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Nama : Cut Aida Ella Fadliaty

NIM : 2281131437
Semester/Prodi : I (Satu)/S1 PJJ PAI
Kelas : A29
Dosen Pengampu : Mutakhirani Mustafa, M.Hum
Kode/Mata Kuliah : SNJ60006J / Bahasa Inggris 1

1. What does he do every day?
a. On Friday, he makes the bed.
b. On Saturday, he washes the dishes.
c. On Sunday, he waters the plants.
d. On Monday, he cleans the toilet.
e. On Tuesday, he rakes the leaves.
f. On Wednesday, he dusts the furniture.
g. On Thursday, he takes out the trash.
h. On Friday, he washes the car.
i. On Saturday, he sets the table.
j. On Sunday, he irons the clothes.
k. On Monday, he dries the clothes.
2. What time does he do his routine in the pictures?
a) What time does Bart get up?
Bart gets up at seven o’clock in the morning.
b) What time do the Simpsons have breakfast?
Simpsons eats breakfast at quarter past seven in the morning.
c) What time does Homer have a shower?
Homer has a shower at half past seven in the morning.
d) What time does Homer shave?
Homer shaves at quarter to eight in the morning.
e) What time does Marge brush the children’s teeth?
Marge brushes the children’s teeth at quarter to eight in the morning.
f) What time does Homer get dressed?
Homer gets dressed at eight o’clock in the morning.
g) What time does Homer leave the house?
Homer leaves the house at ten past eight in the morning.

h) What time does Homer go to work?

Homer go to works at quarter past eight in the morning.
i) What time does he start work?
He start works at nine o’clock in the morning.
j) What time does Marge clean the house?
Marge cleans the house at quarter to ten in the morning.
k) What time do the children go to school?
The children go to school at quarter past eight in the morning.
l) What time do they start school ?
They start school at half past eight in the morning.
m) What time does Lisa have a coffee break?
Lisa has a coffee break at eleven o’clock in the early afternoon.
n) What time do Marge and Maggie do the shopping?
They do the shopping at half past two in the afternoon.
o) What time does Homer finish work?
Homer finishes work at five o’clock in the afternoon.
p) What time does he get home?
He gets home at half past five in the afternoon.
q) What time does Klown Dog go for a walk?
Klown Dog goes for a walk at quarter to six in the afternoon.
r) What time does Lisa feed the cat?
Lisa feeds the cat at six o’clock in the afternoon.
s) What time does Homer make dinner?
Homer makes dinner at quarter past six in the night.
t) What time do the Simpsons have lunch?
The Simpsons have lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon.
u) What time do they have dinner?
They have dinner at quarter to seven in the night.
v) What time does Homer do exercise?
Homer does exercise at half past six in the morning.
w) What time does Marge do the washing up?
Marge does the washing up quarter to eight in the morning.
x) What time does Homer relax?
Homer relaxes at half past eight in the morning.
y) What time does Bart go to bed?
Bart goes to bed at half past eleven in the night.
z) How do you like to relax?
I like watching tv.
3. What’s your daily routine?
I wake up at four o’clock in the morning. I study at half past four. I pray at five o’clock. Then I
have a shower at quarter past five. I have breakfast at six o’clock. I go to school at half past six.
I go home at half past twelve in the afternoon. I have pray then lunch at one o’clock. I tutor
privat at two o’clock. I pray at four o’clock in the afternoon. Then I pray again at six o’clock an
half past seven o’clock in the night. I study at eight o’clock. Then I go to bed at nine o’clock.
That’s my daily routine everyday.

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