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The objective of the company is to deliver food on electric bikes on customer request
The company cares about the environment
First week focusses on leasing electric bikes and planning our boundaries for food delivery
Human resource is the basement for any company
Picking right minds with right talents would be the next step for any company
Instead of a boring presentation of the start-up idea explanation like “the money heist
professor” would be more interesting
The anchor of the company lies on how the idea is communicated to the peers
Training phase is the phase in which the direction of the company will be decided
Employees should not feel bored of getting learned
Rewarding for the best performer motivates everyone to perform in the training phase
Collecting feed backs from the employees about the training
Maintaining a data base helps a lot to improve the quality of the company
Data science models can be used to improve the service quality
Execution of the idea in a well phased manner is important
Conversion of thoughts to process is done in the phase
Employees fulfil customer needs
Customer satisfaction is more important
Any kind of error in the software is rectified
Cloud technology can be used to handle customer traffic
The progress of the company is monitored
Current data is compared with previous month data to identify potential insights from the
Keeping track of the company helps to improve the service satisfaction and employee

This is the crucial phase in which the company undergoes various hardships. The future of the
company depends on how we overcome this phase. On demand we can recruit new ones to handle
customer traffic. Customer feedback is collected post-delivery. Various new technologies will be
implemented in order to be in competition. We don’t compare with anyone we compete with
ourselves. First quarter performance is analysed and any change in management is done if needed.
Employee rating can be given by the customer. Employee with highest rating in a month gets a
recognition from the company. Employees form the back bone of the company hence employee
retention is the one which cannot be ignored. Any advise from the employees to improve the
In This phase we will discuss our Company’ economic growth and plan about our future
investors. In this month our Finance team will discuss about our capital raising strategies. We will get
advices from senior economists about listing our company in NSE. Then our Finance team will
discuss about the instructions and ideas given by the economist. Then we will decide about opening
our company as Initial Public Offering. If we decide to postpone our IPO plan, we will seek Venture
capitals and banks for funding. Then we will expand our Company to wider Network.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to explore myself in business ideas and strategies. I have
presented my idea for 180 days to my best.

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