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Name: Jasmin P.

Balajadia Section: BSN 3Y-15 Date: September 24,2023

Give at least 5 leadership skills examples? elaborate your answer.

● Communication skills

Because they inspire and motivate those around them, leaders must be effective communicators.

Without such abilities, a leader would never be heard or understood by others. So, one crucial

non-technical talent that any leader has to have is good communication.

● Active listening

To make the best decisions for our businesses, leaders must have access to as much knowledge and

a wide range of viewpoints as feasible. Leaders who actively listen are more likely to provide

knowledge because they feel heard and valued.

● Critical thinking

It helps leaders to thoroughly evaluate circumstances, balance the benefits and disadvantages, and

decide on the best course of action.

● Strong delegation skills

In addition to facilitating task completion, delegation in management also empowers staff by granting

them more freedom. Delegation is a crucial technique for increasing team and organizational

performance and efficiency since no leader can do everything all the time.

● Positivity

Positive leadership can help any company succeed by enhancing morale, boosting staff productivity,

and fostering internal leadership. The ability of good leadership to lower staff turnover is one of its

main advantages.

What Are The 3 Most Important Roles of a Leader?

● Communicator
Because they inspire and motivate those around them, leaders must be effective communicators.

Without such abilities, a leader would never be heard or understood by others. So, one crucial

non-technical talent that any leader has to have is good communication.

● Visionary

Instead of having a fixed perspective, visionary leaders must have a development mindset. A

growth-oriented visionary leader can deal with challenges, change, and assimilate fresh knowledge

that may contradict their preconceived ideas or goals. They accept responsibility for their mistakes

and recognize that they can get better.

● Motivator

A passionate and enthusiastic leader motivates their staff. By taking the time to understand people's

priorities, skills, and requirements, they help them feel appreciated. A motivated leader values effort

and inspires the potential of their team members by setting meaningful challenges and objectives.

What leadership means to you?

For me, leadership is the ability of an individual or group of individuals to sway and direct members of

a group, organization, community, or team.

What is the main role of a leader?

From the word itself, “leader”. It is to lead his/her people or team and for them to reach a better


What is the importance of leadership in the school, workplace and the organization?

In school, generally it is to have peace, organize the education system, and establish great teaching

practices for students.

In the workplace, by encouraging communication and teamwork among team members, leaders may

inspire and encourage people to reach the organization's goals and contribute to the creation of a

successful environment.

In organization, leadership clearly has a key role in an organization's success. This helps to boost

output, turn a profit, and cut expenses. Leadership is crucial in management to solve all pressing

issues and establish the course of action in grave circumstances.

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