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Intensive Care Med


Precision management of acute kidney

injury in the intensive care unit: current state
of the art
Natalja L. Stanski1 , Camila E. Rodrigues2,3 , Michael Strader4 , Patrick T. Murray4 , Zoltan H. Endre2
and Sean M. Bagshaw5*

© 2023 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a prototypical example of a common syndrome in critical illness defined by consensus.
The consensus definition for AKI, traditionally defined using only serum creatinine and urine output, was needed to
standardize the description for epidemiology and to harmonize eligibility for clinical trials. However, AKI is not a simple
disease, but rather a complex and multi-factorial syndrome characterized by a wide spectrum of pathobiology. AKI is
now recognized to be comprised of numerous sub-phenotypes that can be discriminated through shared features
such as etiology, prognosis, or common pathobiological mechanisms of injury and damage. The characterization
of sub-phenotypes can serve to enable prognostic enrichment (i.e., identify subsets of patients more likely to share
an outcome of interest) and predictive enrichment (identify subsets of patients more likely to respond favorably
to a given therapy). Existing and emerging biomarkers will aid in discriminating sub-phenotypes of AKI, facilitate
expansion of diagnostic criteria, and be leveraged to realize personalized approaches to management, particularly
for recognizing treatment-responsive mechanisms (i.e., endotypes) and targets for intervention (i.e., treatable traits).
Specific biomarkers (e.g., serum renin; olfactomedin 4 (OLFM4); interleukin (IL)-9) may further enable identification of
pathobiological mechanisms to serve as treatment targets. However, even non-specific biomarkers of kidney injury
(e.g., neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, NGAL; [tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2, TIMP2]·[insulin like
growth factor binding protein 7, IGFBP7]; kidney injury molecule 1, KIM-1) can direct greater precision management
for specific sub-phenotypes of AKI. This review will summarize these evolving concepts and recent innovations in
precision medicine approaches to the syndrome of AKI in critical illness, along with providing examples of how they
can be leveraged to guide patient care.
Keywords: Acute kidney injury, Biomarker, Phenotype, Endotype, Prognosis, Enrichment, Precision

Critical care medicine has long engaged in describing
patient subgroups and disease phenotypes of critical ill-
ness. The most prominently described phenotypes of
critical illness are the syndromes of sepsis, acute res-
piratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and acute kidney
injury (AKI) [1]. These syndromes have been the subject
Department of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,
University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services, 2‑124 Clinical Sciences
of consensus definitions, largely driven by simple and
Building, 8440‑112 ST NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7, Canada readily available clinical criteria [2–5]. These consensus
Full author information is available at the end of the article definitions have been important for standardizing the
descriptions for epidemiology, outcomes, and prognosis,
and to harmonize eligibility for clinical trials evaluating Take‑home message
various interventions. However, their continued unmodi-
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome, not a disease, with a wide
fied application may also be contributing to stalled inno- spectrum of pathophysiology.
vation in therapeutics in critical care. Selected kidney stress and damage biomarkers may enable earlier
Traditional methods to identify discrete subgroups detection of kidney injury, facilitate identification of AKI sub-pheno-
types and serve to predictively enrich high-risk patient groups for
have seldom yielded promising new therapies in clinical specific care pathways or interventions.
trials and changed practice [1, 6, 7]. Recently, innova- The integration of biomarkers with the conventional definition for
tive methodologies to identify patient subgroups across AKI, along with selected clinical features, allows for the identification
of AKI sub-phenotypes and enables clustering of patients with simi-
common intensive care unit (ICU) syndromes have been lar prognosis or potential for treatment-responsiveness.
described [7, 8]. Coupled with the discovery of new AKI sub-phenotypes have been used to guide targeted manage-
biologic markers of disease (i.e., genomic, transcrip- ment of AKI and can accelerate personalized therapeutics in critical
illness. This has been shown in decompensated heart failure and
tomic, proteomic, metabolomic), these innovations have hepato-renal syndrome with negative kidney damage biomarkers,
advanced our capacity to identify discrete subgroups (i.e., and in interleukin (IL)-9 positive acute interstitial nephritis.
sub-phenotypes) of patients with critical illness (e.g., sep-
sis, ARDS, AKI, delirium, pancreatitis) [1, 7–13]. These
methods have been used in specific successful advances in terminology. Building upon recent consensus [7, 8, 14],
in translational science made in oncology and in other Table 1 outlines proposed definitions of phenotype, sub-
chronic illnesses and may hold promise to discover treat- phenotype, endotype and treatable trait [8]. Phenotype
ment-responsive mechanisms (i.e., endotypes) and traits refers to a set of clinical features in a group of patients
that can be targeted in AKI-related clinical trials [7, 8]. who share a common syndrome or condition. Cur-
The promise is to realize personalized diagnostics and rently, the AKI phenotype is defined by Kidney Disease:
precision-orientated therapies for patients with critical Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) consensus crite-
illness and improved enrichment in clinical trials [7, 8]. ria, which includes two functional biomarkers (i.e., serum
In this article, we will summarize these evolving concepts creatinine and urine output) [4, 21]. Sub-phenotype
and the recent innovations in phenotyping the syndrome describes a subset of clinical features in patients with a
of AKI in critical illness and provide illustrative examples. shared phenotype that distinguishes the subgroup from
other subgroups within that phenotype. For patients with
Clarifying precision medicine concepts: AKI, these sub-phenotypes are characterized by discrete
sub‑phenotypes, endotypes and treatable traits differences in etiology (i.e., Low perfusion, Inflammation,
Despite a growing consensus that heterogeneous syn- Immune, Obstructive, Nephrotoxic [LIION]), shared
dromes in critical illness like AKI require mechanisms risk factors, diagnostic features, mortality risk, and bio-
for further subclassification to move precision care for- markers that can be both specific and non-specific for
ward [7, 8, 14], a key barrier to operationalizing this con- the underlying pathobiological mechanisms of disease,
cept has undoubtedly been confusion and inconsistency or some combination of these. Importantly, it is plausible
that a patient with AKI may have multiple recognizable

Table 1 Proposed definitions for subgrouping patients with AKI [7, 8]

Term Definition

Phenotype A set of clinical features in patients who share a common syndrome or condition
Examples: AKI, ARDS, sepsis, delirium
Sub-phenotype A subset of clinical features in patients with a shared phenotype that distinguishes the group from other groups within
that phenotype
Example: SA-AKI is a sub-phenotype of AKI, and further subgrouping of SA-AKI (i.e., AKI-SP1 and AKI-SP2) can refine that
sub-phenotype [42]
Endotype A subset of patients with a given phenotype that share a distinct biological mechanism of disease
Example: SA-AKI is a sub-phenotype of AKI, and elevated renin may identify an angiotensin II deficient endotype [68,
Treatable trait A subgroup characteristic that can be successfully targeted by an existing, available intervention
Example (sub-phenotype): ADHF associated AKI with a negative tubular injury biomarker and clinical evidence of con-
gestion suggests the patient continue diuretic therapy despite an increasing serum creatinine [53, 63, 65]
Example (endotype): SA-AKI is a sub-phenotype of AKI and elevated renin identifies an angiotensin II deficient endo-
type, which suggests patient treatment with exogenous angiotensin II [68, 69]
ADHF acute decompensated heart failure, AKI acute kidney injury, AKI-SP1 -SP2 AKI sub-phenotypes 1 and 2, determined by endothelial dysfunction/inflammation and
septic shock response to vasopressin, SA-AKI sepsis-associated AKI
Fig. 1 Disentangling the AKI phenotype, sub-phenotypes, endotypes and treatable traits. The AKI phenotype is defined by the KDIGO consensus
criteria, incorporating the functional biomarkers serum creatinine (sCr) and urine output (UOP), and tubular stress/injury biomarkers, when available.
Once established, unique sub-phenotypes are identified from a myriad of shared clinical features, including (but not limited to) etiology, novel
biomarkers (e.g., transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic), clinical risk factors, diagnostic (Dx) features, response to therapy (Tx), trajectory and
outcomes. Based on our current understanding, a single patient with the AKI phenotype may have multiple recognizable and concurrent AKI sub-
phenotypes. Simultaneously, AKI endotypes may also be identified by characterizing distinct pathobiological mechanisms of disease

sub-phenotypes at any given time. Endotype refers to a decompensated heart failure [ADHF] or hepato-renal
subset of patients with a given phenotype that share a syndrome [HRS]). The complex interplay between these
distinct biological mechanism of disease. While previous different classifications is outlined in Fig. 1.
articles have defined endotypes as “sub-phenotypes that Regardless of the strategy used, subgrouping the AKI
share a distinct biological mechanism of disease”, these phenotype serves to facilitate prognostic enrichment (i.e.,
terms should be separated which is necessary given the identify a subset of patients more likely to experience an
limited understanding of the underlying pathobiological outcome of interest), predictive enrichment (i.e., identify
mechanisms of AKI. This is key, as multiple endotypes a subset of patients more likely to respond beneficially
may exist within a given sub-phenotype and be present to a given therapy) and more precise management of an
across multiple sub-phenotypes. Finally, treatable trait otherwise heterogeneous syndrome.
is a subgroup characteristic that can be successfully tar-
geted by an existing, available intervention. Within our AKI is a heterogeneous syndrome, not a disease
current framework, a specific sub-phenotype or endo- There are several plausible explanations for the failure
type may represent a treatable trait. to translate promising and effective therapeutic inter-
The complexity of critical illness dictates that multiple ventions from pre-clinical experimental studies into
inciting pathobiological mechanisms can be (and often successful human clinical trials [15, 16]. While current
are) at play in critically ill patients with AKI, making it consensus definitions and delays in the diagnosis of AKI
unlikely that an individual patient will ever be defined are likely contributory [17], a fundamental challenge has
by a single AKI endotype. Second, while acknowledging been an inability to fully account for the vast heterogene-
that the ultimate goal is the discovery of an underlying ity in patient case-mix and AKI phenotype.
treatable pathobiological mechanism to define a treat- AKI is a complex and multi-factorial syndrome, char-
able trait, there is also sufficient evidence to support acterized by a spectrum of pathobiological insults, in
the use of some existing sub-phenotyping strategies to which the course and prognosis are further modified
identify unique treatable traits (e.g., a negative damage by patient multi-morbidity and the clinical context of
biomarker in the context of AKI associated with acute kidney injury [18, 19] (Table 2). AKI in critical illness
Table 2 Sources of heterogeneity in AKI: susceptibility, presentation, and severity
Characteristic Description and/or potential for biomarker differentiation

Genetic profile IFN-γ gene and kidney transplant rejection

(Gene polymorphisms associated with development of AKI and outcome) Apolipoprotein E, CSA-AKI and mortality
TNF-α, IL-10 and AKI mortality
NADPH oxidase gene variants and RRT requirement and mortality in AKI
ACE and risk of AKI
HLA-DRB1 and RRT requirement
EPO gene promoter and receipt of RRT​
Baseline kidney function CKD as risk factor for AKI: CysC, penKid
(CKD the most important AKI risk factor) Subclinical CKD as risk for AKI: CysC, penKid, KFR
DKK3 as risk for CKD progression and AKI
Multi-morbidity [81–83] Diabetes mellitus
(Associated with higher risk and severity of AKI) Peripheral vascular disease
Heart failure
Chronic lung disease
Varying target site of kidney injury Glomerulus: miR-23a-3p
(Different nephron sites might be damaged or the source of biomarkers in Proximal tubule: Pi-GST, KIM-1, miR-192-5p, [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7]
each AKI episode) TAL: uromodulin, miR-221-3p, miR-222-3p, miR- 210- 3p, OLFM4
Etiology Main causes—LIION classification:
(Causes may associate with prognosis) Low perfusion
Inflammation or Immune-mediated
Mechanisms of injury Volume status: plasma copeptin, urine PAPPA2
LV failure: urine angiotensinogen, CD14, BNP
Inflammation: plasma procalcitonin, plasma and urine NGAL, plasma and
urine sTREM-1, plasma IL-6, plasma soluble thrombomodulin, plasma
TNFR1/2, plasma IL-8, urine netrin-1, urine IL-18
Endothelial dysfunction: Ang-2/Ang-1
Mitochondrial damage: urine cytochrome C
Apoptosis: urine caspase 3
Cell cycle arrest: urinary [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7], plasma and urine p21
Presentation Oliguric (vs non-oliguric)
(Some presentations of AKI are associated with worse outcomes) Duration (persistent vs transient)
Recurrent (vs non-recurrent)
ACE angiotensin converting enzyme gene, AKI acute kidney injury, Ang Angiopoietin, APOE apolipoprotein E gene, BNP B-type natriuretic peptide, CD cluster of
differentiation, CKD chronic kidney disease, CysC cystatin C, CSA-AKI Cardiac surgery-associated AKI, DKK3 Dickkopf-3, EPO Erythropoietin gene, HLA-DRB1 human
leukocyte antigen –major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 1 gene, IFN-γ interferon-γ gene, IGFBP7 insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 7, IL
Interleukin, KIM kidney injury molecule 1, KFR kidney functional reserve, LV left ventricle, MIF macrophage migration inhibitory factor gene, miR micro-ribonucleic
acid, NADPH nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide phosphate gene, NGAL neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, OLFM4 olfactomedin 4, PAPPA2 pregnancy-
associated plasma protein A2, Pi-GST Pi class-Glutathione S-Transferase, penKid proenkephalin-A, RRT​renal replacement therapy, sTREM-1 soluble triggering receptor
expressed on myeloid cells-1, TAL thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, TIMP2 tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2, TNF-α tumor necrosis factor α gene, TNFR
tumor necrosis factor receptor

is mediated by wide range of concomitant and com- and damage [20]. The risk of development, progression,
peting mechanisms, including a remarkable variety of and adverse outcomes associated with AKI is further
adaptive and maladaptive responses to cellular stress contingent on a myriad of additional factors including
and damage [14, 20]. Key pathobiological changes patient baseline susceptibility (e.g., genetic profile, age,
may include cellular dysfunction and hypoxia, mito- multi-morbidity, chronic kidney disease (CKD), kidney
chondrial disruption, microvascular changes, and a reserve), illness acuity and non-kidney organ dysfunc-
spectrum of host-specific inflammatory and immune tion (e.g., organ crosstalk), and the underlying features
signaling patterns [21–25]. Some of these mechanisms of the acute kidney insult (i.e., etiology, severity, dura-
may be identifiable as unique sub-phenotypes or endo- tion, frequency) (Table 2).
types characterized by detectable biomarker signatures,
though there may be significant overlap and redun-
dancy with both kidney and remote organ stress, injury,
The current kidney disease new CKD, mortality) [9, 14]. Importantly, identified sub-
The KDIGO consensus definition for AKI relies on two phenotypes are not clinically or prognostically equiva-
crude measures of kidney function (serum creatinine lent, and may behave differently in response to selected
[SCr] and urine output) and does not comprise exist- interventions. Classification of AKI sub-phenotypes has
ing and novel serum biomarkers that may reflect early the potential to enable personalised evaluation and com-
changes in GFR, like cystatin C and proenkephalin-A parison of variations in “feature-directed” care [33]. This
[26, 27]. In addition, this functional definition lacks approach will not, however, necessarily enable evalua-
any information on the pathobiology of AKI [9, 14, 19]. tion and comparisons of injury-specific “mechanistic-
This is further made challenging by the varying trajec- directed” care (i.e., endotype) [8] (Table 1).
tories and temporal phases of the underpinning patho- Existing and emerging biomarkers are likely to have
biological mechanisms of AKI in critical illness [28–30] a prominent role in discriminating sub-phenotypes
(Table 2). The immense heterogeneity of precipitat- of AKI directly, if they are specific for a particular sub-
ing factors captured with this definition, the delayed phenotype, or indirectly, if the absence of a detectable
diagnosis and the complete absence of information on biomarker excludes that sub-phenotype. Expanding the
treatment-responsive states are key drivers of why clin- diagnostic criteria of AKI by integrating biomarkers of
ical trials in AKI have not yielded beneficial and prac- kidney stress/damage will not only embrace the concept
tice changing results, despite the underlying biologic of sub-clinical AKI [17], but can also enable further dif-
rationale and favorable findings in pre-clinical experi- ferentiation of sub-phenotypes of AKI; particularly sep-
mental studies [8, 9, 14, 16, 19, 31]. When AKI is classi- arating AKI with perturbed function alone from AKI
fied with the current consensus definition, patients can where there is both active kidney damage and dysfunc-
fulfill identical criteria for AKI with similar apparent tion [17, 32]. This has recently been proposed and will
severity and duration, however, can have completely complement conventional approaches to the diagnosis
differing and unrelated pathobiology (e.g., AKI in car- of AKI [17] (Table 1). For example, an elevated urinary
diac surgery, cirrhosis, heart failure, sepsis, cancer [tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2, TIMP2]·[insulin
therapy, etc.) [32]. like growth factor binding protein 7, IGFBP7], which
reflects cell cycle arrest, predicts AKI after cardiac and
Identification of AKI sub‑phenotypes: strategies, non-cardiac surgery, serving as a tool for both prognostic
challenges and limitations and predictive enrichment in clinical trials and for bed-
Current approaches to sub‑phenotyping side application [34, 35]. Although biomarkers like uri-
It is now clear that the syndrome (i.e., phenotype) of nary [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7] may be non-specific and may
AKI is comprised of numerous sub-phenotypes, which increase due to filtration with impaired proximal tubular
can be identified and discriminated through shared fea- reabsorption rather than in situ kidney tubular damage,
tures such as etiology/cause (e.g., LIION, Table 3), and urinary [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7] remains a validated indicator
prognosis (e.g., risk of renal replacement therapy (RRT), of heightened risk of AKI [14, 36]. Similarly, biomarkers

Table 3 AKI sub-phenotypes based on cause: LIION (adapted from [14])

Sub-phenotype (Cause) Contributing causes

Low Perfusion AKI* Vascular—Dilatation: systemic (shock; sepsis), local (HRS); Constriction:
eclampsia, hypertension, rhabdomyolysis, contrast media; Intra-abdomi-
nal pressure: decreased arterial/venous flow
Ventricular—LV and RV dysfunction; HFpEF
Volume—Decreased (dehydration; hypovolemia); Increased (congestion,
Inflammatory/Immune Sepsis—direct (PAMPs), indirect (DAMPs);
Nephritis—acute glomerulonephritis, AIN;
Vasculitis—systemic or kidney specific
Obstructive Site—dependent sub-phenotypes
Nephrotoxic and Direct—toxin-specific = ATI;
Envenomation Indirect—AIN
*Low Perfusion was previously designated “prerenal” but this alternative terminology is provided to highlight the markedly different management required by the
contributing causes (three “V”s)
AIN acute interstitial nephritis, AKI acute kidney injury, ATI acute tubular injury, CCF congestive cardiac failure, DAMPs damage-associated molecular patterns, HFpEF
heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, HRS hepato-renal syndrome, LVF left ventricular failure, PAMPs pathogen-associated molecular patterns, RVF right
ventricular failure
that are more specific for kidney tubular injury, such as In another example, Chaudhary et al. utilized an

ney injury molecule 1 (KIM-1), and ɑ- and π-glutathione

neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), kid- unsupervised deep learning approach of the MIMIC III
clinical database to identify three discrete SA-AKI sub-
s-transferase (GST) among others, are detectable before phenotypes that demonstrated differences in mortality
changes occur in serum creatinine, and can predict AKI and receipt of RRT (i.e., potentially aiding prognostic
progression and severity [14, 17]. While biomarker signa- enrichment) [41]. In contrast to the LCA methodology
tures may provide insights into pathobiological mecha- used above (which requires a priori selection of variables
nisms, serum creatinine will continue to have importance to define subgroups), this approach seeks to harmonize
as a conventional functional measure. Trajectories of and leverage massive amounts of routinely captured EHR
serum creatinine may also discriminate AKI sub-pheno- data to identify sub-phenotypes. While attractive in prin-
types through prediction of persistent AKI or through ciple, utilization of this approach should be thoughtfully
patterns of recovery [29, 37]. Conventional measures and employed with consideration of how the identified sub-
newer biomarkers will likely have complementary roles phenotypes may further characterize shared pathobiol-
for enriching the diagnostic and prognostic assessment ogy (i.e., endotypes) and identify treatable traits needed
of AKI, and lead to development of a spectrum of com- for precision management of AKI. In addition, unsu-
panion biomarkers that target therapeutic strategies and pervised learning techniques usually require thoughtful
interventions for prevention and management. interpretation regarding introduction of bias that may
have influenced the AI/ML generation of its results (e.g.,
Cluster analyses and advanced techniques the dataset it was trained on, or any implicit or explicit
As has been done with other heterogeneous syndromes bias). Furthermore, regardless of the approach used,
like ARDS [12, 38, 39] and sepsis [5, 40], cluster anal- efforts should be made to harmonize and validate these
ysis and more advanced data analytic techniques (i.e., sub-phenotyping strategies in additional cohorts to pro-
artificial intelligence/machine learning [AI/ML]) have mote translation of these strategies to the point-of-care.
been utilized to leverage the large scale clinical and/
or biomarker data that is increasingly available in elec- Challenges and limitations in sub‑phenotyping
tronic health records (EHR) to elucidate unique AKI The current application of sub-phenotypes and endo-
sub-phenotypes [41]. types is limited, due in part to varying definitions and
In critically ill adults with AKI, two different research analytic methods for characterization. It is also likely that
groups have recently utilized latent class analysis (LCA) there is a cross-over and redundancy between sub-phe-
to identify two discrete sub-phenotypes of AKI based notypes and endotypes, depending on which mechanisms
on clinical and biomarker data with differences in out- are active [1]. Biomarkers can provide guidance for iso-
comes, including mortality and renal recovery [42, 43]. lating a sub-phenotype but can vary depending on how
While the biomarkers measured and incorporated into the markers are obtained (i.e., urine, serum, tissue). The
the sub-phenotypes were not the same in these two generalizability of biomarker data is also limited because
studies, both groups found that the sub-phenotype studies often exclude patients with multi-morbidity or
more strongly associated with worse outcomes (i.e., advanced chronic disease [46]. In many cases, biomark-
facilitating prognostic enrichment) was characterized ers are retrospectively analyzed in heterogenous cohorts
by increased inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, with varying patient case-mix, presenting challenges for
and vascular permeability [42, 43]. Moreover, when interpretation and application of sub-phenotypes [8, 9].
Bhatraju et al. applied their two sepsis-associated AKI Of the described sub-phenotypes and proposed endo-
(SA-AKI) sub-phenotype classes (AKI-SP1 and AKI- types of AKI, nearly all require further prospective exter-
SP2) to the VASST trial (Vasopressin and Septic Shock nal validation.
Trial) data, differences in treatment effect were seen Critical illness is also dynamic, and as such, tempo-
across the two groups, with those patients categorized ral changes and trajectory must be considered in AKI
to AKI-SP1 showing a survival benefit with receipt of sub-phenotypes [28–30]. For example, a secondary
vasopressin (i.e., potentially aiding predictive enrich- analysis of the ProCESS (Protocol-based Care for Early
ment) [42]. While the biomarkers included in these Septic Shock) trial demonstrated that changes in urinary
sub-phenotypes (i.e., those indicative of endothelial [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7] after initial fluid resuscitation during
dysfunction) help point to plausible biological under- the first 6 h of sepsis identified patients with differing risk
pinnings for the observed subgroups, more work is for adverse outcomes [47]. Specifically, persistent eleva-
needed to elucidate the specific AKI endotypes and tion of urinary [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7] was strongly associ-
treatable traits associated with these sub-phenotypes ated with death, receipt of RRT and progression in AKI
[44, 45].
Fig. 2 Proposed management of AKI in the intensive care unit (ICU). AKI definition includes increase in serum creatinine, reduction in urine output
and positivity in kidney damage and stress biomarkers. Several biomarkers, some available at point-of-care, may aid in the detection of AKI, and can
facilitate earlier identification of patients with potential endotypes, treatable traits or suitability for selected preventative approaches. Sub-pheno-
types of AKI, identified by clinical features have already been incorporated into clinical practice (e.g., etiology/causes, AKI stages, severity, duration,
etc.), but sub-phenotypes integrating biomarkers may be more informative and provide predictive and prognostic information. This enhanced
definition of sub-phenotypes differentiates among subgroups of patients with similar outcomes (prognostic enrichment) and/or similar response to
treatments (predictive enrichment). Treatment strategies need further development and refinement, and the nuanced characterization of AKI sub-
phenotypes will evolve with the discovery of new biomarkers and more precise clinical and biomarker-derived sub-phenotypes. ACEi angiotensin
converting enzyme inhibitors, AKI acute kidney injury, ARB angiotensin II receptor blockers, IGFBP-7 insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 7,
KDIGO-AKI acute kidney injury definition according to the Kidney Disease: improving global outcomes guideline (increase in serum creatinine or
decrease in urine output), KIM-1 kidney injury molecule 1, LIION low-perfusion/inflammatory/immune/obstructive/nephrotoxic, NGAL neutrophil
gelatinase-associated lipocalin, PiCCO pulse index continuous cardiac output, RAI renal angina index, RRT​ renal replacement therapy, SAPS simplified
acute physiology score, sCr serum creatinine, TIMP-2 tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2, UOP urine output

severity [47]. The added prognostic value afforded by AKI sub-phenotype [51]. Taken together, it is likely that
serial measurements of these biomarkers highlights the neonates and children exhibit unique AKI sub-pheno-
importance of considering data at multiple time points in types that are distinct from their adult counterparts and
AKI sub-phenotypes. require dedicated research efforts to characterize and
Additionally, consideration of patient characteristics integrate into clinical care.
in the cohorts in which sub-phenotypes are developed is
important when considering generalizability. For exam- Proposed management approaches for specific
ple, patient age spectrum (e.g., developmental age) is AKI sub‑phenotypes, emerging endotypes
an important factor [48, 49]. This is nicely highlighted and treatable traits
in previous work focused on sepsis, where the applica- Recognition of sub-phenotypes associated with an
tion of pediatric sepsis endotypes A and B to an adult AKI episode constitutes an important part of gen-
cohort failed to show the same consistent differences in eral management and an opportunity for personalized
mortality between these groups as seen in children [50]. targeted therapy (Fig. 2). While etiology/causes (e.g.,
Further, one group has successfully leveraged serum LIION) and clinical features (e.g., severity and dura-
biomarkers validated to predict mortality in pediatric tion) of AKI already serve to guide clinicians in man-
sepsis to develop a SA-AKI prediction model, suggest- agement, the addition of available biomarkers, such
ing that the unique inflammatory response to infection as [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7], NGAL, KIM-1 and liver fatty
seen in children may be an important contributor to their acid-binding protein (L-FABP), can help facilitate AKI
Table 4 Predictive and prognostic enrichment targets for AKI sub-phenotypes, their potential utility, and existing exam‑
Outcome of interest Proposed use Validated examples

Development of Intensification of supportive care (i.e., KDIGO bundle) Urinary CCL14 [79, 84]
severe persistent Patient/family counseling
AKI (AKI Progres- Enrichment for clinical trials examining novel AKI therapies or mitigation strategies
Receipt of RRT​ Inform clinical decision-making on suitability and timing of RRT initiation Non-response to furosemide
Enrichment for clinical trials examining acute RRT initiation and strategies stress test [80, 85, 86]
Kidney Non-Recov- Identify patients most likely to benefit from follow-up after AKI No validated sub-phenotypes
ery: Development Patient/family counseling
of AKD and/or CKD Enrichment for clinical trials examining therapies to prevent or mitigate progression
All-cause mortality Inform clinical decision-making and risk/benefit assessment of targeted therapies and/or strate- No validated sub-phenotypes
Patient/family counseling
Enrichment for clinical trials examining novel AKI therapies or mitigation strategies, with particu-
lar focus on how such interventions impact mortality (i.e., high pre-test probability)
AKD acute kidney disease, AKI acute kidney injury, CCL14 C–C Motif Chemokine Ligand 14, CKD chronic kidney disease, KDIGO kidney disease improving global
outcomes, RRT​renal replacement therapy

sub-phenotyping. Despite the fact that these biomarkers KDIGO care bundle (i.e., optimization of hemodynam-
are generally non-specific (i.e., detect kidney and sys- ics and volume status, harm mitigation, avoidance of
temic stress and damage earlier than serum creatinine nephrotoxins) in high-risk patients with a post-operative
changes but are not sufficiently precise to target specific urinary [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7] > 0.3, used as a tool for pre-
pathobiological pathways in AKI), they have been dem- dictive enrichment, reduced the incidence and severity of
onstrated to add value in delineating specific AKI sub- AKI [35, 57]. While the overall incidence of AKI was sim-
phenotypes for enrichment purposes, some of which ilar in a subsequent open-label multicenter multinational
represent treatable traits [35, 42, 51–54]. Some examples study, the incidence of moderate to severe AKI was nev-
are discussed below. ertheless reduced in those patients allocated to receive
Importantly, through identifying predictive enrichment the post-operative KDIGO care bundle [54].
strategies to deliver the right therapy to the right patient
remains the vision of precision medicine, most existing Tubular injury biomarkers in cirrhosis‑associated AKI
AKI sub-phenotyping strategies have generally only facil- In patients with cirrhosis, differentiating between func-
itated improved prognostic enrichment [29, 41–44, 47, tional hepato-renal syndrome-associated AKI (HRS-
51]. To date, these strategies have focused primarily on AKI) and acute tubular injury is challenging. In patients
differences in all-cause mortality and renal recovery (by with cirrhosis and AKI, a negative urinary NGAL could
varying definitions) [29, 41–43, 51, 55]. Thus, identifica- better discriminate volume-unresponsive HRS from
tion and validation of AKI sub-phenotypes to predict (1) other sub-phenotypes of AKI in cirrhosis which have
consistently defined endpoints and (2) other meaning- tubular injury (e.g., intrinsic AKI with tubular injury,
ful, patient-centered outcomes of interest, are needed to allergic interstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis, bile cast
move precision AKI care forward [56]. Table 4 outlines nephropathy, etc.) [52, 58, 59]. A negative urinary NGAL
proposed enrichment strategies and endpoints of interest in this context (particularly when associated with a low
for AKI sub-phenotypes, their potential uses in clinical fractional excretion of sodium [FeNa]) could better target
practice and research, and existing validated examples, HRS-specific therapy with terlipressin, rather than addi-
when available. tional fluid therapy or use of vasopressors with minimal
therapeutic potential (and possible iatrogenic harm) [52].
Sub‑phenotypes for predictive and prognostic enrichment Alternatively, urinary NGAL levels following fluid resus-
Tubular Stress Biomarkers to Guide Post‑Operative Bundled citation could provide further discrimination, as 86% of
Care patients with presumed acute tubular injury were above
Positivity for urinary [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7] after cardiac a threshold urinary NGAL level of 220 μg/g creatinine,
surgery successfully and prognostically identifies an at- whereas 88% with HRS-AKI were below this threshold
risk AKI sub-phenotype [35, 54]. In two single-center [60]. Thus, an elevated urinary NGAL in the context of
randomized controlled trials, implementation of a
HRS-AKI would predict a non-beneficial response to In patients with SA-AKI, biomarkers can facilitate iden-
therapy with albumin and terlipressin [59, 61, 62]. tification of sub-phenotypes reflecting varying patho-
physiological mechanisms of AKI and define targeted
Tubular injury biomarkers in acute decompensated heart treatment pathways [42, 43]. As aforementioned, this was
failure shown in a post hoc analysis of the VASST trial [70], in
In patients with acute decompensated heart failure which patients with septic shock within a sub-phenotype
(ADHF) treated aggressively with diuretics, a decrease defined by a low angiopoietin-2/angiopoietin-1 ratio and
in GFR estimated by functional markers has often been interleukin-8 levels (sub-phenotype 1, AKI-SP1) showed
defined as worsening renal function (WRF). However, survival benefit from the addition of vasopressin to nor-
decongestion in this context is associated with reduced epinephrine compared with norepinephrine alone [42].
mortality, despite the apparent functional AKI [63]. Fur-
ther studies have confirmed that WRF in this context Urinary IL‑9 to identify acute interstitial nephritis
was usually not associated with either an increase in uri- A more specific AKI sub-phenotype that may eventually
nary kidney damage biomarkers, such as N-acetyl-β-D- qualify as an endotype is identified by urinary interleu-
glucosaminidase (NAG), KIM-1 or NGAL [64] or worse kin-9 (IL-9). Both urinary IL-9 and tumor necrosis fac-
clinical outcomes such as death or rehospitalization [65]. tor-alpha (TNF-α) were prospectively evaluated in AKI
Thus, in patients with ADHF, negative tubular injury bio- in scenarios where the differential diagnosis of acute
markers (i.e., the sub-phenotype) adds value by reinforc- interstitial nephritis (AIN) included acute tubular injury
ing a continued strategy of diuretic therapy to achieve (ATI), glomerular diseases, and diabetic kidney disease
decongestion, despite the changes in functional biomark- [71–73]. Prospective evaluation demonstrated that high
ers suggesting WRF (i.e., “AKI”) [53, 66]. Delineation of levels of urinary IL-9 and TNF-α were suggestive of a
whether an increase in kidney functional biomarkers rep- diagnosis of AIN [73]. Moreover, among the patients
resents true AKI or simply reflects concentration due to with AIN, those with high urinary IL-9 levels appeared to
diuretic-induced free water removal could be addressed benefit from therapy from corticosteroids [72].
by interrogation of additional biomarkers (e.g., heart-
type fatty acid binding protein, galectin-3; growth dif- Urinary Olfactomedin 4 and Furosemide Responsiveness
ferential factor 15) [67], or complemented by serum Another example is the urinary biomarker olfactomedin
natriuretic peptides to confirm the benefits of diuresis 4 (OLFM4), a secreted glycoprotein expressed in stressed
and decongestion. neutrophils and in epithelial cells localized to the loop
of Henle (LOH) and detectable in the urine of children
Endotypes with potential treatable traits with sepsis and AKI [74]. Although urinary OLFM4 has
Vasodilatory shock and responsiveness to vasopressors only modest predictive ability for AKI (area under the
Few AKI endotypes with clearly delineated shared biology curve (AUC) 0.69), evidence suggests OLFM4 localizes
have been identified, with none validated across patient to thick ascending LOH, and may characterize the loca-
cohorts. However, a potential AKI endotype is character- tion and extent of kidney stress/damage, with expression
ized by angiotensin II deficiency or derangement of the in the lumen and luminal surface together with the Na–
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS). In post K-CL (NKCC2) receptor, the target for furosemide. This
hoc analyses of the Angiotensin II for the Treatment of suggests that urinary OLFM4 may be an actionable bio-
High-Output Shock 3 (ATHOS-3) study, some patients marker to predict furosemide responsiveness [75, 76].
with catecholamine-resistant vasodilatory shock had
high concentrations of serum renin, which was hypoth- Practical recommendations according to current
esized as elevated in a setting of reduced angiotensin II evidence
production (as evidenced by high angiotensin I/angio- The individual risk of AKI should be considered among
tensin II ratios in those patients) [68]. Patients with AKI all patients with critical illness supported in ICU set-
and elevated serum renin were more likely to have kidney tings. While pre-existing CKD and sub-clinical CKD,
recovery after infusion of angiotensin II compared to pla- defined as chronic kidney injury with fibrosis and a nor-
cebo [68, 69]. While more work is needed to validate this mal serum creatinine (representing a loss of kidney func-
endotype, patients in this context with high renin may tional reserve) are important risk factors for AKI, other
represent a treatable trait that could be addressed using chronic diseases, acute illnesses, and exposures during
an available therapy, namely angiotensin II. critical care certainly confer additional risk (Table 2).
Validated measures of illness acuity and burden of organ
dysfunction (e.g., Simplified Acute Physiology Score Department, Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo School of Medicine,
São Paulo, Brazil. 4 Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University
[SAPS], Sequential Organ Failure Assessment [SOFA] College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. 5 Department of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty
score, Renal Angina Index [RAI]) have been shown to of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services,
further discriminate patients at heightened risk for AKI 2‑124 Clinical Sciences Building, 8440‑112 ST NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7,
[77, 78] (Fig. 2).
Among patients at heightened risk, guideline-directed Acknowledgements
care suggests surveillance with regular assessment of SMB is supported by a Canada Research Chair in Critical Care Outcomes and
Systems Evaluation. CER is supported by the Prince of Wales Hospital and
urine output, serum creatinine and, where available, Lewis Foundations and by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São
selective use of non-specific kidney damage and stress Paulo (FAPESP) (Grant number 2019/19631-7).
biomarkers (e.g., [TIMP-2]·[IGFBP7], NGAL, KIM-1
and L-FABP) [4, 17]. Some biomarkers, such as [TIMP-
2]·[IGFBP7] and NGAL, might be available as point-of- Conflicts of interest
care assays, enabling rapid identification of kidney injury, SMB disclosed fees for scientific advisory from Baxter, Novartis, Sea Star Medi-
cal, BioPorto and SphingoTec. PTM disclosed fees for clinical trial consultancy
diagnosis of AKI and classification within specific AKI (Alexion), scientific advisory board (Renibus Therepeutics) or clinical trial
sub-phenotypes. Upon recognition of heightened risk steering committee membership (AM-Pharma, Novartis). ZHE disclosed assay
or overt AKI, further evidence-informed and guideline- support from SphingoTec and scientific advisory board membership (Vifor
directed measures can be undertaken to avoid or mitigate
additional kidney damage [34, 35, 54]. Alignment within
a specific AKI sub-phenotype can be informed by clinical Publisher’s Note
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub-
features and biomarkers that may enable further specific lished maps and institutional affiliations.
therapeutic intervention (Fig. 2). While research to vali-
Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive
date relevant sub-phenotypes remains a priority, many rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other
clinical features and biomarkers may provide incremen- rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of
tal prognostic information and support clinical decision- this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and
applicable law.
making (Table 4), such as a trial of furosemide, escalation
to initiation RRT and referral for long-term kidney health Received: 19 April 2023 Accepted: 12 July 2023
follow-up [79, 80].

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