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Although firm but not aggressive, it will affect employees or subordinates, because they will do

when they are told what the leader has to do is to give full force or show good manners and
morals in order to influence subordinates or employees themselves. for their decision over
themselves is not upon the leader.

The meaning of influencing that is to use one's own way without interference from the other
side.from a practical point of view in influencing others we as a leader should help and support their
opinion and if you want to influence others it depends on your own skills. for example in
communication and the skills of adapting to others and most of the leaders prefer to use coercive
means when they want a task to be solved, the effect is that he will make the subordinates feel
burdened and dislike the leader.

while if we as leaders value their work and help them, they will not be able to help us as well and
support each other because they feel valued and happy to work with us.therefore, in influencing the
person there are many ways,maybe there are events we can follow our own way, and there are
events we have to follow the understanding of others so as to feel the comfort in connecting.

In influencing an individual or employee requires a process, for example we as a leader need to win
the hearts of those employees so that they are comfortable and easy to listen to the commands
ordered. In addition, a leader should have his own objective of achieving the goals that are already
targeted so that it is clear what he wants to achieve,if the leader has no goals in an organization, it
will be disproportionate. because there is no goal to be achieved. In turn, they are passionate in
doing every job to win the hearts of the workers or subordinates so that they will see their leader as
a hardworking person and not a lazy person and automatically they will also be passionate in doing
their work.

Style of leadership is very important for us to practice because it is what our personality is like, to
influence employees or subordinates, for example the more focused the leader then the more
focused the employee is, meaning if a leader shows positive morals then the employee will also
follow the positive as is clear here that if we as the head are rational, fair and responsible we
will surely be followed and exemplified by our employees.

In theory leadership, what plays an important role is direction and behavior,how a leader plays their
role in giving instructions and showing behavior in a variety of styles and means, not just in one way.
There are 4 parts in leading is supporting, coaching, delegating and we as leaders to
divide direction and behavior in coaching, directing and other else. For example, in coaching, the
leader should provide sufficient and understandable information so that the follower can
understand more clearly what he is taught.while in directing, it is necessary to give instructions that
do not burden the followers so that the work done does not burden the follower.

Lastly, in leading a group there should be a give and take, because each leader must have his own
shortcomings and the one that solves the lack of the leader is the group itself,which is if the leader
runs a group that has no skills,then the leader should play a role in teaching those skills, while if that
team has high skills may be able to help each other in teaching unskilled group members, It is clear
that each leader should self-shape the group if they want the group to be positive, then the leader
must be positive then they will also follow.

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