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கட்டு஫ானம் ஫ற்றும் பரா஫ரிப்பு அைகு

வட்டம் : விழுப்புரம் (நெ), க(஫)ப,

ககாட்டம் : கடலூர் (நெ), க(஫)ப,

உட்ககாட்டம் : காட்டு஫ன்னார்ககாயில் (நெ), க(஫)ப,


஫ன்னார்குடி - ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர் சாலை கி.மீ. 0/8 & 0/10 – ல்

இருவழித்தடத்திலிருந்து இருவழிதடபாவு தள஫ாக
அகைப்படுத்தும் பணி ஫ற்றும் கபவர் பிளாக், வடிகால்
அல஫க்கும் பணி

திட்ட ஫திப்பு ரூ.70.00 ைட்சம்

஫ன்னார்குடி - ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர் சாலய கி.மீ. 0/8 & 0/10 – ல் இருலழித்தடத்திலிருந்து
இருலழிதடபாவு தர஫ாக அகயப்படுத்தும் பணி ஫ற்றும் பபலர் பிராக், லடிகால் அல஫க்கும்

பலலயயின் பப஬ர்: -

஫ன்னார்குடி - ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர் சாலய கி.மீ. 0/8 & 0/10 – ல்

இருலழித்தடத்திலிருந்து இருலழிதடபாவு தர஫ாக அகயப்படுத்தும் பணி ஫ற்றும் பபலர்
பிராக், லடிகால் அல஫க்கும் பணி

அல஫விடம் ஫ற்றும் சாலயயின் லலகப்பாடு (கூகுள் லல஭ப்படத்துடன்)

஫ன்னார்குடி - ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர் சாலய஬ானது ஫ாலட்ட இத஭ சாலய஬ாகும்.

இச்சாலய 7.200 கி.மீ நீரம் ஫ற்றும் கி.மீ. 0/0 – 4/0 லல஭ 7.00 மீ அகயம் பகாண்ட
இருலழிதட஫ாகவும், கி.மீ. 4/0 – 7/2 லல஭ 5.50 மீ அகயம் பகாண்ட
இலடலழிதட஫ாகவும் உள்ரது . இச்சாலய஬ானது ஫ாலட்டத்தின் தலயநக஭ம் ஫ற்றும்
முக்கி஬ பகுதிகலர காட்டு஫ன்னார்பகாயிபயாடு இலைக்கின்மது.
காட்டு஫ன்னார்பகாயில் இருந்து ஫யியாடுதுலம பசல்லதற்கு முக்கி஬ சாலய஬ாக
உள்ரது. இச்சாலயயில் ஭ாபேந்தி஭பசாறகன், பி஭ாடி, ப஫ாவூர், ஫ாளிலகப஫டு,
ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர், முட்டம் பபான்ம விலசா஬ முக்கி஬த்துலம் பபற்ம கி஭ா஫ங்கள் உள்ரது.

஫ாலட்டம் – கடலூர்
பகாட்டம் – கடலூர்
சட்ட஫ன்ம பதாகுதி: - காட்டு஫ன்னார்பகாயில்

முக்கி஬த்துலம் ஫ற்றும் அலசி஬ம்: -
஫ன்னார்குடி - ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர் சாலய஬ானது ஫ாலட்ட இத஭ சாலய஬ாகும்.
இச்சாலய பதசி஬ பநடுஞ்சாலய஬ான திருச்சி – சிதம்ப஭ம் சாலய கி.மீ 110/6 –ல்
காட்டு஫ன்னார்பகாயில் பதாடங்கி ஫ாலட்ட இத஭ சாலய஬ான எய்஬லூர் –
ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர் சாலய கி.மீ 6/0 –ல் ஓ஫ாம்புலியூரில் முடிலலடகிமது . ப஫லும்
இச்சாலயயில் கி .மீ 6/0 –ல் ஫ாலட்ட இத஭ சாலய஬ான முட்டம் சாலய பசல்கிமது .
஫ன்னார்குடி - ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர் சாலய஬ானது கடலூர் ஫ற்றும் ஫யியாடுதுலம ஆகி஬
இ஭ண்டு ஫ாலட்டங்கலர இலைப்பதால் அதிகப்படி஬ான கன஭க லாகனங்கள்
஫ற்றும் நான்கு சக்க஭ லாகன பபாக்குல஭த்து உள்ரது . ஫ன்னார்குடி - ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர்
சாலயயில் கி.மீ. 0/8 –ல் அ஭சு ஫களிர் ப஫ல்நிலயப்பள்ளி , லணிக லராகங்கள், விலசா஬
விலர பபாருட்கள் பசமிப்பு கிடங்கு உள்ர நக஭ பகுதி஬ாகும் . இப்பகுதியில் தற்பபாது
஫லறநீர் லடிகால் பசத஫லடந்து உள்ரதால் ஫லறநீர் பதங்கா஫ல் நீல஭ பலளிப஬ற்ம
஫லறநீர் லடிகால் அலசி஬ம் . ப஫லும் இப்பகுதியில் அ஭சு பள்ளி அல஫஬ப்பபற்று
உள்ரதால் பள்ளி துலங்கும் ஫ற்றும் முடியும் பந஭ங்களில் ஫ாைவிகள் ஓடுதர
பாலதல஬ பாதசாரிகராக ப஬ன்படுத்துலது லாகன ஓட்டிகள் ஫ற்றும் ஫ாைவிகளுக்கு
ஆபத்தான சூறலய ஏற்படுத்துகிமது . பபாக்குல஭த்து பநரிசல் மிக்க பந஭ங்களில் நக஭
பகுதிப஬ கடப்பது பாதுகாப்பு அற்மதாகவும் காய வில஭஬ம் ஏற்படுலதாகவும் உள்ரது .
எனபல ஓடுதர பாலதயில் ப஬ணிக்கும் ஫ாைவிகள் ஫ற்றும் பாதசாரிகலர லாகன
ஓட்டிகளிடம் இருந்து பிரிக்கும் லண்ைம் இப்பகுதியில் பபலர் பிராக் அல஫ப்பது
பாதசாரிகளுக்கு பதலல஬ான பாதுகாப்லப லறங்குல தாகவும், லாகன ஓட்டிகளுக்கு
ஆபத்தற்ம ப஬ைத்திற்கு மிகவும் ப஬னுள்ரதாக அல஫யும்.
திட்ட ஫திப்பு வில஭ம்: -
ல.எண். வில஭ம் (யட்சத்தில்)

஫ன்னார்குடி - ஓ஫ாம்புலியூர் சாலய கி.மீ. 0/8 & 0/10 – ல்

1. இருலழித்தடத்திலிருந்து இருலழிதடபாவு தர஫ாக அகயப்படுத்தும் 70.00
பணி ஫ற்றும் பபலர் பிராக், லடிகால் அல஫க்கும் பணி

ப஫ாத்த பதாலக 70.00

உதவிக்பகாட்டப்பபாறி஬ாரர், (பந) உதவிப்பபாறி஬ாரர், (பந)

க(஫)ப, காட்டு஫ன்னார்பகாயில் க(஫)ப, காட்டு஫ன்னார்பகாயில்.


Widening from Twolane to 2LPV at km 0/8 & 0/10 of Mannargudy -

Name of work:
Omampuliyur road and Providing paver block and Drain at km 0/8 & 0/10

Estimate Amt.Rs. 70.00 Lakhs.

Contents Details of work Rate Per Amount
Excavation including removal and
satisfactory disposal of all materias
necessary for the construction of roadway
and side drains in accordance with the
1 758.64m³ specifications and the lines, grades and 112.05 Cum. 85006
cross sections shown in the drawings or as
indicated by the Engineer for Box Cutting
for Wideneing Portion and as per MORTH
No. 111, 112, 201, 202, 301, 302.
Forming the Subgrade for the Widening
portion with Carted Earth having minimum
CBR of 10 with an additional lead of km
2 225.00m³ including conveyance, laying, watering and 457.64 Cum. 102970
consolidation etc., complete as directed by
the Engineer for as per MORTH No.111,
112, 305, 900
Providing and Laying Granular Sub-Base
Grade- III consisting of well graded
Material confirming to the grading given in
Table No.400-1, mixing in a mechanical
mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed
3 67.50m³ 2268.37 Cum. 153115
Material to work site, spreading in uniform
layers with motor grader on prepared surface
and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density, etc., complete as
directed by the Engineer.
Contents Details of work Rate Per Amount
Providing and Laying Granular Sub-Base
Grade- V consisting of well graded Material
confirming to the grading given in Table
No.400-1, mixing in a mechanical mix plant
at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work
4 177.39m³ 2161.65 Cum. 383456
site, spreading in uniform layers with motor
grader on prepared surface and compacting
with vibratory roller to achieve the desired
density, etc., complete as directed by the
Provding and Laying Wet Mix Macadam
consisting of clean crushed aggregates
confirming to the grading given in Table
No.400-13, including premixing the Material
with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant
carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site,
5 206.25m³ 2454.77 Cum. 506297
laying in uniform layers with paver on well
prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory roller to achieve the desired
density, etc., complete as directed by the
Engineer. as per MORTH No. 111, 112, 406,
Providing and applying Prime Coat over
granular Base with bitumen emulsion (SS-I
type) on prepared surface including
preparing the road surface and spraying the
6 825.00 m² 82.19 sqm 67808
primer at the rate of 0.70 kg/sqm using
bitumen sprayer as directed by the Engineer -
over WMM as per MORTH No. 111, 112,
502, 900
Contents Details of work Rate Per Amount
Providing and applying Tack Coat over

granular surface treated with primer using

Bitumen Emulsion (RS-I type) with

7 825.00 m² 18.34 sqm 15128
mechanical sprayer at the rate of 0.25 kg per

sqm as directed by the Engineer as per

MORTH No.111,112,503,900.
Providing and applying Tack Coat over

existing bituminous surfaces with Bitumen

Emulsion (RS-I type) using mechanical

8 304.13 m² sprayer at the rate of 0.20 kg per sqm on the 26.51 sqm 8062

prepared bituminous surface as directed by

the Engineer as per MORTH No. 111, 112,

503, 900
Providing and laying Dense Bituminous
Macadam which work shall consist of
construction, using crushed aggregates,
(Table 500-10) premixed with VG 30 Grade
Bitumen at the rate of minimum 4.50% by
weight of the total mix confirming to the
aggregates and binder as per the job mix
10 72.96m³ formula in the Hot mix plant, transporiting 10723.22 Cum. 782366
the mix to the worksite, laying with paver
finisher and compaction with smooth wheeld
and vibratory roller in accordance with the
requirements of the specification and in
confirmity with the drawing as directed by
the Engineer for DBM (Grade-II ) as per
MORTH No. 111, 112, 505, 900
Contents Details of work Rate Per Amount
Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete
which work shall consist of construction
using coarse aggregates (Table 500-17)
premixed with VG 40 Grade Bitumen at the
rate of minimum 5.40% by weight of the
total mix confirming to the aggregates and
binder as per the job mix formula in the Hot
11 33.88m³ mix plant, transporiting the mix to the 11583.83 Cum. 392460
worksite, laying with paver finisher and
compaction with smooth wheeld and
vibratory roller in accordance with the
requirements of the specification and in
confirmity with the drawing as directed by
the Engineer for BC (Grade-II) as per
MORTH No. 111, 112, 507, 900
Refilling the excavated Earth as specified
in the specifications including laying
watering consolidation etc., complete as
12 80.00m³ 38.95 Cum. 3116
directed by the Engineer for behing the
Retaining wall as per MORTH No.111,
112, 305 ,900
Providing and laying Carted Earth having

minimum with an additional lead of km

including cost of earth, seniorage charges

13 60.00m³ conveyance, laying, watering and 457.64 Cum. 27459

consolidation etc., complete as directed by

the Engineer for forming the shoulders as

per MORTH No.111, 112, 305, 900

Total 2527243
Sub Estimate for drain 308228
Sub Estimate for Paver block 2154008
Estimate including all Sub Estimate 4989479
14 Provision for GST 18% 898106

Total Contract Value including GST 5887585

Contents Details of work Rate Per Amount

15 Provision for Escalation 5.00 % for charges L.S 294379

16 Provision for advertisement charges L.S 50000

17 Provision for Quality control 1% charges L.S 58876

18 Provision for Road Furniture 2% charges L.S 117752

19 Provision for shifting of EB Poles,Utilities. L.S 400000

20 Provision for Labour welfare fund 1.00% charges L.S 58876

21 Provision for P.S & Contingencies charges 2.50% L.S 132532

Total Amount Rs. 7000000

Assistant Divisional Engineer Assistant Engineer

Highways,C&M,Kattumannarkoil Highways,C&M,Kattumannarkoil

Widening from Twolane to 2LPV at km 0/8 & 0/10 of Mannargudy -

NAME OF WORK : - Omampuliyur road and Providing paver block and Drain at km 0/8 &
Estimate Amt.Rs. 70.00 Lakhs
Sl. Description of Measurement in Metre
No. Contents
No. work L B D
Excavation including removal and satisfactory disposal of all materias necessary for
the construction of roadway and side drains in accordance with the specifications
1 and the lines, grades and cross sections shown in the drawings or as indicated by the
Engineer for Box Cutting for Wideneing Portion and as per MORTH No. 111,
112, 201, 202, 301, 302.
Ch.690-740 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 1.215 91.13

Ch.740-840 1 X 2 100.00 1.50 1.215 364.50

Ch.840-890 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 1.215 91.13

Bus Laybye 1 X 2 15.00 5.00 0.565 84.75

1 X 2 45.00 2.50 0.565 127.13

758.64 m³
Forming the Subgrade for the Widening portion with Carted Earth having minimum
CBR of 10 with an additional lead of km including conveyance, laying, watering and
consolidation etc., complete as directed by the Engineer for as per MORTH No.111,
112, 305, 900
Ch.690-740 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.500 37.50

Ch.740-840 1 X 2 100.00 1.50 0.500 150.00

Ch.840-890 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.500 37.50

225.00 m³
Providing and Laying Granular Sub-Base Grade- III consisting of well graded
Material confirming to the grading given in Table No.400-1, mixing in a mechanical
3 mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform
layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density, etc., complete as directed by the Engineer.
Ch.690-740 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.150 11.25

Ch.740-840 1 X 2 100.00 1.50 0.150 45.00

Ch.840-890 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.150 11.25

67.50 m³
Sl. Description of Measurement in Metre
No. Contents
No. work L B D
Providing and Laying Granular Sub-Base Grade- V consisting of well graded
Material confirming to the grading given in Table No.400-1, mixing in a mechanical
4 mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform
layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density, etc., complete as directed by the Engineer.
Ch.690-740 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.215 16.13

Ch.740-840 1 X 2 100.00 1.50 0.215 64.50

Ch.840-890 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.215 16.13

Bus Laybye 1 X 2 15.00 5.00 0.215 32.25

1 X 2 45.00 2.50 0.215 48.38

177.39 m³
Provding and Laying Wet Mix Macadam consisting of clean crushed aggregates
confirming to the grading given in Table No.400-13, including premixing the Material
with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to
site, laying in uniform layers with paver on well prepared surface and compacting
with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, etc., complete as directed by the
Engineer. as per MORTH No. 111, 112, 406, 900.
Ch.690-740 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.250 18.75

Ch.740-840 1 X 2 100.00 1.50 0.250 75.00

Ch.840-890 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.250 18.75

Bus Laybye 1 X 2 15.00 5.00 0.250 37.50

1 X 2 45.00 2.50 0.250 56.25

206.25 m³
Providing and applying Prime Coat over granular Base with bitumen emulsion (SS-
I type) on prepared surface including preparing the road surface and spraying the
primer at the rate of 0.70 kg/sqm using bitumen sprayer as directed by the Engineer -
over WMM as per MORTH No. 111, 112, 502, 900
Ch.690-740 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 75.00

Ch.740-840 1 X 2 100.00 1.50 300.00

Ch.840-890 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 75.00

Bus Laybye 1 X 2 15.00 5.00 150.00

1 X 2 45.00 2.50 225.00

825.00 m²
Sl. Description of Measurement in Metre
No. Contents
No. work L B D
Providing and applying Tack Coat over granular surface treated with primer using
7 Bitumen Emulsion (RS-I type) with mechanical sprayer at the rate of 0.25 kg per sqm
as directed by the Engineer as per MORTH No.111,112,503,900.
Ch.690-740 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 75.00

Ch.740-840 1 X 2 100.00 1.50 300.00

Ch.840-890 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 75.00

Bus Laybye 1 X 2 15.00 5.00 150.00

1 X 2 45.00 2.50 225.00

825.00 m²
Providing and applying Tack Coat over existing bituminous surfaces with Bitumen
Emulsion (RS-I type) using mechanical sprayer at the rate of 0.20 kg per sqm on the
prepared bituminous surface as directed by the Engineer as per MORTH No. 111,
112, 503, 900
Branching Road
1 x 1 15.00 7.775 116.63
1 x 1 50.00 3.750 187.50

304.13 m²

Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam which work shall consist of
construction, using crushed aggregates, (Table 500-10) premixed with VG 30 Grade
Bitumen at the rate of minimum 4.50% by weight of the total mix confirming to the
aggregates and binder as per the job mix formula in the Hot mix plant, transporiting
the mix to the worksite, laying with paver finisher and compaction with smooth
wheeld and vibratory roller in accordance with the requirements of the specification
and in confirmity with the drawing as directed by the Engineer for DBM (Grade-II )
as per MORTH No. 111, 112, 505, 900
Widening Portion
Ch.690-740 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.070 5.25
Ch.740-840 1 X 2 100.00 1.50 0.070 21.00

Ch.840-890 1 X 2 50.00 0.75 0.070 5.25

Branching Road
1 x 1 15.00 7.775 0.050 5.83
1 x 1 50.00 3.750 0.050 9.38
Bus Laybye 1 X 2 15.00 5.00 0.070 10.50

1 X 2 45.00 2.50 0.070 15.75

72.96 m³
Sl. Description of Measurement in Metre
No. Contents
No. work L B D
Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete which work shall consist of
construction using coarse aggregates (Table 500-17) premixed with VG 30 Grade
Bitumen at the rate of minimum 5.40% by weight of the total mix confirming to the
aggregates and binder as per the job mix formula in the Hot mix plant, transporiting
the mix to the worksite, laying with paver finisher and compaction with smooth
wheeld and vibratory roller in accordance with the requirements of the specification
and in confirmity with the drawing as directed by the Engineer for BC (Grade-II) as
per MORTH No. 111, 112, 507, 900
Ch.690-740 1 x 2 50.00 0.75 0.030 2.25
Ch.740-840 1 x 2 100.00 1.50 0.030 9.00
Ch.840-890 1 x 2 50.00 0.75 0.030 2.25
Branching Road
1 x 1 15.00 7.775 0.030 3.50
1 x 1 50.00 3.750 0.030 5.63
Bus Laybye 1 X 2 15.00 5.00 0.030 4.50

1 X 2 45.00 2.50 0.030 6.75

33.88 m³
Refilling the excavated Earth as specified in the specifications including laying
12 watering consolidation etc., complete as directed by the Engineer for behing the
Retaining wall as per MORTH No.111, 112, 305 ,900
Ch.690-740 1 x 2 50.00 1.00 0.200 20.00

Ch.740-840 1 x 2 100.00 1.00 0.200 40.00

Ch.740-840 1 x 2 50.00 1.00 0.200 20.00

80.00 m³
Providing and laying Carted Earth having minimum with an additional lead of km
including cost of earth, seniorage charges conveyance, laying, watering and
consolidation etc., complete as directed by the Engineer for forming the shoulders as
per MORTH No.111, 112, 305, 900
Ch.690-740 1 x 2 50.00 1.00 0.150 15.00

Ch.740-840 1 x 2 100.00 1.00 0.150 30.00

Ch.840-890 1 x 2 50.00 1.00 0.150 15.00

60.00 m³
Sl. Description of Measurement in Metre
No. Contents
No. work L B D
14 Provision for GST 18% LS

15 Provision for Escalation 5.00 % LS

16 Provision for advertisement charges LS

17 Provision for Quality control 1% charges LS

18 Provision for Road Furniture 2% charges LS

19 Provision for shifting of EB Poles,Utilities. LS

20 Provision for Labour welfare fund 1.00% charges LS

21 Provision for P.S & Contingencies charges 2.50% LS

Assistant Divisional Engineer Assistant Engineer

Highways,C&M,Kattumannarkoil Highways,C&M,Kattumannarkoil

Name of
Providing Drain at km 0/8 & 0/10 of Mannarkudi - Omampuliyur road
Work :

Estimate Amount:- ₹ 3,08,228

Earthwork excavation in all classes of soil
except soft disintegrated rock and medium rock
not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring
blasting and depositing on bank with all leads
and lifts as per SS20B, including cost of all
labour, equipments and all incidental charges
such as baling our water, providing and
1 maintaining necessary cofferdams, sheeting, 48.00 m³ 112.05 5378
shoring bracing and their subsequent removal,
removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other
deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming
bottom of excavation backfilling, and clearing
the site and disposal of all surplus materials
etc., complete as per relevant standard
specification for FOUNDATION OF DRAIN
Plain Cement Concrete M15 (Nominal Mix) using
40mm ISS size HBG metal including cost and
conveyance of all materials to site including cost
of cement, centering, soft water, labour charges
for mixing, transporting, laying and curing
concrete , working at depths , tools and plants
2 3.20 m³ 6291.06 20131
employed and maintaining of protective bunds,
cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc., complete as
per relevant standard specifications as directed
by the Engineer for as per MORTH No. 111, 112,
900, 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100 Base Course for
Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of grade
M25 DESIGN MIX using ISS size graded HBG
metal including cost and conveyance of all
materials to site including cost of cement at site
including cost of formwork, soft water, labour
3 charges for mixing, transporting, laying and 5.60 m³ 9158.80 51289
curing concrete , working at depths , tools and
plants and maintaining of protective bunds,
cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc., complete as
per relevant standard specifications, for Below
Sill Level
Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of grade
M25 DESIGN MIX using ISS size graded HBG
metal including cost and conveyance of all
materials to site including cost of cement at site
including cost of formwork, soft water, labour
4 charges for mixing, transporting, laying and 13.58 m³ 9278.80 126006
curing concrete , working at depths , tools and
plants and maintaining of protective bunds,
cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc., complete as
per relevant standard specifications, for Side
wall & Cover slab
Supply of fabrication of Fe 500 steel required
for all RCC items of works involved in the
schedule cost of steel at site fabrication,labour
charges for cleaning the rods straightening,
cutting, bending, tying grills, including
5 overlapping to the required length whenever 1.100 MT 94805.00 104286
necessary and placing the reinforcement in
position as specified in the drawings,including
cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars,
cover blocks and all other incidental charges
etc,complete, Fe - 500 grade
Providing and fixing of M.S Gratings of
300x200mm size with M.S flats of 25x10 mm
6 2.00 Nos 569.00 1138
for inner braces with mild steel grating and
fixing them in position .

Sub-Total 3,08,228

Assistant Divisional Engineer, Assistant Engineer,

Highways,C&M, Kattumannarkoil. Highways,C&M, Kattumannarkoil.

Name of work:- Providing Drain at km 0/8 & 0/10 of Mannarkudi - Omampuliyur road

Description of work
No. No. Quantity
Length Breadth Depth
Earthwork excavation in all classes of soil except soft disintegrated rock
and medium rock not requiring blasting and hard rock requiring blasting
and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS20B, including
cost of all labour, equipments and all incidental charges such as baling our
water, providing and maintaining necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring
bracing and their subsequent removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs
and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming bottom of
excavation backfilling, and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus
materials etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for
1.00 Width Drain

1 × 1 20.00 1.60 1.500 48.00

48.00 m³
Plain Cement Concrete M15 (Nominal Mix) using 40mm ISS size HBG
metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost
of cement, centering, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting,
laying and curing concrete , working at depths , tools and plants employed
and maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc.,
complete as per relevant standard specifications as directed by the
Engineer for as per MORTH No. 111, 112, 900, 1000, 1500, 1700, 2100
Base Course Below Drain
1.00 Width Drain

1 × 1 20.00 1.60 0.100 3.20

3.20 m³
Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M25 (Design Mix) using ISS
graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site
including cost of cement, centering, soft water, labour charges for mixing,
transporting, laying and curing concrete , working at depths , tools and
plants employed and maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring,
strutting etc.,complete as per relevent standard specification for Drain .as
per MORTH No. 111,112,900,1000, 1500,1700,2200 for Below Sill Level
for Base Slab
1.00 Width Drain

1 × 1 20.00 1.40 0.200 5.60

5.60 m³
Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M25 (Design Mix) using ISS
graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site
including cost of cement, centering, soft water, labour charges for mixing,
transporting, laying and curing concrete , working at depths , tools and
plants employed and maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring,
strutting etc.,complete as per relevent standard specification for Drain .as
per MORTH No. 111,112,900,1000, 1500,1700,2200 for Side wall &
Cover slab
1.00 Width Drain
Side Wall 1 × 2 20.00 0.20 1.000 8.00

Top Slab 1 × 1 20.00 1.40 0.200 5.60

Deduct M.S.Grating
-1 x 2 0.30 0.20 0.200 -0.02
(10m interval)
13.58 m³
Supply and fabrication of Fe 500 Steel required for all RCC items of works
involved in the schedule including cost of steel and cost of fabrication,
labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying
grills, including over lapping to the required length wherever necessary
and providing to the reinforcement placing the reinforcement in position
as specified in the drawings including cost of binding wire, provision of
spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc. complete as
directed by the Engineer as per MORTH No. 111, 112, 900, 1000
Road Crossing Drain

1 × 1 20 55Kg 1.10

Providing and fixing of M.S Gratings of 300x200mm size with M.S flats of
6 25x10 mm for inner braces with mild steel grating and fixing them in
position .

1 x 2 2.00

2.00 Nos

Assistant Divisional Engineer, Assistant Engineer,

Highways,C&M, Kattumannarkoil. Highways,C&M, Kattumannarkoil.
Name of Work:- Providing paver block at km 0/8 & 0/10 of Mannarkudi -
Omampuliyur road
Description of work Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
Excavation including removal and satisfactory
disposal of all materials necessary for the
construction of roadway and side drains in
accordance with the specifications and the lines,
1 195.38 m³ 112.05 21892
grades and cross sections shown in the drawings
or as indicated by the Engineer for Box Cutting
for Widening Portion and as per MORTH No.
111, 112, 301, 302.
Providing and Laying Wet Mix Macadam
consisting of clean crushed aggregates confirming
to the grading given in Table No.400-13, including
premixing the Material with water at OMC in
mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material
2 264.58 m³ 1876.19 496402
by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with
paver on well prepared surface and compacting
with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density,
etc., complete as directed by the Engineer. as per
MORTH No. 111, 112, 406, 900.
Stone dust filling including Cost and Conveyance
of Stone Dust to Worksite including labour
Charges for filling in layers as Specified by the
Departmental officer including watering with all
3 leads for water inlcuding charges for Compacting, 52.92 m² 592.17 31338
tamping,ramming, under optimum, moisture
content to obatin the maximum density,and all
other incidental charges etc.,Complete as per
Standard Specification.
Providing and laying 63mm thick strength type
factory made cement concrete interlocking paver
block of M -40 grade made by block making
machine with strong vibratory compaction and of
4 1763.80 m² 713.00 1257589
approved size and design / shape laid in required
colour and pattern over and including filling of
joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the
direction of Engineer - in -charge
Vibrated cement concrete M20 (Nominalmix)
using 40mm ISS size hardbroken granite metal
including cost and conveyance of all materials to
5 site including cost and labourcharges for 51.15 m² 6779.81 346787
formwork, centering, labour charges for laying,
compacting,curing all incidental charges etc.,
complete for Paver Block Kerb Wall
Sub Total 2154008

Assistant Divisional Engineer, Assistant Engineer,

Highways,C&M,Kattumannarkoil Highways,C&M,Kattumannarkoil
Detailed Estimate

Name of Work:- Providing paver block at km 0/8 & 0/10 of Mannarkudi -

Omampuliyur road

Sl. Measurement
Describition No's Qty
No L B D
Excavation including removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials
necessary for the construction of roadway and side drains in
accordance with the specifications and the lines, grades and cross
sections shown in the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer for Box
Cutting for Widening Portion and as per MORTH No. 111, 112, 301,

L/S 1 x 1 738.30 0.093 68.66

R/S 1 x 1 1025.50 0.093 95.37

Kerb Wall Km 0/690 -

1 x 2 200.00 0.165 0.175 11.55
0/890 Road side
Kerb Wall Km 0/690 -
1 x 2 200.00 0.165 0.300 19.80
0/890 Outer side

195.38 m³

Providing and Laying Wet Mix Macadam consisting of clean crushed

aggregates confirming to the grading given in Table No.400-13, including
premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant
2 carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with
paver on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density, etc., complete as directed by the Engineer. as
per MORTH No. 111, 112, 406, 900.

L/S 1 x 1 738.30 0.150 110.75

R/S 1 x 1 1025.50 0.150 153.83

264.58 m³

Stone dust filling including Cost and Conveyance of Stone Dust to

Worksite including labour Charges for filling in layers as Specified by the
Departmental officer including watering with all leads for water inlcuding
charges for Compacting, tamping,ramming, under optimum, moisture
content to obatin the maximum density,and all other incidental charges
etc.,Complete as per Standard Specification.

L/S 1 x 1 738.30 0.030 22.15

R/S 1 x 1 1025.50 0.030 30.77

52.92 m³
Providing and laying 63mm thick strength type factory made cement
concrete interlocking paver block of M -40 grade made by block making
machine with strong vibratory compaction and of approved size and
design / shape laid in required colour and pattern over and including
filling of joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of
Engineer - in -charge

L/S 1 x 1 738.30 738.30

R/S 1 x 1 1025.50 1025.50

1763.80 m²

Vibrated cement concrete M20 (Nominalmix) using 40mm ISS size

hardbroken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials
5 to site including cost and labourcharges for
formwork,centering,labourchargesforlaying,compacting,curing all
incidental charges etc., complete for Paver Block Kerb Wall

Kerb Wall Km 0/690 -

1 x 2 200.00 0.165 0.325 21.45
0/890 Road side
Kerb Wall Km 0/690 -
1 x 2 200.00 0.165 0.450 29.70
0/890 Outer side

51.15 m³

Assistant Divisional Engineer, Assistant Engineer,

Highways,C&M,Kattumannarkoil Highways,C&M,Kattumannarkoil


Km 0/8, 0/10
Division: Cuddalore (H) C&M Sub Division: Kattumannarkoil (H) C&M

Mannarkudi - Omampuliyur Road Km 0/8, 0/10

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