khashehchi

Associate Professor
Global College of Engineering and Technology (GCET)
November 2023

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse Behzad Zakeri for admission to a Ph.D. program in Mechanical
Engineering, specializing in Fluid Dynamics. In the years I have known Behzad, first as an undergraduate
student at the University of Tehran and later as a collaborator, he has consistently demonstrated
unparalleled dedication, intellectual prowess, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

From the outset of our professional relationship in 2015, I was struck by Behzad's extraordinary
commitment to academic excellence. Unlike many students who aimed solely to pass courses, Behzad
consistently sought out challenging topics, demonstrating a keen interest in expanding his knowledge. His
journey began as a student in my Fluid Dynamics course at the University of Tehran. What set him apart
was not merely his ability to grasp complex concepts but his relentless pursuit of intellectual challenges.
The pinnacle of his determination materialized in 2015 when he identified a crucial need in our Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory—a lack of a wind tunnel. Behzad not only proposed the ambitious construction of a
Subsonic Wind Tunnel with PIV capability but immersed himself in the multifaceted process, and
designed it. His triumphant completion of this project not only enhanced our laboratory's capabilities but
showcased his exceptional leadership and problem-solving skills, and provide a facility for other students
to conduct research on the wind tunnel.

Behzad's foray into computational modeling was equally impressive. In 2018, he spearheaded a
groundbreaking research project, "Solving partial differential equations by a supervised learning
technique, applied for the reaction–diffusion equation." Behzad not only led a team of researchers but
introduced a novel approach utilizing deep learning to solve differential equations. The resultant
publication in the SN Applied Science Journal in 2019 attests to his innovative thinking and scholarly

I had the pleasure of observing Behzad's pedagogical talents during his tenure as a Teaching Assistant for
various courses, including Fluid Mechanics, Transport Phenomena, Advanced Mathematics, and
Thermodynamics. His ability to impart complex concepts with clarity and enthusiasm garnered him the
respect and admiration of both students and faculty alike.

One facet that particularly distinguishes Behzad is his exceptional mathematical acumen. His proficiency
in mathematical analysis and application is of the highest caliber, evident in his successful completion of
complex projects and research endeavors.
Despite my relocation to Global College of Engineering and Technology (GCET), our collaboration has
not waned; if anything, it has flourished. Behzad has been an indispensable force in numerous projects,
including one currently under review—"Enhancing Catalytic Wall Reactor Design via Physics-Informed
Machine Learning Heuristics." His meticulous approach and unwavering commitment to excellence have
been consistent hallmarks of his collaborative endeavors.

In our most recent project, "On the effect of a tangential intake on the performance of natural dry draft
cooling towers in crosswind conditions," Behzad played a pivotal role. His comprehensive CFD
simulations and writing the paper were instrumental in the project's success.

In offering this recommendation, I wish to underscore that Behzad transcends the conventional definition
of an exemplary student. His indefatigable spirit, coupled with an insatiable passion for learning,
proposing novel ideas, and overcoming challenges, positions him as an exceptional candidate for a Ph.D.
program. Behzad's ability to not merely meet but exceed expectations is a testament to his intellectual
rigor and determination.

I unequivocally and enthusiastically recommend Behzad for admission to your Ph.D. program, confident
that he will not only meet but exceed the highest standards of academic and research excellence.


Morteza Khashehchi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Global College of Engineering and Technology (GCET)


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