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Chapter 6 – Societal Impacts

Q.1 What is digital footprint? Write the differences between the two digital footprints.

Q.2 Why there is no guarantee that the digital footprints will be fully eliminated from the Internet?

Q.3 How can you be respectful while Online?

Q.4 How can you respect data limits?

Q.5 What all approach can hamper to the justified Creditability of an online post.

Q.6 What is a sensitive data? How can it be protected?

Q.7 What are the three categories of IPR?

Q.8 Draw the table with the given column headings and fill in the details (one example done)

Etiquette You Need To Be I Must Not I Must

I. Net Etiquettes 1. Be Ethical Use Copyright materials without Share information / facts which
permission are right and just
2. Be Respectful
3. Be Responsible
II. Communication

III. Social and

Media Etiquettes

Q.9 Draw the table with the given column headings and fill in the details

Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

Rights to Example Violation Example



Q.10 Draw the table with the given column headings and fill in the details (one example done)

GNU GPL CC Freeware Software Proprietary

License Software License
Grants Whom Recipients

Grants What to copy, modify and

redistribute the

Grants For Software

(Type of Work)

Popular WordPress
Q.11 Draw the table with the given column headings and fill in the details ( examples done)



( Credit to be given to the



(All the parties distribute the

software at same terms)


(The remake of software is

possible but not to be
distributed )


(Not to be used for selling )

Q.12 Mention any three safety measures to reduce the risk of cybercrime.

Q.13 Mention any three impacts of e-waste on human.

Q. 14 List any three governing bodies taken initiative to manage the e-waste.

Case-Analysis Based Questions –

The Asian Paints lost Rs. 28 Lakh while dealing with one of the raw material suppliers last year between
July to November. The fraudsters were aware about the trading between Asian Paints and its Client
because the mail which they (Asian Paints officials) sent to the real supplier did not reach the supplier and
instead got diverted to the fraudsters. Later, the fraudsters managed to convince Asian Paints to transfer
funds to the new bank account. At least five fake email addresses that resembled the supplier's address
were used by the fraudster. Asian Paints learnt it had been duped when it received a mail from the supplier
on November 21 about pending payment.
I. The Asian Paints had been a victim of which type of Cyber Crime?
II. What possible measures should have been taken by Asian Paints to prevent such a kind of Cyber

Kindly visit the webpage -

And give me reasons in points that why would you take / not take and initiative to become a Cyber
Crime Volunteer to the Indian Government. (Feel free to share the flaws of the page if you feel some)

Design a Profile Picture Which should have a caption as “ I AM A GREEN NETIZEN”

Then mention as sub Caption  I Do Care (Add your images where you care for environment being an
IP student)
Kindly display this on all your social platforms and paste the screen shots of the comment you have
received in the IP register.


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