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Earth and Life Science

Continental  Proposed by Alfred Wegener in the
Drift Theory early 20th century. Wegener said
that the continents were all
originally part of a huge landmass
called PANGAEA that was
surrounded by a single ocean,
 Wegener thought that all
continents might fit together this
way, like a jigsaw puzzle.
Plate Tectonic It explain how major landforms are
Theory created as result of Earth's
subterranean movements.
Plate Earth's outermost or lithosphere that
consists of seven large numerous
smaller segments. The plates rest
upon the soft layer of asthenosphere.
Evidences that supports the Plate Tectonic
Paleomagnetism refers to fossil formed millions pf
or fossil years ago and contain record of the
magnetism direction of the magnetic poles at the
time of their formation.

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