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Other,the other and another

"Other" means alternative or different.It is followed by uncountable or

plural nouns

I like oranges,other fruits taste bad

The first meal is free,but other meals can be purchased

"The other" means the second of two options

This car is good,but the other is better

"Another" is "an+other".It must be used with singular countable nouns

I don't like this T-shirt. Do you have another one?

Complete the sentences using "another" ,"the other"
or "other"

1.Can you bring me my....... shoes,please?

2.The TV is broken. We'll
3.There were......ones,but this was the best.
4.I found a sock,but where is.....?
5.He had his hat in one hand and a bunch of flowers......
6.There is no.....way to do it
7.Would you like.......biscuit?

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