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Hello my name is Eli Portilla and I am going to talk about how there was a tornado in Japan.

On May twelfth, two thousand and twenty, something happened when my cousin and I were
on vacation.

One day dawned with an impressive sunshine, but a few hours later everything changed, the
clouds became dark and suddenly it started to rain heavily.

Then I saw how a big shadow was approaching slowly, I thought it was a fog, I didn't know
what to do, I only heard people screaming, cars were flying, houses were disappearing and
everybody was running for their lives.

Later I went to my room to get a medical kit in case there were any wounded so I could help.

By the time I arrived there were already many people helping people who needed to be

I felt very nervous because I had never experienced anything like that in my life. In the end I
survived everything that happened and I learned that you should not be nervous about
situations that we do not know.


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